Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope your week has been great so far! Rebecca Jo and I would love for you to link up with us today for this week's installment of Thankful Thursday. I hope you join us! I was going to participate in the link I joined last week, Fashion Files with KellyAnn, but since I only worked Monday, then had some snow/ice days at home and stayed in warm pajamas, I decided to spare you those pictures. 😉 That being said, I will jump right in with today's post! 

I am thankful for the fact that I'm back at work today! I started working with students on Monday, so I'm glad to get back to that and to a routine. Although, it has also been nice to be paid to be at home for two days in a row, because I was able to get caught up on the things I'd fallen behind with. We had not one, but TWO snow/ice days this week, thanks to an ice storm that came through on Monday night and into Wednesday night/early Thursday morning. I'm writing this in faith that I'm back at work today. I love my job, so I love being there, but who doesn't love a couple of unexpected days at home?

Which is why I'm showing you a picture of our dryer and telling you that I am thankful to have one that works. Ours went out over the weekend, so after I'd caught up on laundry that day, I couldn't do anymore until Todd went to buy this one Monday night. I'm also thankful for our very nice neighbor who offered to help my husband when he saw me out there with him. Even though we've replaced our washer at least twice since having a new dryer, it was time for a new one. This one dries our clothes so quickly, even on the energy efficient setting. I tested it all day long on Tuesday as I caught up on laundry, including doing sheets and all the dog blankets. 

I am thankful for the word of God. I know that I say this often, but I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I've grown so much closer to the Lord since before Christmas. Because of the holidays, my part time job at the attorney's office had grown slow at that time, so I stayed home a lot and caught up on Bible reading. I finished reading the Bible for the year early, in fact, because of that. 

When I finished reading for the year ahead of schedule, I still needed something for my morning quiet time, so that's when I went to the library and borrowed some books. It was then that I "accidentally" stumbled on Bob Goff's book, the one I'm using for my quiet time right now. I thought it was a regular nonfiction book like the ones he writes that I love, but it was a devotional. I started it when I brought it home, and just kept going each day. I bought my own copy, it was so good, but everyday when I open it up, it's exactly what I need to hear. Add to that the fact that it doesn't take me very long in the mornings, which is helpful since my morning time is so valuable to me now. (I leave home Monday-Wednesday, and Fridays at 8:10. On Thursdays, I leave at 8 for a devotional and prayer time that starts at 8:15.)

I'm including a link to Amazon for this, because I've talked about this book no less than a dozen times so far in 2023. Click here for your own copy! I'm showing you a couple of the pages I've marked up, which is why I wanted it in actual book form. You can read this for free right now on Kindle Unlimited, if you're a Kindle reader.

I blocked out their names with my hand in the picture above, but after reading this particular day, I was prompted to pray for some friends that go to our church. 

God is amazing in so many ways, but one of my favorite things about Him is that His word is truly living and active. The amazing thing about me not reading through the Bible this year like I've done every year for the last twelve or thirteen years is that the Lord knew I wouldn't be home as much. I needed something that would help me draw closer to Jesus in my faith, but I also needed short and sweet, which is why this book has been perfect for me. None of this is coincidental, either. I don't believe in them! Everything, and I do mean EVERY thing is orchestrated by God. 

Each day has one or two Bible verses, and sometimes that's all I read in the mornings. Other times I will go and read the whole passage that contains those verses, so that I can know the context of what I just read. This picture above was a day that I did that; I read the whole passage and made notes in my Bible.

I am thankful for quality time with people I love, my husband being my top priority, and our sons being second. Do you know your love language? Mine is quality time, followed by physical touch. I love hugs and my family is always sweet to oblige. 

I am thankful for encouraging words from people I know and love. I have always been and will always be the type of person who really appreciates the kind words of others.

I am thankful for new friends at school/work! 

I am thankful for the fact that we're allowed to have a Thursday morning Bible study there each week, something called Reset, and that a new friend invited me to sit with her. I'm also thankful that our administrators were in there with us—I feel like this is something astounding in a public school. 

I am thankful for the time at home to be comfy and cozy, and to go without makeup for 48 hours straight! I say that kind of jokingly, but I'm also very serious. I've been extremely busy since the beginning of December, and that's a big deal for this introverted girl, who is slowly becoming less and less introverted. 

I'll wrap this up with one of my favorite Scriptures, which is such a great reminder for me today as I go back to work. 

It's your turn! What is one thing you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 🖤 

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  1. Wow - 2 snow days! We had one on Tuesday. So, this week won't really be normal after all and next week will be your first full week. Maybe this is a way to ease in?
    It would be so hard without a dryer! Glad you could replace that quickly.
    I need a devotional, so I put that in my cart. Thank you!

  2. That is cool about the two days off and the Reset at school that includes teachers and administrators. It seems like something that would only happen in a Bible Belt state. I know many teachers who are Christians (or at least I've seen them at the church we attend and the church we used to attend) in our area but I've never heard of anything like you what you described (which of course does not mean that it doesn't exist!) Anyway, it's wonderful (as is the state of TN whether Reset is a function of the area or not ;)) and you're fortunate to work there with some great people. Have a great day!

  3. yes- quality time is my love language for sure! Thanks for sharing those scriptures too :)

  4. I saw that Bob Goff devotional on your blog awhile back & I ordered one & LOVE IT! It just is so much reality in his wisdom. Good stuff!

    I hate when a big appliance goes out that we use every day. Handwash something? Line dry something - NO THANK YOU! LOL

  5. Glad you had a couple days off this week and get caught up on things. Really glad you got a can be so hard without one. How cool that you've found a good devotion book for your mornings. Hope you have a great day!

  6. It has been nice to go without makeup these past 2 days! I plan on putting a little on today as I am ready to get out of the house a little bit. I need to remember this devotion book for next year. It looks like a great one. Also, I agree, being thankful for appliances is a huge thing I don't take for granted!!

  7. We've had snow days this week too; I think public school has been out all week but will go back tomorrow (Friday). I really like your list and the book of devotionals. Sometimes that's just what we need. Kudos to you for reading the Bible each year. I always start out strong and then start falling behind somewhere around Judges.

  8. Amy, the two turned into three! I was shocked to learn we had another one today. I enjoyed the time at home and spent my day writing for our next Bible study that will come out in the fall of this year. Thankfully it was a productive day. I am so glad you're going to buy the devotional book! Let me know what your think of it when you start.

  9. Maria, I think it does have to do with where I am and also who the leaders of the district and school are. We live in a town that's not so small, but we have our own municipal district. That helps tremendously! It gives it more of a small town or private school feel. But you are so right, what a blessing it is to all of us!

  10. You're welcome, Holly! I hope you've had a great day, my friend.

  11. I'm so glad you love the book, Rebecca Jo! Thanks for creating this link for us today. I appreciate that!

  12. Marilyn, YES! I'm glad you were able to enjoy the week as well!

  13. Thanks, Marti! I hope you've enjoyed your week partially at home as well. I do love to read it through, but there are definitely some hard parts to read! I happen to love Judges, but I struggle with the Kings and Chronicles, and some of the prophecy books. We all have our things, I suppose. I hope your week has been great, and thanks for stopping by today!

  14. There's a podcast: Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz. It's not just for Catholics and Fr. Mike does an amazing job of explaining what was just read. It amazes me that those words are still so applicable today.
    Thanks for hosting!

  15. Thanks for that information, Mary! I hope you've had a wonderful week.

  16. Hi, I'm visiting from the link up! It's so nice to have a snow day every once in a while! Glad you were able to recharge! Thank you so much for sharing that book suggestion!

  17. Lacey and Meranda- thank you! I'm so glad you stopped by...I hope you like, if you buy the book. It's so, so good!

  18. What an assortment of delightful things to be thankful for. We have a new dryer, too. And just going a week without doing laundry made me eternally grateful for those appliances.

    I absolutely love snow and snow days. We had a delayed start one day about 2 weeks ago. But no real snow or snow days.

    I have a tab open to check out the devotional you recommended. Just finished my gratitude journal and need something new. Thanks for the recommendation.


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