Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday Favorites! 1.20.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How was your week? Did it fly by with lightning speed like mine? Just me? I have some favorites from the week! 

First up on my favorites list were these adorable tennis shoes. I found these on Amazon, and bought them with their "try before you buy" option. I was going for neutral, since I'll be wearing them with all kinds of different outfits. I loved them, but they did not work for me. I'm keeping the pictures and link, in case you want to check them out for you. In replacement, I ordered two pairs of the Hey Dudes brand that I know I love and that I can walk for miles in. One pair is a greige color, and the other is a blush pink color. I love the greige ones! The pink ones come in later today. 

Next up are my new favorite glasses. I tried on a pair of those cute readers that people share about on Instagram, the Peepers brand, but I refuse to pay $30 for one pair of non-prescription readers. So, I came home and looked on Amazon and found this six pack of readers in the strength I need (1.5) that also have blue light blocking capabilities, and I love them. The colors are clear, black, tortoiseshell brown, tortoiseshell blue, brown with pink on the bottom, and a gray tortoiseshell. 

One of my favorite things to do on weekends is to watch movies, and this one was hilarious. It is not a squeaky clean Hallmark movie, I will warn you, but I laughed so hard over several scenes. I love Kristin Bell! Her humor is dry, which is appealing to me. 

Coffee is my favorite! I've been tweaking how I make mine, since I'm eating healthier. I was using a lot of sugar, then I used a little, then I used honey, now I only use creamer. Costco has my favorite coffee! I only love their brand of k cups.

For the love of all things that are wonderful, these creamers are my favorite! Amy shared about these skinny syrups that you can buy at TJ Maxx, Marshall's, or Home Goods. I bought mine at Marshall's on Saturday while I was out with my mom and Trish last weekend. The one you see below that is caramel fudge really does taste like that and I've tricked my body into thinking it's dessert every night. I did finally buy some decaf k cups at Kroger this week, in case I ever want more than one cup. 

I don't know if I've ever said this here, but I was into the whole 90's grunge trend when I was a teenager, and sometimes I pull up one of those playlists on Spotify and listen to it and sing loudly. I also love listening to 90's country. Todd and I like to do that together, and it takes me back to the days of when we started dating. ❤❤ The Indigo Girls were my favorite, though! 

This sunset on Saturday night was my favorite! The golden hour is real. I took this picture and Todd took the one below it.

Some of these Scriptures are my favorite from this week.

I have some new favorite products that I'm using in my hair. I bought this at Marshall's as well, and though it's meant for ethnic ladies, it's working great on my own curls.

I bought some of more of this Marc Anthony curl cream as well, since Todd and Noah are sharing it now that Todd is letting his hair grow out some. 

I have some favorite outfits from this week! 

(This sweater pictured above was another new buy, a pale periwinkle blue sweater I found on clearance at Marhall's.) 

This dip that Todd brought home from Costco is our new favorite! Holy cow, it's rich. I can't eat too much of this stuff, but it's delicious.

Oakley's sleeping positions will always be my favorite. 

These views I had at my job at the attorney's office were one of my favorite parts of working there. I'll miss working on the town square! I'll just have to make more of an effort to visit there when I'm not working. This picture above is the women's restroom. I love all the detail in the dark woodwork.

Having something fun to look forward to with my hubby is my favorite! We have made plans for a three night getaway in a few weeks, and this is where we're going. We went ahead and made our reservations and got an Air BNB to stay in, rather than a hotel room. We plan on taking our breakfast and lunch things that we eat everyday and will eat out at night. We have so many fun things planned, but our favorite will be seeing our friends John and Stacy. 

And lastly, yesterday was my favorite, since I found out more information about my new job! If you know me at all, and most of you do, you know how much I love historical buildings. Well, the building in this first picture below is a newer section of the old high school building that my sisters attended. This was originally Collierville High School, then it was Collierville Middle School (where Graham and Drew attended before we homeschooled), and now it's the Collierville Schools Board of Education. Isn't it beautiful? Look at the details in the other pictures below!

I was in Heaven being in there yesterday. They gave me a t-shirt before I left!

Our town may feel small, but it's really not. We have six elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high school. We have over 9,000 students enrolled in the nine schools! I found out a lot of random and interesting facts, like what the budget is, and how many employees we have throughout. The mascot for the high school is the Dragons, hence the logo on the shirt, but the school mascot where I am is the Eagles. Can you sense my excitement? I get to start next week! It'll be Tuesday, most likely. 

Here are my other blog posts from this week:

Monday was a weekend recap & Hello Monday.

Tuesday was all about things that are life-giving to me right now.

Wednesday I talked about how I found my own personal style (including a TikTok video I made). Then later on, I felt ridiculous about that post and wrote another bonus post, where I shared about my morning devotional thoughts. 

Thursday was my gratitude post for the week.

Also, here's a little bit of blog "business" I want to share, in case you're interested in joining me for some fun link parties. The first is that on Saturday January 28th, I'm hosting the Share 4 Somethings link party. This is not original to me, but it's something that Heather Gerwing began and was going to end. I offered to take the baton from her, so I'll be the new host of it for the unforeseeable future. I hope you'll join us! The link will go live on Saturday January 28th and will stay open for three weeks. We'll be sharing things we loved, read, learned, and ate in January. Those prompts will remain the same all year long and this will always be on the last Saturday of every month. I hope you join us! (Originally, I had thought of using the present tense of those words, but I changed my mind to keep it original with how Heather started the whole thing.)

Then, on Wednesday February 1st, I'm hosting another link party called Currently. (Here was January's Currently post, in case you want to check it out. I think the link is still open.) This link party will always be on the first Wednesday of the month, and the topics we'll be writing about in February are things we're currently loving, feeling, posting, receiving, and seeing. 

*The topics for March will be what we're currently loving, starting, finishing, trying, and (where we're ) going. *April will be what we're currently loving, hoping, playing, needing, and feeling.

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I hope to see you back here next week. Have a great and fun weekend! Love to all. ❤


  1. I really appreciate how you remind us of upcoming link parties. I am bad about remembering them and if I don't write them down - it won't happen!
    So much good this week! I am just giddy for next Tuesday! You will be tired, but I think it will be a good tired. I am so tired at the end of the day, but my heart is full from being around kids and their energy. Does that make sense? Give yourself grace and don't plan much after work. Don't expect yourself to do much around the house. You will need to recharge your batteries.

  2. I can definitely sense your excitement! I just love new endeavors! I also do best at short-term endeavors :) So I can appreciate your temporary time frame for now. I think it's a good way to ease into a new season.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Amy, I am the same way! I know people write in advance, and I'm a planner, so I assume others are the same as me. I'm glad to remind people for that reason!

    Thank you for the heads up. It's good to know, so I'll set my expectations low. I plan on writing for my blog on Sunday afternoon/night. That's what I did this week, to get myself used to that. I wrote here for Monday-Wednesday, then on Wednesday afternoon, I worked on Thursday, and did Friday's on Thursday night. We'll see how that goes next week! I have some easy meals planned for next week and will order and pickup groceries this weekend to prepare. I'm going to remember your words...grace upon grace.

    Thanks, sweet friend!🖤

  4. You are going to crush your new job- can't wait to read all about it! I will def check out that movie- it sounds adorable! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  5. Debbie, this is why we're friends. I feel the same way! The way I look at it is, even if the worst case scenario happens and I hate it, it's only through May! I can do anything for a little while. I feel like I'm easing myself into it with that way of thinking. Thank you! I hope your weekend is great, my friend. 🖤

  6. Thank you, Holly! You should...and let us know what you thought about it on Monday. I laughed so hard in several was good, in a terrible kind of way, but so funny. I love movies that make me laugh like that. Have a great weekend, my friend! 🖤

  7. Oh, Oakley!! Such a funny pup:) I'm so excited for you and your new job! And how do you continue to end up at these beautiful buildings? I love them. Would make going into the office so much fun:) I was wondering how your new job is going to impact your Fridays with Dad!! Hope you get into a new routine and rhythm quickly!! Happy Friday friend!

  8. I like 90's country music as well. I have "John Deere Green" in my head right now as well as "Little Rock." Why is 90's country music so good, lol? I like some grunge but it's not something that I seek out. I will be curious to know how you feel about working in a school district. My eyes have been open to so much by subbing. Some good and some bad (I don't share the bad online and you will likely be the same way) but definitely eye opening.

  9. I was going to say, I LOVE those blush pink Newbalance shoes!! 😻 Can’t wait to see your Hey Dudes. Look at Oakley sleeping, adorable!!!! You guys have a lot of schools/students! Wow! So excited for your new job!

  10. Wow! That is a huge school district! Our town has all the schools in one building-- elementary, middle, and high school are all connected through a series of hallways. I don't know how many students but I think last years graduating class had well under 100.

  11. Hello! I am visiting from Debbie's and am so happy I stopped in! Have a cozy weekend, and nice to meet you!

  12. Thanks, Jennifer! Well....sometimes it's an actual accident and other times I actively seek them out, like on Friday of this week with Dad. I love them so much! And people are nice to humor me in this. Thank you for that!

  13. Maria, right? I agree! I am a little bit prepared because I've worked in a public school before, but I know it's way different now. I think it depends on the administrators...I will say, I have a great one, from what I know of her so far! I've been so impressed with her. She is also an excellent communicator, which helps tremendously.

  14. Billie Jo, thanks for stopping by! It's nice to meet you as well. I look forward to seeing you back soon!


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