Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday Favorites, 2.24.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post. How has your week been? This week has been good for me, albeit very fast. My next week is going to look different since we have some special testing happening in our school, and for five days, I get an extended break. That will be so nice as I figure out what will be next for the following week. I like to have lessons planned out for my groups way in advance, which provides me with much needed peace of mind. Anyway, here are some favorites from my week and some recent ones I forgot to share about.

I forgot to share when my friend Christa met up after work one day a few weeks ago. We met up at a restaurant at the halfway point, a local place called Wolf River Brisket. It was so good! We were there for early bird cocktails and appetizers. 

I let our server decide for me, so she picked the brisket nachos and Christa ordered the cornbread waffles. Both were amazing, but the nachos definitely stole the show. This was a fun night, and a favorite, because I got to meet up with my friend. I did the same thing last night with my friend Dedee. It was so good to see her because it had been ages! 

Tacos 4 Life is a great place to eat, but their guacamole is my favorite! I went here with my Mom on Saturday and I think it may be her new favorite as well. 

Saturday night date night with my favorite man was my favorite this week! We tried a new place that we'd never been to before, which sits at the base of one of the taller buildings in Memphis, The Clark Tower. 

I hate that it took Drew getting hurt to do this, but it was my favorite thing to make him some of his favorite soup and some groceries this week when he was hurt and off work for a few days. He's feeling better now, which I'm thankful for. It feels so good to take care of him still, even though he's out on his own. He and his roommates have thoroughly enjoyed this big batch of potato soup over the week.

It was a favorite to get to meet Kristin Chenoweth this week, but the real star of the show was her dog Thunder and the actual being in a great local bookstore. We have such a great local bookstore here in Memphis, Novel. 

Seeing bookshelves like this will never get old. I love seeing all the colorful spines, and it just makes me want to read them all. I talked Missy into buy a book while we were there together on Sunday. 

Did you catch my other blog posts this week? Here they are below. 

Monday was a weekending recap with Hello Monday.

Tuesday was when I wrote post called Tuesday Talk and I shared a couple of memories.

On Wednesday, I shared about the books and authors who have greatly impacted my life. 

Thursday was Thankful Thursday.

And for a little blog business, I want to remind you that I'm hosting the Share 4 Somethings link party tomorrow (Saturday), February 25th. This is not original to me, but it's something that Heather Gerwing began and handed over to me for the unforeseeable future. I hope you'll join us! The link will go live on Saturday January 28th and will stay open for three weeks. We'll be sharing things we loved, read, learned, and ate in February. Those prompts will remain the same all year long and this will always be on the last Saturday of every month.

Then, on Wednesday March 1st, I'm hosting another link party called Currently. (Here was January's Currently post, in case you want to check it out. I think the link is still open.) This link party will always be on the first Wednesday of the month, and the topics we'll be writing about in March are things we're currently loving, starting, finishing, trying, and (where we're) going. (April's prompts will be loving, hoping, playing, needing, and feeling.) I hope you join us for both link parties!

Tell me something good about your week, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. I hope your weekend is fun and productive. Love to all! 


  1. It looks like you met a giant in the bookstore ;). The man in the black coat looks like he's about eight feet tall compared to the diminutive Kristen C.!! Glad that you were able to hep your son out by cooking and shopping for him. It seems like one of the best momming things we can do for our adult kids is provide comfort food to them. Speaking of food, all of your food out sounds good. Happy Friday!!

  2. We just had friends over for dinner last night and we had a wonderful time eating and chatting and laughing. Every time we do something like that I do think we need to do it more often but then lift just seems to drift right by.

  3. I love your friend meet ups and your bookstore adventure. I also love the sound of that guacamole! I prefer to meet friends around 4 so I can still be home and have some time with Tom and to keep my weeknight routine intact!

    Glad you get a little break next week. It is testing season! We have some of that coming up, too!

  4. Maria, he WAS a giant! He had to be at least 7 feet tall. I came up to his chest, so he was very close to what I guessed. I agree with you wholeheartedly about momming with adult kids!

  5. Joanne, that sounds like such a fun weeknight!

  6. Amy, it was so good! I like to do the same time, plus, I am always so hungry after work. I don't have lots of time to eat, so this week I've been drinking a protein drink for lunch (as well as breakfast) and snacking in between on chips and hummus or a bar of some sort. It sure is! We have two full weeks before spring break, and there will be some sort of testing going on that whole time, then in April is the big state kind.

  7. You are such a great Mama and that soup you made for your boy looks amazing! Excited for your upcoming linkups :)

  8. Thanks, Holly! I love doing things like that for my boys when I have the time. I am too! I'm glad you'll be joining us!

  9. All your food pics look absolutely delicious! I'm sorry to hear that Drew got hurt. I hope that he recovers well from the sprain. I popped over to read your previous posts. I totally understand how tired you get after working all week and if you add in a lack of sleep. Well, that just makes it even harder. I'm so exhausted these days and I think that it's because we are still trying to settle so many new kids. I'm going to spend today trying to rest and catch up on blogs that I haven't had time to read during the week. But there is always something that needs doing!! Aaargh 😂. Anyway, I hope that you have a wonderful weekend lovely friend.

  10. So cool that you got to meet Kristen Chenowith. She's a fave for sure!

  11. Great recap! I need to text soon to get a date on the calendar to meet.

  12. Thank you, Ruth! I feel that exact same way about the degree of being tired. I love Sundays and use them to pick up groceries after church and to prep for meals for the week, or at least to put together a meal plan. I hope you're able to settle in at work soon and to get back to a routine of sorts. It helps to have one!

  13. Jen, same here! I've loved her for years.


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! It's my favorite day of the week, and I am excited for my weekend. How's your week been? I had what felt li...