Wednesday, December 28, 2022

❤ my list of favorite things from 2022--- Amazon purchases and some other things ❤


Happy Wednesday, friends!  Today's post was inspired by my friend Amy. On my post from Monday, I thanked her for a movie she recommended to me over the weekend and in the comments she suggested some other movies/shows. That is what inspired the idea for this post. I thought I'd share about some of my favorite things and then I'd love for you to share some of yours! I'm jumping right in and starting with a favorite for everyone—


Hands down, this dress was my favorite Amazon purchase of 2022. I was so hesitant to buy a clothing item on Amazon, because I have to try things on in stores. That being said, I knew what I wanted—a long dress that wasn't fitted and that would look good on me and also be comfortable—and I knew that I wanted a dark color for the event I was buying for. You can read about that event in this post

I did buy another dress similar to this one, but it doesn't even come close to this one. I will definitely be wearing this again in the spring and summer of 2023! This dress looked as good in person as the pictures on Amazon depicted. I have washed it and dried it multiple times, it didn't shrink, and though it was long on me, it was perfect with my tall wedges pictured below.

This one is kind of random, but you all know how dry my skin is and how I need lotion all the time. This lotion that I purchased in the summer of 2022 is some of the best I've ever used.

It smells like summer in a jar. 

Most of you know that music is my favorite and thanks to Spotify, I keep it playing all day long. I had some favorites this year that stood out above the rest. First up is Ben Rector. Do you listen to him? I really love his music. He's chill, I like what he sings about and most of his songs are ones that I relate with. For instance, he is the one that sings the song The Thanksgiving Song that I love so much. 

Other favorites that I listened to were playlists containing lots of jazz. My dad also loves music, so on Friday when he comes over and we're eating lunch here, I like to have music playing for him. He also loves jazz and songs like Moon River and anything by Louis Armstrong. He really loves JJ Heller's version of Moon River. Have you heard this? I am a big fan of her. 

I love quiet music, 90's country, alternative (also from the 90's), worship music, Christmas music, classical, yacht rock, soft rock, 80's love song ballads...I could go on, but you get the gist. On Sunday Todd was driving us home from Mom's house with relaxing and quiet Christmas music playing and we were talking and I fell right to sleep. I slept twenty minutes in his truck while he drove! 

I have some favorite books that I read this year, but I'm going to tease you now and tell you to come back Friday for that post. I read 75 books in 2022 and three quickly became stand-outs to me. I knew as I read each book that it would be in my top three. Come back and check it out, because you will want to add some of them to your to-be-read list for 2023!

On that note, and speaking of reading, this is my favorite way to read. On a Kindle and with this cover

The reason I love this particular cover is because of the stand. I stand it on the arm of my chair while I read and that makes it so easy for me to read with just one hand. 

Lastly, my favorite show to watch this year was another on Prime tv. It was this one—

(These pictures make me want to watch the series all over again!) This series is based on a trilogy of books by Jenny Han. I usually never watch something before I read it, but I broke my rule and watched this before reading the books. I did read them after watching the show and they were some of my favorite books this year. (Some of my favorites—they didn't quite make my top three. I do still recommend them!) The series will have a second season, I heard, so I'm excited about that. 

Lastly, I have some favorite nail colors, outfits, and views from this year that I want to share here.

Now it's your turn! I want to know your favorite things—whether it's an outfit, some nail inspiration, a book or movie, shoes or any other product. Thanks in advance—I can't wait to read your suggestions! And thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Love this post! I went back and read about the heroic act of saving that young man - I don't think I read your blog back then. Wow! What a miracle! That dress is perfect!
    I can't wait to hear your favorite books. I love that you simply showed favorite views because it is in the quiet moments that we see and appreciate the little things in life. Taking the time to snap a favorite view is my favorite. I love Moon River and Fly Me to the Moon and all the yacht rock especially but I like music from all genres really.

  2. Thank you, Amy! I can't believe it, but I didn't read yours back then either. Our friendship is so new! 😉 Wasn't that an amazing story? It was a fun night in Nashville for Todd to receive that Star of Life award.

    One book that I finished yesterday is making me edit my post! I can't believe it, but it's true. I'm going to edit the post after I write this comment.

    I agree about views...I love those still and quiet moments. In fact, the new favorite book I mentioned talked about that. how sometimes we need to be quiet so we can listen. Isn't that the truth? It spoke right to my heart.

    I'm off to read your blog now! XOXO

  3. I enjoyed your post and love some of your favorites too. My goal for reading was 50 books and I finished book #50 last night! Also, thank you for introducing me to Susan May Warren. I know I'll be reading more of her books in 2023. Hope you have a blessed day!

  4. Thank you, Cathy! That is awesome that you accomplished your reading goal. Way to go, my friend! And about Susan May Warren, she was new to me too! I love her books and will continue to read them. Enjoy your day!

  5. What a fabulous list of favorites (that body butter is one of my favorites from this year to!). I had never heard the Thanksgiving song but that is lovely. Have you watched the other book series from Han that Netflix turned into a movie trilogy?... it's based on her "Laura Jean" series and I think the first one is called To All The Boys; Always & Forever. It's another really cute story.

  6. Thanks, Joanne! I need to see if I've seen those...I think I've seen one of them, but now I'm wondering if I need to add those books to my 2023 list of books to read. Thanks for telling me about that!

  7. Oh, I haven't heard of that tv show on Prime, but will add it to my list. You have great style and love all the pictures! I think one of my favorite things from this year I purchased is my rechargeable lighter. I use it all the time and it is so handy to use with my candles.

  8. You should! It's such a great show. You'll have to let me know what you think of it after you watch. Thank you for that! It's a newer thing, me having my own sense of style...I used to only wear t-shirts with shorts or pants...and now I hate them and refuse to wear them except for maybe one or two that I wear in the fall. It's funny how our taste changes as we get older.

    I need to look into that lighter for my stepmom!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...