Monday, February 13, 2023

weekending & Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. How was your weekend? Mine was really good! I got mine started off with my dad. 

Changing up our Friday afternoon routine really confused my 91 year old dad, so we decided to do the same thing in a new version, which was Friday afternoon with Dad. He came over at 4:30, we left for dinner at 4:45, then we came back here for coffee and to visit. I had him back home around eight—we had a really nice evening together. 

I went to bed soon after I came home, then woke up early on Saturday and caught up on one of my favorite shows. 

Have you watched this? It's so good, and yes it does have the trademark Hallmark crown under the name! Remember how I said back before Christmas how Hallmark had upped their movie game? They're continuing to do so with this show and with another one that's coming out in the spring called Ride. I had ordered a grocery order for me to pick up at 8, so I did that and came home to put everything away, then went to get a pedicure and was doing this by 9 a.m. 

I treated myself to a gel pedicure with the OPI color, Claydreaming. It's a great neutral—it's kind of a pinkish brown. I met my sister and mom after that and we went to a consignment shop in Memphis. thanks to the inspiration from my friend Amy. I didn't find anything that I loved enough to buy, but I did try on a top that I liked, but that was too sheer. They had the cutest purses and bags, but I wasn't really looking for anything like that. Trish hit the jackpot, though, and we've decided we will go back in a few weeks. Do you shop in consignment shops? This one had great things! They even had Gucci and Louis Vuitton bags, if you're into that kind of thing. My sister Debi would love this store, so I'd love to take her there when she comes to visit the next time.

We rode in my car, and I had an 80's playlist on Spotify ready for my sister to enjoy. She loves fun music, so I love to have her favorite music ready for her once she's in my car. We met up with my son Drew for lunch, then we did a couple more things and went our separate ways. 

When I got home, I came home to these beautiful flowers from my sweet husband. I love that they're not roses and that they're so fun and colorful. I also love that he got them so early!

We don't really celebrate Valentine's day, but I love that he got me these anyway. I was swooning over them! After I came home, we ended up having to do a little rearranging of our living room furniture, thanks to a couch whose reclining function is on the fritz. We've had our couches for about eight years, and one in particular is worn from use. They still look great, but one no longer reclines easily. We'll be replacing them soon, but we have no idea what we want yet, so we moved the shorter of the couches to where the main wall where the longer one was, then put the longer one where the shorter one was. This also forced us to vacuum, mop, and then dust. 

Later that afternoon, I had to be at my church since I volunteered to be a food deliverer for the DNOW event that was taking place at our church this weekend for the youth. (DNOW is a weekend long retreat, where each grade level is separated by age and gender; rather than travel out of town, they stay in town at different host homes of our church family.) Where I live near Memphis, Tn, we are near both Mississippi and Arkansas. I volunteered to drive to my friend's house in Byhalia, Mississippi since I was somewhat familiar with that area. Check out this brilliant sunset! I'm so glad I went there rather than staying here in Collierville, because I got to see and catch up with one of "my" girls I had when I helped out with the youth. She was back as a leader this weekend, which I also love seeing. Lots of them come back as leaders for this fun event. 

I came home and ate some leftovers for dinner, then watched an old movie. 

I was up early reading before church on Sunday morning. I was working in the tech booth, so I was there by 7:45.

I came back home and vacuumed, did laundry and prepped for dinner and lunches this week, then finally settled in for a movie and a ten minute nap. I said I wasn't going to watch the Superbowl, since I don't care about it, but I turned it on in case some of the students ask me if I watched it this weekend. I figured it would be beneficial to have something to talk about with them, for anyone who asks. 

That afternoon I watched The Magic of Ordinary Days on the Hallmark Movies Now app, then I settled in for at least half of the game. What did you think of the national anthem sung by Chris Stapleton? Or the commercials and halftime show? I really liked a Dunkin' Donuts commercial I saw with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. I also loved the commercial about the old dog and spending time with them as they grow older. I can't remember who the commercial was for, but it made me a little emotional. As far as the halftime show, I'm not a Rihanna fan...but I did like some of the older songs she was lip syncing. 

For the time I wasn't watching the game, I spent the time working on my blog for this week, prepping for lunch tomorrow, and making these protein bites for me to have this week. I love these after dinner or as part of my lunch while I'm at work. 

I rounded out my night with more reading. choosing my outfits for the first couple of days at work this week, and talking to Jonah and his girlfriend and playing with her puppy. It was a great weekend—but I'm excited for work today! How was yours? Did you do anything fun this weekend? I'd love to hear your answers! I already have plans in the works for the coming weekend, AND it's a long weekend, my first since working at a school again. I'm excited for the week and for the long weekend! I hope to see you back here tomorrow, I'll be posting all week. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Love the pedicure color and love that you found better consignment shops! I have plenty of times when I come out empty handed. You have to be more disciplined sometimes because of the low prices! I'm glad that worked better with your Dad. You had a busy weekend! Have a great week. Our kids have a four day weekend coming up but teachers still work on M andT so next week will still feel long. I am getting to the point where I need at least a one day break. Where are you snow days?

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend. LOVE that toe nail color- may have to copy you ;) Your mantle looks beautiful. You are making me want to bring out my Easter decor early- it's so cheerful!

  3. Sounds like a good weekend! It's great that you still spend quality time with your dad even when working full time. It's also great that you look forward to work. Maybe if I saw the same kids day after day it would different. I don't dread working or anything... but I love days off, lol. Our district is off today and it was the best feeling knowing there was no possibility of work, lol. I hope you have a great Monday!

  4. Thanks, Maria! I'm so glad it worked better for us both this week. Way less confusion for him is always best! Change can be hard, so look at us being flexible! 😉 I mean, there may come a day when I dread going in to work, but I do feel fortunate in that I love going each day. I haven't dreaded it once! It helps that I love the people I work with and that my day is very fast paced. I hope you enjoy your day off!

  5. Your tootsies look So good. Love the polish color. The mantle looks so sweet! I’m deciding whether to do St. Patrick’s day or go right into Easter? Happy Valentine’s week!

  6. That nail polish color is beautiful! Sounds like a great weekend :)

  7. Thanks for the Hallmark show recommendation...sounds like a good series. I loved the national anthem, and the old dog commercial too. Great polish color!

  8. Your toes look great! It sounds like a fun afternoon of shopping even if you didn't get anything. I didn't even remember it was the super bowl this weekend so we saw nothing at all of it!

  9. Thanks, Andrea! I love our mantel too... I have ever since we painted it white a decade ago. I am sure whatever you come up with will look great! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Thanks, Debbie! It was really good. I hope yours was as well! I'm about to go catch up on your blog now.

  11. Tanya, it's so good! I hope you like it as much as I do. You'll have to let me know your thoughts!

  12. Thanks, Joanne! I had forgotten about it as well, and invited someone over for dinner. And then it dawned on me. I did watch about half the game!

  13. What a weekend! Your Saturday morning was so productive! I am enjoying The Way Home series as well. So sweet and thoughtful to have those flowers! I was driving to Colliervile Saturday evening and also saw that amazing sunset! The music at the Super Bowl was good this year, especially that national anthem.

  14. It really was, Marilyn! I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend too, my friend. I know you were probably tired after your big work event!

  15. Looks like a wonderful weekend. My friends gave me a gift card for a mani/pedi for my birthday...and I hope to get a pedicure soon. I love the color you chose. Chris Stapleton is a Kentucky boy, and we saw him in concert last year...he's so talented. I hope your week is off to a good start!

  16. Jen, I hope you get to do that soon! I did love him and I am sure that was a great concert. My husband loves him too!


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