Monday, January 16, 2023

weekending & Hello Monday {1.16.23.}


Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? 

I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's Hello Monday blog post. My weekend was really good! My husband worked on both Friday and Saturday nights this weekend, so instead of staying home and being alone, I made plans. Well, before I get to Friday, I'll back up to Thursday night when one of my best friends and I went out. 

Andrea and I went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and I had this delicious margarita. I had their chicken tortilla soup this time, which is amazing and healthy. It's full of chicken, potatoes, avocados, and cilantro and cooked in broth. 

My dad came over on Friday, and we had lunch here at my house, then he went with me to run an errand for my new job. We saw Drew for a few minutes when he met up with us for me to give him something, then we came back here and visited the rest of the afternoon. After I took him home, Andrea came and picked me up for a women's event at her church. We never see each other two nights in a row! 

I loved seeing her again and am never disappointed by how much fun we have together. I really enjoyed the speakers that were there Friday night, and the fact that they brought in good catering was nice. Our meal was delicious! On Saturday, I went out with my mom and sister. We basically just had errands to run together, but I bought a really cute top! 

I could always use a couple of new shirts or pieces in my wardrobe, especially since I'll be working everyday during the week through May. I love this shirt and wore it to church yesterday morning. I love things that are flowy, and love how this one has more definition in it with the detail close to my waist. We also went to J. Jill so that I could run in to look at their clearance items. I found a really great new cardigan! I love it and can't wait to show you, but it's a kind of heather charcoal gray color that looks great with jeans, and with black. I had a black tank top on under my shirt that day, and tried it with just that. Do you ever shop at J. Jill? It's really pricey, but when they put things on clearance, they really mark them down. The cardigan I bought was around $150 originally, but I got it for $35. See what I mean? It has these great deep pockets and fits oversized. Guess what, though? It's in a size down from what I have to usually buy! After leaving the store, we had lunch at a place my sisters and I ate at last Saturday, Moondance Grille. I had the most delicious wedge salad with blue cheese dressing.

I came home for a couple of hours, then my friend Teresa came and picked me up for dinner. Check out the golden hour sunset that took place on Saturday night.

I took the first one in front of our house, and Todd took this rural one when he worked that night. Wasn't that a spectacular sunset? I am always blown away by the splendor of God when I see things like this in nature. To me, it represents His majesty and glory, and if we can experience something as beautiful as this here on earth, I can't wait to see what Heaven will be like! I never want to get over being in awe of God and his breathtaking creation.

Teresa and I had sushi for dinner, then we went into a Hallmark shop, and got frozen yogurt afterward. I'm on a froyo kick! It's so good, and has very little calories/sugar. I had dark chocolate again, like when I was with Todd last week. I went home shortly after this and called it an early night, since I had to be at church early Sunday morning.

See? Here's the new top I wore to church that day. I love it and like how it can be casual or dressy. I wore it with a chunky necklace to dress it up a little. 

And here I was working in the tech ministry. For the people singing in choir, we have huge screens that have our lyrics to the songs we sing in each service. Each week we sing four or five songs, so my job is that I sit in this booth that is up high above the stage (I call it the bird's nest for that reason) and control the lyrics on the screens the choir and worship pastor read. It's a very important job, needless to say, and it works well that I am a singer on the praise team, because I know all the songs and am able to follow along really well. I know what it's like singing into a microphone and the frequency in which I need the screens to change to the next slide with words in the song. I think our worship pastor likes that I'm up there for that reason, because it's a job I'm able to do well. I've learned a lot about this lately, but I'll save that story for tomorrow, so come back! 

I've already written blog posts for tomorrow and Wednesday of this week; the one tomorrow is about the things that are life-giving to me right now, and on Wednesday I am sharing about how I found my own personal style and offer some tips that my mom and friend Melanie have taught me. I'd love for you to come back and read them! I did all of this on Sunday night, since Todd was home and we were watching Cops together. He played a game, I worked on the computer, and we enjoyed each other's company. It was a nice evening together. 

Tell me something good from your weekend! I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog today! Love to all. ❤


  1. Love your new top and couldn't agree more about J.Jill. There are always J.Jill things on the rack (often new with tags) at my consignment store. I try to buy good brands second hand, too. You are doing great at making yourself buy more - if you are doing 23 in 2023?
    You had a very full weekend with lots of fellowship!
    I had the perfect mix of social and home time!

  2. Amy, I thought we had another consignment shop nearby, but it closed. I hate that! I need to go to the one in Memphis, the next time I'm over that way. It's a great idea to get nicer brands at a consignment store! I also bought a thin blue sweater- it's in the picture of my friend and me. It was $13 at Marshall's! I'm glad to hear you had a great weekend! Enjoy your day off today!

  3. What a fun Weekend! You look great Jennifer :) Nothing like girl time- always feeds the soul. I had a weekend of watching my girls do what they love- helps beat the winter blues for sure!

  4. That sunset looks amazing! So beautiful. The tech job you do at church is so important and I have noticed at our church when the next slide for the lyrics is slow to change. Everyone gets so lost. One time it was so late coming on we were all left to La La La for a while until it got sorted! I hope you have a great week and I look forward to coming back to read your next posts. The topics sound really interesting.

  5. Thanks, Holly! It was a great weekend. I know you love watching your girls do what they love so much. I loved watching my boys play sports, until they played lacrosse, which is a very MEAN sport. That ruined me for life! I hope you have a great day, my friend!

  6. Ruth, it was amazing! I'm sure you have some beautiful ones where you live as well, especially since it's the warm season for you. You are so right and I agree wholeheartedly- it's terrible when the slide change happens too late! I love to sing and participate, so I need to know what comes next pretty quickly. The better the slides, the more people participate. Thanks for that, my friend! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  7. What a great weekend! Love the blue top that you bought. I have never shopped at a J.Jill before. But I am a big shopper/ believer in buying at the end of a season when regular prices are reduced a lot. It's great that you got out and were social, spent time with your husband and volunteered at church. Have a great Monday!

  8. Nothing makes me stop and think more than a good sunset or sunrise. All those colors (and that's only what the eye can see). Just think, God could have made the whole world black and white and he chose to give us every color imaginable (and some you can't imagine). Thanks for sharing!

  9. Such a cute top and looking forward to reading your fashion blog! That role at church is an important one and one that everyone notices. Good work! We could just meet at Menchie's one day, or Gracie Blue. I could eat frozen yogurt at anytime!

  10. Cute top. Sounds to me like you had a really nice weekend. Take care and have a good week.

  11. That sounds like a fun weekend! That sunset is amazing.

  12. It sounds like you had a busy and fun weekend! And that top is so cute!

  13. Thanks, Maria! And you are so right. I do believe that quality goes a really long way. I don't do that all too often, but I'm glad I went there Saturday. Thanks for that, friend! I hope you had a great weekend too. ❤

  14. Kirsten- I love what you said and feel the same way. I see evidence of how beautiful and creative God is in the nature He created. I love to see a sunset or a sunrise and have to stop and praise Him for what I see. This one Saturday night was amazing!

  15. Thanks, Marilyn! I would love to do that. I can also come close to you the next time we meet...I'm up for dinner anytime! And we can do Menchie's for dessert. 😍

  16. Thank you, Cathy! I hope yours was good as well!

  17. Thanks, Joanne! I hope you had a great weekend!

  18. Thanks, Debbie, it was so good! I hope yours was good as well!

  19. I love your new top! Super cute. Those sunset photos are amazing. A highlight of my weekend was my birthday on Saturday and a lowkey day on Sunday :)

  20. Thanks, Jen! It was so beautiful to see that sunset. Happy belated birthday to you!


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  Happy Monday, friends! I am trying to do better this week by writing this post as I go along in my weekend. I completely forgot about this...