Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Prime Purchases- November edition


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Tanya for this monthly blog post. I'm sharing the things I've purchased that are not gifts below. Just click on the picture and you'll be taken to Amazon. 

I have a new favorite lip product! I have really dry skin, which also applies to my lips, so when I was with my mom and sister one Saturday and they told me about this product, I bought it and have since ordered more on Amazon. I keep it beside my chair here in the living room so that I can use it often. 

It's the Chapstick brand Total Hydration in the coconut scent. It's healed my dry and cracked lips, which is why I ordered a pack of them from Amazon over the weekend. Dry lips are the bane of my existence! 

These are the best non-slip, no show socks I've ever owned. I wear them everyday!

This is my favorite brand of lipstick! I wear it in multiple colors, but right now I am all about the red for Christmas. 

I also use the NYX brand lipliners, but I suggest buying those in an Ulta or Walgreens. Target never has a great selection. 

Lastly, I bought two of these picture frames.

I love them. They're just simple and inexpensive and perfect for what I needed. 

What have you bought recently that you love? I'd love to hear from you! Also, check the post under this one that I made late last night as a bonus post. It's my annual Christmas home tour. I'll see you back here tomorrow for the Currently link party, where we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, gifting, wrapping, hoping and attending. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. ❤

*This post includes Amazon affiliate links.


  1. Great purchases! I bought a new Maybelline red stick and a new lipliner at Walgreen's last night. I will probably show it on Friday. I love the Neutrogena, too, but it doesn't last as long for me. I love the smell and texture of it. I have it in two colors - a mauve and a pink. Love it!

  2. Pretty lip color- thanks for sharing! Also can't have enough Chapstick this time of year for sure :)

  3. Amy, this brand only lasts on me because I line my whole lip with liner first. It's really creamy, which feels good but doesn't usually bode well for long-lasting. I'm glad you found one this weekend!

  4. Marilyn, I think Chapstick is my favorite brand in general. Even their regular ones are good for me and help my lips. My all time favorite is one you have to order. It's Lime Life Enduring lip color in macaron. I may treat myself after the holidays!

  5. I'm so glad you posted about your socks! I've been looking for some no-show socks, but was hesitant to buy any because they usually don't stay put. I ordered them right away :)

  6. Debbie, these are the best! They wash and dry really well and they really do stay put. I can't stand when they keep slipping off! I just threw like five pairs away because of that. I hope you like them! I told my Mom about them as well...I may add some to her Christmas gift.

  7. I need to check out the chapstick. Winter KILLS my lips so much! But I am leery of using all products because I think they make my lips worse.

    No show socks. I am in the need of new ones - mine are all stretched out.

  8. I've never tried that style of lipstick...in a crayon. I should try it though since I like that kind of eyeshadow. Love that White Christmas print! Thanks so much for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  9. Love the framed quote from White Christmas! I always like to hear of balm for your lips. Mine too are very dry. I just bought a pack of Carmex and it really has helped my lips alot. The most recent I've purchased on Amazon is a new pair of ankle boots and a shaver to remove the pills on my clothes. They should arrive before 10pm today. Hope you have good day.

  10. I use both that Chap Stick and the lip crayon! Two of my faves!!

  11. Ohhh… going to check out that chap stick now! It’s so dry here!!

  12. Great suggestions - I always enjoy these kinds of posts! So helpful. And I always end up adding to my Amazon cart (which is full to overflowing already - lol!!)

  13. Rebecca Jo, I used to not be a fan of this brand, but this one has changed my mind! It's not as waxy as the original. Their candy cane flavor (scent?) is also good and creamier than the original.

    I hope you like both, if you try them!

  14. It's good and surprisingly long lasting, if you use lip liner first. I also like that it's cheap. Thanks for hosting us!

  15. Cathy, I used to love Carmex! It stopped working for me suddenly, though, so I had to find something else. I love that tingly feel that it gives. You know that's my favorite Christmas movie! I always sing along with the songs.

  16. Bri- I feel for you! Do you ever get used to that?

  17. Thanks, Jennifer! I always feel the EXACT same. Ha!

  18. I haven't bought Neutrogena in forever! It was my go-to brand when I was younger but I rarely browse for new cosmetics these days.
    I often buy frames on Amazon because they have the best selection.


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