Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekending recap and Hello Monday post. Can you believe it's already the end of January? Did this month fly by or drag slowly for you? For me, I usually feel like it's extremely long, but that's not the case this year with how I was getting ready for my job. Mine flew by with lightning speed!
I hope you all had a great weekend! My weekend feels a little differently now that I'm working full time, but I'm okay with that. My Friday was good, albeit a little strange and unpredictable. Due to necessity, I was briefed very quickly on what to do in emergency situations, but all ended up being okay in spite of having the daylights scared out of me for two minutes. The rest of the day went on uneventfully, thank the Lord, which you know I don't say lightly.
I love how inspirational elementary school classrooms are! I forgot to take a picture of my corner in the room, so I'll do that sometime this week and share them here. If you're like me, I love seeing things like that, and to get a feel for where people spend their time.
You all know that before I started working full time, I spent every Friday with Dad. Well, he called me last Thursday night (right as I was about to call him) and when we started talking, I asked him if we could meet up for dinner Friday night. I offered all the options—to pick him up, to meet him and Sandy (my stepmom), or for them to come here, either to Collierville or to my house. They opted for the third option and came to my house to pick me up for dinner out. It was a wonderful dinner, but it wasn't about the food. I loved seeing them both and spending quality time with them! Most of you know that quality time is my top love language.
I never really share heavy and serious things here on my blog and I'm not starting that now, but most of you know that Memphis was in national news this week, regarding the death of a young man by five police officers. The media outlets kept saying that there were going to be riots all weekend long, and they basically tried to scare us into submission by making us stay home. But God—I could stop right there with those two words—answered many of our prayers, and the weekend was a peaceful one. I'm so thankful for this, for a million different reasons. The first reason is that rioting and violence never solve big problems. Another reason is because many people I know and love are in law enforcement.

That being said, I'm thankful we had extra people here to help our city in a very troubling time. I'm thankful that the protesting that did take place was very peaceful. The young man's family was honored in that and promises had been made to his parents that things would remain peaceful, and that is exactly what happened. There was some vandalism in certain spots, and though that is never warranted, it's to be expected when a large group of people are together. There are always a few in every crowd that are doing things for the wrong reason. My husband and oldest son were in the downtown area of Memphis all weekend, and Drew doesn't live too far from that area, so they're the other reasons I'm so glad things turned out as peacefully as they did. As I write this, it's Sunday night and they're all safe and sound. I am still praying for the young man's family and that justice will be served.
About not living in fear, which I mentioned earlier, I thought I'd share one of my favorite Bible verses, 2 Timothy 1:7.
I refuse to live my life in fear, which is one of a million reasons why I don't watch the national news outlets. I don't watch the news at all, truth be told. I rely on emails and a few podcasts to keep me informed, but I honestly don't want to be too informed for my own mental wellbeing.
Moving on to lighter topics now....
Have you seen this movie? I watched it Friday night on Prime TV.
I love both Jennifer Lopez (as an actress) and Josh Duhamel. This was so good! Again, not good as in clean, but good as in highly entertaining. (It was rated R for language and for one scene that was risqué.) This ended up being the only movie I watched this weekend, because I spent the rest of it reading. Todd worked Friday night, Saturday in the day until six p.m., and Sunday from noon to seven p.m.
I was up early Saturday morning, and left at eight to go pick up my grocery order from Kroger. I also needed gas in my car, so since my order was going to take an additional thirty minutes to be ready, I made the fifteen minute drive to Costco to fill my car up, then made it back right in time to pick up my groceries. Todd helped me put everything away, then I got dressed for the day and met my mom and Trish for some errands. We ran to Target for all of us (we all needed something from there), then we had lunch at a favorite local restaurant (Huey's), then we ended our time together by going to Home Goods. It was a beautiful day!
I resisted the urge to buy a candle, but did make it home with a baby toy I need for a shower I'm co-hosting on Saturday, a Valentine's set of potholders and this rug you see Oakley lying on. She approves of it, by the way.
Here's a sneak peak of what I've been reading...come back tomorrow for the books I read in January!
I picked out a new screensaver for my phone by browsing on Pinterest, I made myself some dinner, then I read some more. By the time I finished all of that, Todd had made it back home and we wrapped up the night by watching Big Brother on Netflix.
Jonah's girlfriend got a puppy this weekend! They ended up back here with Sadie, and this was her hiding under this little table from the big and curious Crash.
I was up early on Sunday morning, as usual, so I enjoyed my coffee while reading some more. I really want to finish the book I'm currently reading! It's so good and I can't wait to find out what happens next. I love how lazy our dogs are every morning. I took these pictures and sent them to the boys later on in the day. Callie (the German Shepherd) is on this small couch right below.
And below is Crash, Chip in the middle and Oakley.
I had my quiet time before I got dressed for church, which I loved. I've been camping out on these verses in 2 Corinthians 4 for the last few days.
I love to read passages in different translations in the Bible and I love how the Message version says it—not a day goes by without His unfolding grace. I got dressed right after this and left for church.
It was kind of rainy and warmer yesterday, so I wore this, which is one of my favorite tops. Here's a better view from up close.

I am loving color right now, especially this magenta color. Our church service was excellent yesterday! We had a guest speaker, which I don't always love, but he wasn't just a speaker—he is a preacher and he preached a phenomenal sermon. I was taking detailed notes the entire time, and it spoke right into my heart. I love it when that happens! After church, I was at home for the rest of the day. Our dryer isn't working right now, so I didn't do laundry, but I did get to catch up on that Saturday. I'm so thankful for that, because it may be another day or two before it works again. If not, I may be coming to see you, Mom and Bill! 😉 I read, I prepped for lunches and dinners this week, I meal planned, I got my bags ready for work today, and my outfit was all ready to go after I changed out of it from the morning at church. Thanks for that great idea,
And just for fun and because it's so beautiful, look at this picture from a Saturday last year. My mom and Trish love to go to this home décor shop nearby called John Mark's. This was the entrance into his store last year at this same time of year—he is such a talented young man! You can check out
his Instagram account here if you're interested. I love to follow people like that for inspiration.
I also love this reminder for myself. I am so thankful for my husband! Our marriage seems stronger than it's ever been before. I don't take that for granted.
I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to this week. We have some possible snowy weather headed our way, so that's kind of exciting to think about. I hope to have a family dinner tonight, too, so that's always fun. It's so hard to get us all together because of different work schedules for everyone. What are you looking forward to this week? I'd love to hear! Don't forget that tomorrow I'll be sharing about the books I read in January, and on Wednesday I'm hosting the month's Currently post for February. I hope to see you back here! As always, thank you for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 🖤
Thankful for no violence for your area. Oh, man, I so agree with you about the news and the fear-mongering. I started that movie and fell asleep so I will try again. I loved The Bodyguard! I love all of your dogs spread out on all the couches. They have a great life! I would try to buy all that Valentine's stuff at HG. So good! I love the idea of you wearing your Sunday outfit on Monday.
ReplyDeleteI have started a Louisville list for you on my phone and will share it with you soon. I drove by the street you are staying on yesterday and it's such a great area.
Amy, right? I was so relieved that it all went over without a problem for the most part. You'll have to try again- it was so funny in some parts! I love this book too...I fell asleep reading last night, so I hope to finish it today after school. We sure do love our dogs! Todd won't get a smaller couch, because he likes them to be next to him. Two of them stay by him all the time, Chip and Crash.
ReplyDeleteThat's so sweet of you! Thank you for doing that! I was going to reach out to you soon on Instagram to ask you something. I hope you have the best day, my friend!
Hi Jennifer :) Thank God for his protection! So much to say and yet, these things leave you speechless. I was wondering if that movie was good. I like Jennifer Lopez. I'm glad you still got to spend time with your dad. I was afraid you were going to tell us that he was upset you had to change your routine on Fridays. That would be so hard.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a great and safe week at school! I don't know about the snow. I feel like I'm ready to see green things popping up (aka Spring) :)
Have a wonderful day!
Debbie, amen! I am so thankful for His protection. It was a good movie, but it's rated R for language and for one scene that is a little risqué. Aside from the one scene, there aren't any more, but it was good and funny. I love a funny movie!
ReplyDeleteMy dad helped encourage me to take this job offer! He was here with me the day I found out they hired me and he walked me through all the pros and cons. I was so glad he was here and helped me decide! I don't know if I'd have felt so good about it, had he not been with me. I love our time together! I'm glad for new and fun things to come, though, for him and me. I hope your day is great, my friend!
Thank you for sharing that passage- it is exactly what I needed to start my week. Sounds like such a productive and fun weekend and glad you got to spend time with your Dad Friday night! Hope your job is going well- I am sure it is :)
ReplyDeleteHolly, I'm so glad that was what you needed this morning. I always need that same reminder for myself. Thanks for that, my friend! I hope your week gets started on the right foot and that your day is wonderful.🖤
ReplyDeleteWhat? You have snow in your forecast? How can that be? Up here, we are expecting a rather lovely week. In the 60s tomorrow. Weather is so odd! I always love your puppy pictures! Glad the new rug got the seal of approval...and hopefully the new pup will like her new friends soon! Question: does Oakley officially live with you guys? I thought you were the nanny/grandma?? Just curious. Lots of dog love at your house!!:) Have a wonderful week! PS - I'm working (really hard) on that whole not living in fear:)
ReplyDeleteI did watch that movie this weekend and thought it was so funny and so good. I also don't listen to the news and try to live without fear (though I don't always do so well with that one!). So glad you had a nice peaceful weekend.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that there were no riots and everyone stayed safe. I don’t watch the news either but I always end up finding out what’s going on via Facebook or when I open google. I did see some footage of what happened with the young man and I was worried for Memphis. I recalled the terrible riots that happened when the last tragedy occurred. So it’s actually quite a miracle to hear that everything was relatively peaceful. On a much happier note I am happy to hear you spent quality time with your dad and stepmum. What a lovely way to end the working week.
ReplyDeleteCathy, thank you for that! I remember that you worked for your local police when you retired a year ago. That's incredible that there were never any officers killed during time you worked there. What an answer to prayer!
ReplyDeleteThat's so sweet that Oakley reminds you of your dog Lily. I bet you do miss her! Our dogs bring such joy to us and have truly become our furry kids. I don't like to imagine life without them!
Jennifer, you're so right about the weather being so odd. So, yes, we actually have a "snow" day today and our schools are all closed for the day. It's not really snow, though, it's ice and the roads are terrible. We may have another day at home tomorrow. The bonus is that it's unexpected break for me, and I found out I get paid for it, even though I'm not there working. Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteYou are right about Oakley. She does belong to our oldest son, but he does also still live here at home, so yes. She lives with us! He hopes to move out sometime in this year, so we'll be sad to see her go. Our other dogs may actually be pretty depressed when she leaves. Oakley and Chip are the best of friends!
Thanks, Joanne! How funny that you also watched the same movie this weekend.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ruth! I agree to everything you said! I'm so grateful for how it all turned out this weekend. I hope you had a great weekend as well!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great weekend and I am also so thankful for the overall peace we had in the midst of protests last weekend. Enjoy the days off this week and stay warm!!
ReplyDeleteMarilyn, me too! I hope you've enjoyed your days at home- what an unexpected gift these two were this week. It feels so good to have caught up on things I'd fallen behind with.