Wednesday, February 8, 2023

what's working for me on Wednesday: words to live by


Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share another monthly (bi-monthly?) installment of what's working for me on Wednesdays, which is words to live by. I have a board on Pinterest that is titled that, and if you would like to check it out, follow me there by clicking here. Here is my board, Words to Live By.

In a way I have always known this, but I've learned even more recently that my morning time is valuable. I have to spend some time with Jesus before I go to work each day. If I don't spend some time with Him by reading His word and praying, my day starts off all wrong. Where I used to spend that time driving to work by talking to my mom, I now spend that time talking to Jesus. Mom, I know you understand my need for this! I love this image below because it's one of my most often said prayers.

I loved this image on Pinterest about marriage. What's working for me right now is that our marriage is stronger than ever before, and I am so thankful. We've learned to communicate better, and we've learned that we need to reconnect often. Sunday night was an example of that—I didn't really want to go out after a busy day and afternoon, but we went out anyway. It was great to get away for a couple of hours and to talk and catch up, since we both seem busier than ever before. 

Lastly, this reminder below that I found on Pinterest is working for me right now. I love these verses! 

These are all excellent reminders that I need often. 

What's working for you right now? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 💙


  1. We both did the same topic today! I agree wtih you - I start my day with a devotional and prayer. I cannot get up and immmediately start getting ready. I need to ease into my day. I don't care if that means getting up earlier.
    Have a great day! I hope your first full week is going well!

  2. Amy, that's funny! I am about to go read yours now. I know exactly what you mean about needing the extra time to yourself in the mornings. I don't care how early I have to get up to have this time! Thanks for that! It's going great, and is actually helping me get more organized and to know what to do. I'm glad for that! It's a learning curve, but being consistent each day so far has helped tremendously. I'm exhausted, but in a great way.

  3. I start my day with prayers and devotionals too- it's life changing!


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