Wednesday, January 25, 2023

wordy Wednesday


Well, I had a whole other post planned, and then I accidentally deleted it, so I thought I'd share about how my new job came about, especially since today is my first day. And on that note, happy Wednesday, friends! 

Before Christmas, I went to a concert with two friends from church, Kim and Carol. We met for dinner, and while we waited on Carol, Kim and I were talking about lots of things in life, including work. She works in our school district here in town, at the elementary school I used to work at, and very offhandedly, she mentioned that I should consider being a substitute teacher in the district. Well, I never really gave it much thought after that night, and went about my way. December went on, Christmas came and went, but I had really started praying about some things in my morning quiet time. I don't remember exactly what I was praying for or why, but I recall having the best quality time with Jesus every morning, and I felt very inspired during that time, both in Bible reading and in writing. It's like words were pouring out of me, and though I did write some of that here, I wrote most of them elsewhere. I do remember writing words on this blog in a Currently post about this being the year I resolved to say yes to things that were new and that scared me—well, it turns out that was a bit prophetic, because at that point, I had no idea how things would turn out. I hadn't even interviewed at that point when I said those things.

Anyway, the week after Christmas, I remembered the conversation with Kim, and I knew immediately that the Lord had been changing my heart during that great time with Him in the mornings. All of a sudden, I knew that I wanted more than what I had right then at that moment. I loved my job at the attorney's office and I loved working with my best friend, but all of a sudden, it didn't feel like enough. I felt like a puzzle with some missing pieces. 

After praying about it practically all day long for two days in a row, I mentioned it to Todd on a Thursday night, December 29th, to be exact. I told him that I was thinking of applying for a job with our town's school district and he encouraged me to go for it, that he would support me in whatever I ended up doing. So, I submitted the application after listing my qualifications and the different types of jobs I'd be interested in. I checked so many boxes! I checked things like office assistant, front desk clerk, library assistant, SPED assistant, teaching assistant, etc. On the following Monday, January 2, the principal at a local elementary school (there are six here) had emailed me telling me they were interested in me and wanted an interview ASAP. So, on Thursday January 5th, I interviewed and hit it off splendidly with the five people I interviewed with. On Friday January 6th, I had an email from HR offering me the job of the temporary teaching assistant for reading intervention. Do you see why my head is still spinning a little? This all happened so quickly, particularly since it wasn't anything I was looking for. I feel like the Lord Himself created this job for me and then just put it right into my lap. 

I have dozens of God stories I could share, like about how He was drawing me away from my part time job and preparing me for something more. I had started eating healthier, if you remember, and had started feeling better than I've felt in years. I have more energy, I am never tired, and I feel like He changed my heart about wanting to work in a school setting again, after promising I never would again.

I accepted their offer, had all the necessary testing/background checking done, had my day of training and paperwork on January 19th (after my last day at the attorney's office on Tuesday the 17th), and today January 25 (not even ONE MONTH LATER), I am starting my new full time temporary job as a teaching assistant for reading intervention. I am filling in for someone who is out on medical leave. She may come back this semester, she may not, but I am there for the duration until she returns. I have no idea what will come next for me after she returns, but I figure that whatever happens, it's all in God's hands. I trust Him explicitly with my life and I know He led me to this point and won't leave me stranded now. My perfect and wonderful part time job eased me back into the working outside of home life, but now I am ready for more. I'm excited! I can't wait to update you next week...I do have my remaining posts scheduled to publish this week and next, but I'll update you one day in the next week or so. 

I said all of that to say that God is sovereign. He is trustworthy. His plan is far better than anything I could have dreamed up on my own. 

These beautiful words of Charles Spurgeon, the great theologian, ring true and have special meaning to me right now, needless to say. Thanks for reading about how my full time job that I wasn't looking for came about! Love to all. 

p.s. I'm adding this post to Shay's What's Up Wednesday, since it talks about what I've been up to the last month. 


  1. Happy, happy first day! I can't wait to hear about it!

    Also, I found out how to recover a post on Wordpress. I am embarrassed how often I accidentally delete posts. For Wordpress, it is under revisions and you can reload revisions and find your last edit.

    I can edit photos again - how weird was that that I couldn't for a while but now I can.


  2. Thank you, Amy! I'm so excited for today. I was up at 4:50 and dressed and downstairs with coffee by 5:20. I'm anticipating being super tired tonight and made plans to skip choir rehearsal this evening. I never do that, but I know I'll be tired after a long day.

    Ugh! Technology. I'll try to find it later today, but I accidentally did that from my phone, believe it or not. I should know better than to do anything on my blog from there. I'm rolling my eyes at myself.

  3. Have a wonderful day! I love the way the Lord prepares us, way before he takes us there. That is such a tribute to the kind of God we serve.

  4. Thank you, Debbie! You are so right and He does all of that. I'm so grateful for how He shows us His kindness a million times in each day. He is always good and so beautiful!

  5. Such beautiful words and thank you for the reminder! So very true- I just need to keep remembering this

  6. I hope you love your new job! Working in a school setting is ideal in many ways as the hours are better than a corporate type job and lots of days off and extended breaks. I've thought about working full time for our school district but for now choosing whether or not to work each day works for me. It sounds like you are exactly where God wants you to be. Have a great Wednesday,friend ;).

  7. So, if you saw yesterday's comment...I totally thought yesterday was the big day. Just carry all those well wishes and excitement for you over to this morning! Praying you have a wonderful day. And that all that endless energy lasts!!:)

  8. I'm so happy for you and I pray God with bless you and the children you work with today and every day.

  9. Good luck at your new job! That sounds like a great one! I've thought of going back to school to be a reading intervention teacher - it is a much needed position.

  10. Happy First Day!! How exciting! I love how God worked everything together for you in just the right timing, and had you prepared to say "yes". Maybe, just maybe, that's how I'll find the right job now that I'm almost mentally prepared to start searching for real.

  11. Thank you, Maria! I think so too. He made that abundantly clear!

  12. Jennifer, I did see it, but I didn't think anything of it because of the fact I said here that I was starting Tuesday. There was another delay in the paperwork, though, so today ended up being the day. Thanks for that! I hope so too! 🤣

  13. Thank you, Amy! You are right, it is, especially since so much was lost when the world was on lockdown in 2020. That's when a lot of these skills were lost. It's sad! You should do that!

  14. Thank you, Kym! You're so right about something you said, that God has to be the one to mentally prepare you. I can tell you that this time last year, I was not ready for this. I wasn't even ready for this in October or November! It happened so quickly and without hiccups that I knew without a doubt that it was ordained by God. I know that He works like that! You'll have to keep me posted on this!

  15. So exciting! It was good to read of how this came about. I hope today was good & you sleep well tonight!

  16. Marilyn, it was such a great day! Thank you for that and girl. I DIED five minutes after my head hit the pillow. I didn't move until I woke up to get dressed! 🤣

  17. That's so amazing how you ended up getting your new job. I can imagine that your head must be spinning after it all happened so fast. I hope that it's all going well as you settle in. That tired feeling after a full day at work is just the best. And I find that I get to sleep so much faster when I am back at work than when I'm on holiday.

  18. Thank you, Ruth! I feel the same. I know exactly what you mean! I have been sleeping very soundly at night. It's like a miracle! 😂❤️

  19. Congratulations on your new job! Schools are in such need right now of good people, so I'm glad they found you. :)

  20. Thank you, Lisa! I appreciate your kind words, and that you took the time to leave a comment. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  21. Congratulations! I hope your new job is going well!!

  22. Thank you, Cathy! It's been wonderful so far. I'm so thankful for that!


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