Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday Favorites, 1.27.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this favorite weekly blog post. Well, now that I'm working full time again, Friday is definitely my new favorite day! I love my new job, and I even love the good tired feeling after a long day...but I will be glad for a weekend that is easy and low key. And on that note, I'll get started with my favorites from this week!

My favorite thing from this week started when Dad and I went on a mini road trip last Friday. Traveling is our favorite, no matter the distance! I had to go to a nearby town for some paperwork for my job, and when we passed Dad's favorite BBQ place named Bozo's, we knew that we would be eating lunch there when I was done. It was delicious! 

Saturday was also a favorite, because I spent quality time with Mom and my sister Trish. We started at one of my favorite places—this amazing local bookstore, Novel. 

And my favorite guy and I went to midtown for date night that same night. Time with him is always a favorite! I loved the look of where we were. It's such a cool area in our city, with murals like this beautiful one below, made out of hundreds of large sequins that flutter and glow in the breeze. 

My favorite meme of the week was went to my sister Trish and to my best friend for a good laugh. 

My favorite author sent me a free copy of her book for my friend who is a first grade teacher! If you have kids from 8 to 12 who love to read, or if you're looking for a great book to read together with them, I highly recommend this book. I read the first two chapters and loved every word that I read! I tagged Karen and her son Ty on Instagram with this picture, and he thanked me for sharing about it there. I love it when authors correspond with you! I have read every book that Karen has ever written and have loved all of them. I highly recommend her! This genre would be considered Christian fiction. 

My morning time with Jesus has been my favorite this week. Everyday I've opened up His word to read, it's been something that spoke directly into my heart. I love it when He does that!

Did you read my post from yesterday? I shared about my favorite pullover there, but I do love this happy piece of clothing. It always makes people talk to me. 😉 I love that it's warm and cozy, which was needed on this particular day. I have it on at school today! It's cool again, and very windy, so I figured it would be a great day to wear it to work. 

My family and friends have been my favorite this week. My bonus son sent me this over social media this week and it made me cry like a baby. I love him so much! My family has also been so kind and were genuinely interested in how my days have been going. I had so many sweet texts from my family and friends when I started on Wednesday, that I sat in my car and shed a few tears of gratitude over them. I thanked God for them before I walked into the building, because I literally could not imagine life without them. I am so thankful for all of them! 

On a lighter note, this new color is my favorite for the month of February! 

And this moment when I got my badge this week is a favorite! It's been a minute since I've had to wear one of these and it felt good to be back in a school setting once again!

This verse from the book of James is one of my favorites and was an excellent reminder to me on my first day of work! The topic of my quiet time that day was on loving my neighbor (people) and it was perfect for me to pray over my day as I started work.

This quote from Charles Spurgeon is one of my favorite things I found on Pinterest this week! It really means something special to me, because the Lord Himself put me in my new position at this elementary school. 

All of my sons are my favorite! This is Drew when he came over Wednesday night as he sat and bonded with the dogs. I'd already let my worship pastor know that I wouldn't be at choir rehearsal that night, because I knew I would be exhausted from my first day at work. It worked out perfectly that I'd already planned on that and Drew told me he wanted to come over. I was able to feed him and sit with him while he ate, which is always a favorite for me to do—nurture and love my family through food. It was so good to spend some time with him! He had to go use the lint roller after Crash deposited his white and wiry hairs all over Drew's black pants. 

I thought I'd leave you with a few favorite tips and sayings that I found on Pinterest, followed by an important reminder about God and how He always works everything out for us. 

In case you missed them, here are my blog posts from this week! 

Also, here's a little bit of blog "business" I want to share, in case you're interested in joining me for some fun link parties. The first is that this Saturday January 28th, I'm hosting the Share 4 Somethings link party. This is not original to me, but it's something that Heather Gerwing began and was going to end. I offered to take the baton from her, so I'll be the new host of it for the unforeseeable future. I hope you'll join us! The link will go live on Saturday January 28th and will stay open for three weeks. We'll be sharing things we loved, read, learned, and ate in January. Those prompts will remain the same all year long and this will always be on the last Saturday of every month. I hope you join us! (Originally, I had thought of using the present tense of those words, but I changed my mind to keep it original with how Heather started the whole thing.)

Then, on Wednesday February 1st, I'm hosting another link party called Currently. (Here was January's Currently post, in case you want to check it out. I think the link is still open.) This link party will always be on the first Wednesday of the month, and the topics we'll be writing about in February are things we're currently loving, feeling, posting, receiving, and seeing. 

*The topics for March will be what we're currently loving, starting, finishing, trying, and (where we're ) going. *April will be what we're currently loving, hoping, playing, needing, and feeling.

Tell me something great about your week—I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I hope to see you back here next week. Have a great and fun weekend! Love to all. ❤


  1. I'm so happy for you and your new job!! Enjoy your day and the weekend!

  2. Thanks, Marilyn! I hope you enjoy yours as well! 🖤

  3. Thanks, Maria! I've actually noticed that, from the two classrooms I've been inside this week. I saw some great ones in our room as well that I also love. I hope you have a great day and weekend, my friend!

  4. That nail color is everything :) Love it! Oh I love the ideas of this linkup- thank you for sharing- hope you have a wonderful weekend Jennifer!

  5. Thanks, Holly! I hope the same for you!

  6. Ah, that photo of Crash! I love it...and the one of you getting your badge. Could you look any more in your sweet spot? So happy for you!! Here's to a weekend of getting to sleep in just a bit. I'm tired just thinking about all you've done this week! My favorite this week? the flowers that were delivered to me last night (I explained it on the blog today). They keep making me smile every time I walk through the kitchen (which, admittedly, is very often)!! Happy Friday, friend!

  7. I love the picture of Drew and Crash. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Love the nail color and the new badge!! Yay! So glad to hear the new job is going well.

  9. So good to hear that your job is going well. I love your happy pullover and I can totally understand why people would want to have a chat with you when you're wearing it. I would definitely say Hi if I saw you wearing it 😊. I hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Thank you, Jennifer! I need to go read that post, but I feel the same way and love seeing flowers in our home. I love that something small can make a big impact. Girl! I am tired from my week too! 😂 In the best way, though.

  11. Cathy, I want to be a pineapple too! ❤️

  12. Thanks, Tanya! I hope you do the same, my friend. ❤️

  13. Thanks, Ruth! I love doing the same- complimenting someone when I love what they're wearing. Everyone enjoys kind words! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Ruth!

  14. Hello, Jenni! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. I look forward to seeing you here often! Thank you for the kind words- many of the prompts were suggestions from friends who read my blog, and I loved them and thought the same.

    I am actually in that same phase of life, and I just keep writing. I've had to restructure my thoughts and posts since my sons are grown now, but I want to encourage you to keep going! Write what you love to read about...I think that is a beautiful thing about this community. We all inspire and cheer each other on. I have learned from and been inspired by so many bloggers that I love recently. I know you'll find the same. I hope you have the best weekend! ❤️


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