Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday Favorites! 1.13.23.

Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this favorite weekly blog post. 

Hi, my name is Jennifer and addressing letters and invitations is one of my favorite things. So is the art of handwriting and so is Mr. Rogers. I'm excited to be co-hosting a baby shower in February for my best friend's son and daughter-in-love. They're having a little girl this spring! Baby gifts are also my favorite. 

So, you may remember that last week I mentioned that I cleaned out my closet and organized it really well and in a way that made sense to me? It's still my favorite little space, because each night I pick out my clothes, shoes, and jewelry and hang them in this little "staging" area. 

I was really looking forward to wearing both of these outfits, but I had to switch gears when I found out the weather was going to be really warm. 

This was my favorite thing that I saw on the internet all week. I shared a blog post about this on Wednesday that I'll link at the bottom of this one, where I talked about how when I spend quality time with Jesus each day, spiritually speaking, that overflows into my mental wellbeing, then into my emotional wellbeing, and finally into my physical wellbeing. 

I have some favorite outfits from this week! 

Yes, those are sandals you see me in. And yes, it is still January, and yes, the weather was over 70 degrees this particular day, so you can bet I pulled them out and wore them. And look how great my birthday pedicure still looks that Jonah gave me! 

My awesome mom made some lime Jell-O salad this week and shared it with me. Have you ever had that? It's lime Jell-O, pineapple Jell-O, cottage cheese and chopped pecans. It's delicious and one of my favorite things to snack on! Also, these little bowls are my favorite. 

It's hard to tell by this picture, but my favorite husband installed our new porch lights this week! I'll share another picture next week during the day time, but they're a huge improvement over what was there. The old ones were really nice still, but there was a short in one of the wires inside, so when it's really cold, one would never turn on. It was actually pretty funny, but I'm grateful for these new ones!

Decorating for the seasons is my favorite! I added a few touches of bright color for Valentine's day next month. Hearts are also my favorite, which you already know. 

I'll wrap it up with this last favorite. 

It's been my favorite thing working in this beautiful historic building for the past five months! It's also been my favorite thing to be able to work alongside my best friend. which was the biggest perk to this job I've loved at the attorney's office. And the attorney I work for is one of the nicest, godliest men I've ever had the privilege of knowing. I thanked him for hiring me this week, for letting me have such flexible hours, and for his generosity in giving me a very nice Christmas bonus. I will miss going to the square everyday! You all know how much I love our town square. My last day here will be this coming Tuesday the 17th. I have some training to go through for my new job next Thursday, so hopefully I'll start the new job the following week. While it's bittersweet and there will be things I miss, I'm excited for where I'm going next, and that I get to be a Crosswinds Elementary Eagle! I can't wait to start this new and exciting journey. ❤

In case you missed out on any of my other posts from this week, here is what's been going on. 

On Monday, I gave a weekend recap.

On Tuesday, I shared some things I've learned regarding hair care, skin care and on being a healthier version of myself.

On Wednesday, I started a new series I'll be doing pretty often about things that are working for me at the moment. I started that with words I'm living by right now. 

Thursday was Thankful Thursday, and I shared about the faithfulness of God at a time in my life when I was sick for a year. 

I have some fun posts scheduled for next week, so I hope you come back to visit! One day may include another mini-tutorial with a video I made for TikTok that I'll be sharing. That post will publish on Tuesday, and I'll be sharing how I found my own style and the ladies who taught me how to dress. I'm talking about you, Mom! 😍 

It's your turn now! What was something that was a favorite of yours from this week? I would love to hear from you! Thank you for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I've been wondering if you were already training! Bittersweet, but it served a purpose of getting you back in the world of work, I think.
    I need to decorate for Valentine's day and I have a very similar if not the exact same garland! I love felt balls and felt heart cut outs so much!
    I can't wait for next week's posts and to hear about your new adventure!

  2. Cute outfits! I like the oatmeal colored sweater. We had mild weather this week as well for which I was thankful. Definitely not sandals weather but not the cold of January that is typical so that worked out well. I hope your training goes well for you new job and you don't miss your old one too much. I have a soft spot in my heart for those who assist in law firms for good attorneys ;).

  3. Such cute outfits and love those sandals- I bought them because of you and Jen! Have a great weekend Jennifer :)

  4. Amy, I agree with how it eased me back into working outside of our home. I'll always be thankful for the opportunity he gave me to acclimate back into that again. I have truly loved this job! I am really looking forward to Thursday afternoon of next week- that's when my "onboarding" happens, I'll have some training, complete more paperwork and submit and drug/TB/background check results, sign over my life to them, and get my school badge with photo ID.I can't wait to share more about it all and when I start!

    Have a great weekend, my friend!

  5. Thanks, Maria! Even though I don't mind the cold we have here- which is nowhere near as your cold, I assure you- it was so nice to wear sandals in January. I got some yardwork done and the dogs loved playing outside while I did that. They love that weather! I will miss parts of my job at the office...but there will be some things I won't miss at all. Even so, it's been fun to work there and to meet new people.

    Have a great weekend, my friend!

  6. Thanks, Holly! That is awesome. They are so comfy and I love that they match everything! I hope you have a great weekend!

  7. OH yes, I break out my sandals/flip flops too any day where the weather is warm enough regardless of the season!

  8. Jennifer, I love all your decorations. I especially love your bookshelf. I'm so excited for you to start your new job. Have a great weekend.

  9. Such cute little pops of Valentine's! You make me want to go get my little bin of things. The valentine bin has gotten dramatically smaller over the last couple of years - but I still like to sprinkle a few hearts here and there:) Cute outfits this week. You are going to look great (and confident) when you walk through those elementary doors!! Go get 'em!! Congrats again! Hooray for sandals in January!! Hugs my friend -

  10. I also love Mr. Rogers...that's so cool that you found those stamps! I'm excited to hear about the new job next week!

  11. Joanne, yes! I've always been like that. I get from my mom, and she is the same way.

  12. Thank you, Cathy! I hope you had a good weekend, my friend. We had some beautiful weather, which made it really nice.

  13. Thank you, Jennifer! I don't have very much of any other holiday décor either...I just have a few different garlands and such. I do love it, though! You're sweet to give me a vote of confidence! I always appreciate your kind words. I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  14. Tanya, me too! Have you seen the documentary about him on Netflix? It was so good!

  15. I am very happy, I am here to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr Adodo has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, i was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self's but when i was unable to give he a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can't continue anymore then i was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email ( then you won't believe this when i contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month i miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr Adodo for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through this same kind of problems you can contact he today on his mail ( on his Whatspp +18144484537 and he will also help you as well


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...