Happy Tuesday, friends! Once again, this post was inspired by a favorite author and blogger that I love, Anne Bogel, also known as Modern Mrs. Darcy. Here is her Pinterest page, in case you're interested in checking her out there. These are things that are currently life-giving to me right now (Anne refers to these things as life savers, or sanity savers), a lot of which have to do with the word of God.
This image above is so true! I always love a reminder to spend time with wonderful friends. I also think this reminds me to BE a good friend to others.
I loved seeing these two friends this weekend and spending quality time together. These things are life-giving to me right now.
The opposite of things that are life-giving are things that are draining in life. I equate this with people. I don't want to be a miserable human being! We all know someone like this, someone who complains all the time, who drags you down, who is just absolutely draining to be around. I don't want to be like that! I want to be joyful always, like one of my favorite Scriptures says.
That kind of leads right into this next thing...
I've been "accused" of always being in a good mood. I assure you, I am not, but what I am is intentional about not letting my questionable mood ruin my day. I am a natural optimist, and I choose to focus on the good that I see rather than the bad that people talk about. Sometimes I am successful at not letting myself stay in a bad mood, other times I am not. I often ask the Lord to help me in this area, if I'm having a hard time snapping out of it. He is faithful to always help me through, but He has also taught me something valuable—when I focus on being grateful, or when I thank or praise Him for who He is to me, my perspective changes. Have you seen bumper stickers that say something like this? He⪢I? It's true. He is greater than I am, and any bad mood that tries to overcome me. The above saying reminds me of another of my favorite Bible verses.

It's not just that "things are working out". As Christians, we know that God is working things out for those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. On a much lighter note, how fun is this beautiful word below?

It's pronounced mel-LIF-lu-ous. It should surprise no one that I am a words girl, especially a beautiful word that is also a musical term. I have a funny story about a class I took in high school—when I was a freshman in high school, I took etymology, which also shouldn't surprise you. I was really excited about this class, because I've always loved words. I don't know if they had to scramble to find a teacher for us at the last minute or what, but the teacher walked in, introduced herself, and wrote on the board for us these words: "Mrs. Cheatham, Freshman Etemology". The etymology teacher spelled the word etymology wrong. 🤣 I am pretty sure I just let my head fall to the desk in dismay. I didn't say anything during class, but I did kindly tell her that the word was misspelled before I left. She was grateful that I told her, because I'm sure she was embarrassed.
I am a complete geek about things like this picture above. Did you know that a panel of people (Stylists? Interior Decorators? Nerds like me?) decide on a color of the year, every year? This beautiful color above is what my Crayola crayon box called "magenta". Yes, I am also a geek in that I studied the colors of crayons in my box at school. Even back then, I was a brand snob and only wanted Crayola brand. Remember thinking you were the coolest because your parents bought you the 84 count box with a built in sharpener in the back? Just me?
I also have this color in a new (favorite) hoodie that I bought myself before Christmas. I love a hoodie! This one is cozy, but thin, so I don't get too hot.
I don't have a ton of color in my wardrobe, it just mostly consists of neutrals that can be paired with anything. I do, however, have pops of color throughout that are in the form of sleeveless shirts (worn under cardigans and sweaters) or scarves that I wear with neutrals to brighten things up.
I absolutely LOVE volunteering in our tech ministry! I've been up in this room that I call the bird's nest for three weeks in a row this month, and I am here for it. Our worship pastor's assistant is the one who is in charge of us all, but she's been out sick since the beginning of December. We've all been pitching in and filling in the gaps that have been missing, but to say I've learned a lot since she's been absent is the understatement of the year. This thrills my heart and it's been good for our worship pastor to know that he can count on us when things are sketchy.

Something else saving my sanity right now is my husband. He is the one who installed our new porch lights last week that I mentioned on Friday on the blog post for that day. The picture I had then wasn't as clear, so I took this one to show you a better picture. I am the kind of person that loves for things to be pretty, tidy, and organized. Having a husband who does things like this for me makes my heart happy and is life-giving.

And lastly, memories to look back on like this picture of Jonah and Noah when they were twelve years old and new to the hobby of hover boards, are things that are life-giving to me right now. I have loved every stage of life our sons have been in so far, and while I do miss them being young sometimes, I really love who they are right now. They're all kind, and they walk with integrity. They're not perfect, I promise, and have all done things that make me shake my head in dismay, but overall they're pretty awesome. I love them all so much and am grateful for time I get with them. I'm fortunate that I see them all the time, even if only for a few minutes here and there. I saw Drew on Sunday at church, and I'll see him again one night this week when he comes over for another goodie bag of snacks and food he can take home.
It's your turn! Tell me something that is life-giving to you right now. I can't wait to hear your answers! I love hearing things like this from people, because it's interesting to find out what makes someone who they are. I think your answer will tell me a lot about you.
As always, thank you for reading my blog! Love to all. ❤
I love this! These posts are so positive and uplifting. I am thankful for the mild temps and sun. I think it really filled my cup this weekend. January is normally my least favorite month because it's long and cold.
ReplyDeleteYou bring light and joy to all of us- you are amazing. This was so empowering to read! The mild winter thus far is giving me peace and hope for the Spring. My family and friends bring me joy :)
ReplyDeleteAmy, these are always my favorite types of posts. I plan on writing these at least once a month, sometimes more than that if I can't think of other content. I agree with you about the mild January- we have had such warm days this month, and I pulled out my sandals one day last week. I was so glad I had gotten that birthday pedicure from Jonah, because they still look great, and that I could wear them. It'll be like that today again...I love that our days are sunny in between the dreary.
ReplyDeleteHolly, you are so sweet! I always appreciate how you encourage me. I love these types of posts when I read them from other bloggers, so I'll be doing these more in the days to come this year. I agree on the weather! We've had such great, mild temperatures. We've had dreary days too, but thankfully in between all of them, we've had warmer weather and sunshine. I wore sandals one day last week!
ReplyDeleteI am not a naturally optimistic person; I believe it's a combination of nature and nurture. I do try to see the good and focus on being grateful and I'm successful at that a lot. Of course I have a belief and hope in a perfect future in heaven but here on Earth right now, it's easy for me to feel let down often by others' pain and political injustices here in American and in countries with extremely corrupt regimes. I try to stay positive but like I said, it is not my natural inclination. I am fascinated by people who are different than I am in this regard. Maybe that's one reason I like your blog so much, ;)!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this post. You are a very encouraging person and I like that about you. I love to be around people that stay more positive. My dad was like that and I think I am too. It's not that I don't get sad, angry or mad just like anyone, but it's not long and I'll be looking for the bright side (that silver lining). Take care my friend. You front door area is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteWhen you mentioned people who can drain you of energy, it reminded me of a term I heard for that: kryptonite people. Just being around them drains your energy. I try not to be that way!
ReplyDeleteOh I used to love that Crayola box with the sharpener (though honestly my mom could have bought a smaller box and just an extra sharpener and the same thing would have been accomplished! LOL). But the artist in me loves have access to many, many shades of all colors.
ReplyDeleteMaria, I get what you're saying. It makes sense! But what you said makes me wonder if I was always like this. I honestly don't remember. If I was, I never paid attention to it until I became an adult and people said something negative about it to me. Thanks for that, my friend! Wouldn't the world be boring if we were all exactly alike?
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cathy. I would have guessed that about you, even if you hadn't told me. I can tell so much about someone from what they say (or don't say) online. I love that we have that in common!
ReplyDeleteTanya, I love your term for people like that! It reminds me of how explosive that thinking can be- as in, it's contagious. I'm going to start using that! You and me both, my friend.
ReplyDeleteJoanne, I feel the same way! That is the mom/homeschooling mom in both of us that feel that way about a smaller box with a sharpener. I would have been just as happy with that, most likely!
ReplyDeleteI love the title of this post! I so wish that was naturally an optimistic person. I try and, like you, I try to have the best attitude...especially when I am out and with others (even my family) but it does not come naturally and is only with His grace and help. People who drain my joy...I really don't need that after working so hard to have a good attitude:) And I LOVE words. A bit of word nerd. And I have never heard of mellifluous. I love it. Now, I need to work into a conversation this week! Thanks for teaching me something new today. Oh, and I learned the color of the year. Hooray:)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jennifer! I agree with so much of what you're saying- especially about people that are draining. It doesn't surprise me that you're a words girl too! Yay for learning new things!