Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Currently- March edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to link up with us for this month's March edition of Currently. We're talking about what we're currently loving, starting, finishing, trying, and (where we're) going, since it's the month of Spring break. I'll jump right in!

Loving: I am loving all these pins I keep sharing on Pinterest. I am a "look on the bright side of things" kind of girl, always have been and I always will be. I consider it a privilege to be able to share the joy that Jesus put into my heart when He saved me with the ones around me. Here are a few reminders I'm currently loving.

A few more reminders I'm loving are things like doing the right thing at all times, even when nobody is watching. I also think it's great to take care of the area you're in, whether at work or at home. I pick up trash if I see it, I clean my surfaces when I'm at work, I try to leave spaces cleaner than when I found them. It's a big deal for me to be able leave work each day with a surface that's clean and ready for me when I come in the next day. 

This is me one day when I got to work early. 

Staring: I am starting to get ready for spring! I'll be honest and confess that it's not my favorite season. I am always hot, and with that being the case, the warmer months of the year are NOT my favorite. Even so, I am starting to get a taste of spring fever and am anxious to see whether or not our flowers and bushes survived the frigid temperatures we dipped into before Christmas and a few weeks ago when we got a lot of ice. I truly enjoy all the seasons, but come this time of year, I am ready to see new life on the trees outside of our windows. 

I really, REALLY hope our flowers survived! 

Finishing: I have been finishing each day with tv in my bed before I fall asleep. I love ending the day that way! It feels luxurious to sit and do that while laying down in bed. In case you're new and didn't know this, it's been over 20 years since we've had a television in our bedroom! Todd hung one for me after the holidays and I have LOVED having it there. I'm always careful to set the sleep timer each night, because I'm usually passed out in thirty minutes.

Trying: In the weeks that I've been working full time, I have had two REALLY bad days. One was from being overwhelmed at the amount of knowledge I'm having to keep up with, and the second was because I was exhausted from not sleeping. In order to combat that from happening again, I have been trying a new morning routine, and I am two weeks in and it seems to be working well. I am not getting up quite as early as I was, and sleeping in until 5:45. I have alarms set Monday-Friday of each week to ensure that this does happen and that I wake up on time. I'm also coming downstairs and enjoying my coffee while reading my favorite blogs, then at 6:45 I'm back upstairs getting dressed for my day. I've let go of several things and like I said: for now, this seems to be working. I had to be willing to switch up my morning routine, and I'm thankful the Lord put that thought into my mind for me to try. All of this has helped me improve my routine, and since then, all has been well. I do expect to have bad days from time to time, but I don't want to focus on them too much.

Going: We are currently getting ready to go to Louisville, Kentucky for a few days during spring break! I'm excited about this and the prospect of getting out of town with Todd for a few days. It's been way too long since my husband and I have traveled together alone. I'd love to be more intentional about this in the years to come. I know too many people who had the chance to travel freely and didn't take the opportunity, and then when they went to go somewhere, it was too late. I don't want to be like that! Traveling keeps you young and adventure is good for the heart, and for the spirit. I want to go to new places, whether near or far, and I want to do as much as I can with my husband. Many of you know my dad will be 92 on his next birthday at the end of March, and all of his traveling is part of what helped keep him young at heart. I want to be like that and do the same thing. 

Also, I can't share this without giving my friend Amy a shout-out! She has helped me come up with some plans for our trip and emailed me all the information. She and I also spent a day last week talking for over an hour and a half! The time flew by, and as I'd guessed would happen, we felt like old friends talking and never once ran out of things to say. I can't wait to meet up with her while we're there! She is every bit as fun and cool as she seems on her blog, which has become my very favorite of all. 

Well, my friends, with that, I will end this post. Thank you for joining in with me today for this month's edition of Currently! I hope to see you back here in the days to follow; even though I work full time, I am still blogging five times a week, sometimes with a bonus post thrown in for good measure. I hope you come back and read often! Next month, we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, hoping, playing, needing, and feeling. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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  1. I also love it when the trees start to bloom in the spring and when I see all of the blooms, especially flowers. Glad you are getting more sleep. I cycle in and out of not getting enough sleep and I know how deleterious it can be to not get enough sleep. I guess I didn't realize that the Currently topics change month to month? I wrote a post based on last months's prompts. Oops! I'll try to recall how it works better next month but no guarantees, lol. Have a great day!

  2. It says the link party is not open yet, so I will try to come back and link up later!

    You are so welcome and I sent you a DM on IG with a few more restaurant suggestions. I hope you all have great weather and a great little trip. It's so important. Tom and I really need to plan something soon!

  3. Spring is my favourite time of year but I agree, before the summer heat hits is the best. We are also meeting up with blog friends on our spring break trip and, having done it before, I can tell you that they are the most amazing people. In fact, one set of blog friends we're visiting this time around will be the second time we've met up with them in person! I am excited for when my husband and I can travel more just the two of us. We do a good job of taking our kids with us but some of my favourite trips have been just Dave and me. And thank you for the reminders at the top of your post -- I need to print a few of them out for my work monitor -- I've been stressed and grumpy at work lately and need to remember a few of those things.

  4. Hi Jennifer! It says the Link Party won't be open for 7 hours..I promise to come back and linkup..thanks for hosting...I am getting excited for some spring and summer travel...helping me get through the winter here :)

  5. Maria, I do love seeing all of the color! It's always so nice to see after a drab winter. It's okay! Yes, they do change from month to month, and I always try to give you the next month's the month before. No worries, but I'm glad you're joining us! Sorry about the mixup on the link- I accidentally hit 12 p.m. instead of a.m.

  6. Amy, sorry! I accidentally set it to 12 p.m. instead of a.m., but it's open now. My bad! Thanks again and I did see that! I'm so excited to come!

  7. Natalie, that is so amazing that you're meeting up with blog friends again! I love that. I have another one who lives here near me, and we met for coffee one night in the fall of last year. It's so fun when life paths intersect! It is fun to travel, but I also miss the days of traveling with our sons. We haven't been on a vacation together in a few years. They all started vacationing with friends, then it became a thing. One moved out, and now they all work full time, so it's virtually impossible to travel with them now. What I wouldn't give to go back!

  8. Holly, I hit the p.m. instead of of the a.m. I went back and fixed it= sorry about that! I am the same way and love those things. I know you love your warm weather!

  9. I am glad you have a new routine that is working and know that is hard to find what works. I am with you on not loving the hot weather, but I do like the spring weather and seeing the flowers bloom. Exciting about your upcoming trip! Enjoy your day and thanks for hosting!

  10. Heading on up to my neck of the woods! So fun! Lots to see & do around these parts!
    Its so hard to get a routine that works. I'm still not back to a "good one" since coming back in teh office after working from home for 1.5 years... & I've been back in the office for going on 2 years in July! That's nuts

  11. I'm ready to see some green and those flowers again too! Hopefully we have some nice weather this spring!

  12. Thanks, Marilyn! I do love that too. It's my favorite part of spring.

  13. Rebecca Jo, I forgot you lived there as well! I'm excited about coming. It's so hard to get a working routine. That's crazy that you've already been back for that long. I remember when you went has gone by fast!

  14. Spring is always a favorite for me, but I agree about not wanting to feel hot! I can't wait to hear about your trip. Good for you for finding a better morning routine. :)

  15. Oh I hope you have a wonderful time meeting up with Amy; I'm sure she'll suggest some really yummy places to eat. I too tend to fall asleep in bed with the TV on sleep mode each night. It's my favorite!

  16. Glad your plan to switch up your morning routine has been successful! Interesting about watching TV in bed - I have so many friends who do that, but we have never had a TV in our bedroom so I can't imagine it! Well, except for when we've stayed in hotels. Maybe if I had a TV in the bedroom I'd actually find something to watch! LOL

  17. Tanya, your hot is even worse than ours here in Memphis! I've heard Houston in the summer is no joke. I can't believe you're up in the mid-eighties this week! We've been up to almost 80 a few times recently, but then it cools back down. I've noticed our cooler temps are getting shorter in duration. It'll be cool for one day, then start going back up again.

  18. Thanks, Joanne! It's seriously the best. I've noticed I never quite make it 40 minutes and have to turn it off before I miss anything more.

  19. Thanks, Kym! It really does feel like a luxury to me, since it's been so long since we've had one. I love it and even go to bed early some Friday nights to watch a movie in bed.

  20. I'm rooting for your shrubs and flowers to have made it through the cold weather too! The photos are really lovely. Thanks for hosting and have a great trip!

  21. I am not a warm weather person either but I'm ready for it not to be winter!

  22. I don't like when it's too hot, but I could use a little warmth! LOL Have fun in Louisville. That's not too far from me, and there's lots of fun things to do.

    Lauren @

  23. Lauren, I feel the same! But I also don't mind the cold. I'm a conundrum. Thanks for that, my friend!


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