Monday, February 20, 2023

weekending & Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. How was your weekend? Also, happy paid school holiday to me! I plan on thoroughly enjoying my day off today and have grand plans to put away my groceries, organize the pantry, clean the refrigerator, clean the downstairs, dinner and lunch prep for the week, and catch up on our laundry. 

I did some fun things this weekend, starting with dinner out with Dad Friday night. We went to a favorite local place, Huey's for steak kabobs and chicken tenders. We hung out for a while afterward, then I took him home and stayed and visited with him and Sandy for a bit before coming home to crash. I went to bed and watched a show and fell asleep very quickly. 

I slept in until 6:30 Saturday morning and came downstairs for coffee and a movie. Have you seen this on Netflix? 

It was so good! I did a few things around the house, then I met up with my mom for lunch out and window shopping. I did buy some of my favorite illuminating face primer from Ulta, and a cute t-shirt from a boutique in town. We ate lunch at Tacos for Life, where I took this picture.

We went to the cutest boutique that had unique clothes like the ones you see pictured. I found a pair of tennis shoes that I loved, but almost croaked when I saw the price. I came home for a bit to a driveway packed with vehicles being washed (our neighbors hate us), and read for a while, then Todd and I went out for an errand and dinner. 

We went to this pub for dinner and a couple of drinks and it was so good! This was an extremely busy place and remained packed the entire time we were there. It was our first time and was new to both of us. We ended up ordering dinner for Drew and taking it to him after this, since we were kind of close by him. I'm glad we did that and that he was able to eat before he got hurt at work. He ended up having to leave his shift early from a badly sprained ankle. Poor thing! I made soup for him on Sunday morning and dropped it by to him before going to do something fun with my best friend. (He's planning on going to the doctor today.)

I got to meet Kristin Chenoweth!

She's as sweet and charming in person as she is in movies. I told her how much my dad loves her music, so I thought it was super sweet that she wrote a note to him as well. He loves her album titled The Art of Elegance. I spent the rest of the day watching movies, two of which were Hallmark and one that was this one below that I found on Netflix. It was good, if you haven't seen it! 

What did you do this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. What a great weekend! I'm sorry about Drew, though! I love Kristin Chenoweth! How cool!
    I am glad you get today off! It sounds like a great day to get caught up and organized for the week.

  2. That's cool that you get today off. Our school district is off today, too, which is so nice. It was a great feeling knowing that I couldn't work today even if I wanted to, lol. That's cool about meeting KC. I think I've mentioned this before, but over the years, Abby danced to three different KC songs for her solos and she did so well each year that she did a solo to a KC song. Brings back good memories! That is too bad about Drew's ankle. I hope it's not too much of a pain to him physically and figuratively.

  3. Oh my gosh your time with your dad is the sweetest- just love reading about it every week. SO FUN that you met Kristin Chenowith- I just read her book and wish I liked it more- I am a big fan of hers just not that book but would still love to meet her :)

  4. I really enjoy Kristin Chenoweth. She just seems so joy filled and her voice is beautiful! How cool that you met her. The rest of your weekend sounds pretty good too. Enjoy your day off! I'll be leaving shortly to go run some errands with my sisters.

  5. Thanks, Amy! I did hear that Drew has an appointment with an ortho tomorrow to see what's going on, but he does feel better too. I'm so glad for that!

  6. Maria, I love that Abby loves her so much! There were lots of young girls that age there to meet her. She's so encouraging to them all. I noticed.

  7. Thanks, Holly! I love that time. I still love her, but this was the worst book ever. Theologically, and in all the other ways...she is talented, but writing isn't her thing. Like I said, I'll continue to love her music and movies. I am with you 100%!

  8. I love her too, Cathy! Do NOT waste your money on this book, though. 😂

  9. Hey! I hope it is a relaxing and productive day at the same time for you. I hope Drew feels better. I use to work next door to that restaurant before I got laid off during the pandemic. We would walk over there for lunch quite a bit. They do have some good food. I saw that Kristin C. was in town and performing in Southaven Saturday night. Fun you got to meet her!

  10. Wow, what a cool experience meeting an author/celebrity. That is so sweet that she wrote a note to your dad. Enjoy your day off!

  11. So fun to get to meet the author! It sounds like you had a great weekend. I really loved Your Place or Mine and I'll have to check out the other Netflix one you mentioned.

  12. Thank you, Marilyn! I saw that she was here as well, but I wasn't sure what the event was. I'd probably have loved to see her in whatever it was. It was fun meeting her!

  13. Thanks, Tanya! It was so cool. I loved meeting her and was even able to encourage her a little bit. She thanked me for it and told me that what I'd said was something she needed to hear at that moment. I really liked her!

  14. It really was, Joanne! I hope you like the other movie too, it was really unique. I hope you had a great weekend!

  15. So glad you had a great weekend AND a paid holiday! A great perk of working in a school. I’m not too familiar with Kristin, but she is super cute! Sure hope your son heals up quickly!

  16. What a fun weekend! And so many good movies! And to have the holiday off, with pay, is such a bonus :) Hope you have an amazing week :)

  17. Thank you, Mandy! It was such a great day off. And thanks for that about my son! He is going to an ortho today to see what's going on.

  18. Thanks, Debbie! I just got caught up on your blog. I was behind! That's one thing I've let fall away- all the time I love to spend reading blogs. I have to catch up at odd times. Thanks for that, and I hope the same for you!


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