Tuesday, February 28, 2023

the books I read in February


Happy Tuesday, friends! With working full time, my reading life has suffered a bit. I think if I focus on reading more than scrolling, I can read more in March, especially because spring break is coming up. The first couple of weeks that I worked, I was so tired at the end of each night that I couldn't even THINK of reading. That being said, I still read some great books this month and loved all of them! Here is what I read this month—you can click on the picture and be taken to Amazon, in case you're interested in any of these books. 

I read How to be Chic in the Winter by Fiona Ferris. I love this author and all of her books! Sadly, after I read this, I learned that they are experiencing hard times because of a horrible flood in New Zealand and are without water and power. I cannot imagine that devastation that took place in their neighborhood, because many of their neighbors lost their homes.

These books may seem frivolous, but they're full of practical advice on how to live your very best life. She offers tips on keeping your home, dressing, cooking, decorating, and many other things. I often come away from one of her books feeling inspired and motivated in my own personal life. I love books like that!

I read One Night on the Island by Josie Silver.

I really enjoy Josie Silver's books. The story usually captivates me from the second I start one of her books, and even though this one started slowly for me, it picked up. The premise of the story is that two people are accidentally booked together in one cabin on a secluded island in Scotland. (Ireland? I get them confused.) Their relationship goes from mortal enemy to friends to more, but I honestly wasn't sure how it was going to end until right up to the end. I love when authors do that with their writing! Have you read this yet? Her book One Day in December is one my favorites of all time.

I finally got around to reading One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle. 

This book was beautiful in so many ways! I was very surprised by it, which is always saying something, but after reading this, I feel like I know more about Positano, Italy. I feel like I experienced it with Serle as she wrote about her experience there and as she learned a bit of the history about where she stayed. The book opens up as the main character's mom has just died. What follows from there and on is a journey she took both literally and figuratively as she worked through her feelings of grief and loss. She takes the trip she and her mom had planned on taking together, and she discovers so much more about her mom, pieces of her that she never knew existed. This is a book that makes you think about life and the relationships we have while we're here and living.

Lastly, I read Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center.

This was an older book by this author, and though I did enjoy it, I don't necessarily recommend it. I did love what the author says in one place in the book—that beautiful people are everywhere, we just have to look to really see them. This is a book about a family who moves from Texas to Connecticut, and how the mom of the family rediscovers who she was before kids came into the picture. She starts taking better care of herself and she signs up for a photography class at night and finds a passion for capturing beautiful moments in life. There was a substory going on in the background as well, which was also good. 

It's your turn! Tell me something good you've read lately. I would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I can relate to being too tired to read. But, I think not turning on the tv after school as I have done most of the year has been really beneficial to me. Even if I move slowly through my books, I'm still reading. I need to save all my 2023 books in one place because I quickly forget what I've read. I'm really excited to start One Italian Summer! It's after Carrie Soto!

  2. Amy, I can see how it's beneficial to not turn the tv on. I do the same thing, most of the time. The only reason I turn it on is if I'm really tired, I turn it to something I've seen before and let myself fall asleep for a few minutes while it plays. Do you keep up with what you've read? I use Goodreads and a notebook as well, with books I want to read.

  3. Thank you for sharing- I need some great new reads! I have to read One Italian Summer before we got to Italy in August for sure!

  4. Thanks for all the book recommendations! I am reading The Paper Girl of Paris right now. I love historical fiction. I'm on a book spending freeze right now :) My 2023 stack is already out of hand :)

  5. Thanks for sharing what you read as I always like to hear about authors and books that I don't know. I'm always out of the loop on what is new. But reading posts like yours helps keep me in the know. I'm currently reading "The Secret Society of Salzburg" by Renee Ryan. I read an excerpt of the book at the end of something else I read and it intrigued me. It's pretty good.

  6. Wait... I thought I read all of Katherine Center's book...I dont think I've even heard of that one!!!

  7. That Fiona Ferris book looks so good! I’m going to check that one out!

  8. Holly, you've got to read that book! I felt like I went there.

  9. Debbie, I am not buying anymore until I read what I've got! Even the cheap ones start to add up.

  10. Mandy, you should! I love all of her books.

  11. Looks like a nice month of reading!


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