Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope your week has been good so far. 

I confessed on Friday of last week how grateful I was to have a long weekend and the reason is because last week at work just about did me in. I didn't feel great, I was not sleeping at night, and I think I have a pinched nerve in my back that effecting everything and all of that I mentioned. I didn't mention that because I don't like to be negative over here on my blog—I try to stay upbeat and positive. Also, who loves a complainer? That being said, I am thankful to say that this week is far better. My sleep returned to normal over the weekend and I've made some changes in my morning routine. I'm sleeping a little later and I'm getting dressed only after my morning coffee. I am taking my second cup of coffee on the road with me and drinking it at school. This helps tremendously! 

I am thankful for the fact that our school and school district know how much we are loved and appreciated. We have treat days pretty regularly, which is always so nice, and we have a food truck coming to us on Friday for a free lunch. I'm so excited about a day to not pack lunch for myself, since I've been struggling with that lately. 

Well, friends, I'm keeping it short and sweet this week, because I need to run and get started on my day. The rest of it is going to FLY BY, as it always does. Thanks for linking up with Rebecca Jo and me each week! Have a great day, friends and thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 

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  1. I'm glad that your week is going better this week than last. I wouldn't worry about complaining on your blog. There is constant complaining and then there is real life and all of its imperfection that, in my opinion, is worth sharing even if it's not all positive. But that's just my opinion as a reader; as the writer of the blog it is, of course, up to you what to share and how to share it ;). I am thankful for part time work. I sleep so much better the days that I don't work! At the same time, I wouldn't want to not work at all. So, I have accepted that I'm not going to sleep well all of the time. Have a great Thursday!

  2. I am so glad your week is better! It does take tweaking your routine sometimes. I feel like I need the me time in the morning to lounge and it's worth getting up earlier. Be kind to yourself and I hope today and tomorrow are good, too!

  3. Thanks, Maria! That's sweet of you and I do get what you're saying. I have to be careful to not complain, or I could easily start to wallow in all of my feelings. It seems to be connected for me. I am sure you sleep soundly on your non-work days! I'm glad they have you as a dependable sub. I am sure that you're a blessing!

  4. Thanks, Amy! You are so right about all of that. I hope your next days are great as well!

  5. So glad to hear about the sleep because that is so important. It is always nice when there are snacks or a meal at the workplace provided! Hope you have a good day!

  6. Sleep is so imperative to having a good day :) It can make or break us. I get very grumpy when I'm tired :)

    And those treat days are something to look forward to!

    I was just praying this morning that the Lord would change our routines in the morning, now that David is home temporarily. For some reason, once you get in a routine, it's tough to change!

  7. Good Morning. I'm so glad you are doing better this week and are figuring out how you need to so mornings different to work for you. I finally slept better last night after having several nights this past week or two that I didn't get much sleep (did get quite a bit of reading done though. lol) Anyway, hope you have a great day at school and thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday!.

  8. I'm glad you are feeling a little better. Sleep and back issues can affect EVERYTHING about your day.

  9. Glad you turned the corner. God knows you need your health and energy to rock this job- you got this!

  10. Debbie, same here! I get very grumpy after days of not enough sleep. You are so right, change is hard!

  11. Thank you, Cathy! I love how you you think about finding something good in an otherwise not-so-great situation.


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