Friday, December 30, 2022

last Friday Favorites of 2022


Happy Friday, friends! What a week. It was a great one, but I am tired! I have some favorites from this week that stand out that I want to share. 

The candlelight Christmas eve service is my favorite. This year was extra special to me, because not only did I get to help lead worship for it, all of my sons sat beside me AND so did my mom and stepdad. I could cry looking at this picture. The only dicey part about the night was when Jonah started messing with Noah with the flame on his candle and I thought they were going to catch their shirts on fire. Insert emoji with the girl and her hand over her face. I'm literally rolling my eyes as I write this. 

Another favorite was being back at church again on Christmas morning! I am so glad we had church. Someone actually said to me that they were surprised that it wasn't canceled and I thought to myself (and said), what better day to be at church worshipping Jesus, than on the day that we celebrate His birth? It was very special and I loved that all six of us Goodwins were there in attendance. Another favorite thing from that service was getting to help lead in worship again and seeing the entire praise team dressed in red! I kid you not. From red plaid to red sweaters/shirts/dresses, we all matched. I loved seeing friends there that morning! The young girl in the middle is one of "my" girls that I taught while she was in high school. I never get to see Emma anymore since she lives out of town now, but it was so good to see her and to hug her. Her mom is also pictured with me in the picture below Emma and me. 

 On Christmas eve I was upstairs looking for some earring backs, which led to me cleaning out a jewelry box, which then led to me finding this picture. It's my favorite of my sisters and me! Left to right are me in Lisa's lap, Trish and Debi. This shows you our age differences. Lisa is 14 years older than me, Debi is 13 years older than me, Trish is 8 years older than me. Sisters are my favorite! 

This new coat I got from Walmart last week is my new favorite. I love the length, the weight and the fact that the pockets are lined with fleece. I only paid $34 for this!

Our Christmas lunch was my FAVORITE! We had an Italian themed Christmas this year and it was amazing. 

Favorite picture of this week! After so many tries, we finally got one or two that were decent. 

Sleeping in the early morning hours is their favorite. Don't they look sweet and cuddly? 

This shirt is my favorite Christmas gift! I'll share a better picture next week. 

This pallet tree is my favorite! My awesome stepdad Bill made it for me several years ago and wrapped it in colored lights, but since they were starting to go out, Todd replaced them for me this week and it's now my "winter tree" that will stay out until February or March. I think it's beautiful!

My favorite thing that I saw in a boutique on Wednesday...

And my dinner on this night was my favorite. Todd and I went on a date and tried some new food! We went to a Vietnamese restaurant and had spring rolls and pho. It was delicious! 

It's been a busy week! Here are my other posts from this week:





Bonus post about the books I read this month and my favorite books this year.


And one more thing—

Just a reminder that the Currently link party is on schedule for next week, Wednesday January 4 of 2023! We'll be talking about what we're currently loving, resolving, organizing, anticipating and eating. I'd love for you to join us, so add it to your calendar! That post will always happen on the first Wednesday of each month. In February we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, feeling, posting, receiving and seeing.

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I'll be back one last time this week for a quick 2022 recap of highlights, then next week I will be back to blogging only Monday through Friday. Love to all!  


  1. What a cute winter tree! And what a great find on the coat! Happy New Year!

  2. The church we attended for years did not have church on Christmas Day if it fell on Sunday. It had numerous Christmas Eve services and even services on the 23rd so you could definitely see a Christmas service but the church would not be open on the 25th. That same church, one year decided to do a candlelight portion. That was not the norm. Well, when the pastor's wife's hair caught on fire during one of the services, let's just say that was the end of candlelight services for that church ;). Your pictures are all so good. That tree is so pretty and how fun will it be to have it lit it beyond just the Christmas season. I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. What a great week! It's those little moments when you have all of them together. I hope for more of that in 2023 for you. I love the pallet tree and great idea! I think I am going to move my white bedroom tree out in the living room and maybe even put decor on in for V Day at then end of January. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Thanks, Marilyn! I love it so much...the tree AND the coat. Happy new year to you! We need to get a day on our schedule to meet for dinner. Maybe when your girls go back? I am free on weekends a lot too...Todd works most Friday nights and some Saturday nights. I'm flexible, just let me know. XOXO

  5. Maria, I laughed out loud! I mean it's funny, but also not funny...if we had seen that my sons would have been trying to conceal their laughter. They get it from their mom! Jonah sat right next to me that night and we got tickled about something and almost lost it a couple of times. I love those moments!

    Thanks for that! I hope the same for you and happy new year! xoxo

  6. Amy it was, and I agree! I am like you and want more of those little moments this year. I plan on asking them for it too...even if it's lunch one day or a visit after dinner. I just want more time! I LOVE your white tree and you should totally move it somewhere you'll see it more. Try it and share it with us on your blog! ❤

  7. I was admiring your photo with everyone holding all their beautiful glowing candles and thinking Wow everyone must be so careful and then I read about the boys messing around and I LOL'd. So lovely that your family were with you at church. I hope you have a wonderful New Year and all the best for 2023.

  8. Oh my goodness! I would've killed my girls over the candle incident. lol Unfortunately, we had to cancel our Christmas morning service because of horrible weather. I was so looking forward to it. But I'm really glad everyone stayed safe. I love the quote on the diet wagon. I can say I pretty much lived up to that too. lol Take care my friend and have a good weekend.

  9. Your church services look and sound so beautiful- LOVE that red sweater on you and love that pallet tree- so fun! I am so glad we have found each other through blogging- you are a beautiful person who inspired me always! XO

  10. Ruth, they were making me nervous! 😂 I was whisper yelling at Jonah. Thank you, my friend, and happy new year to you! ❤️

  11. Cathy, I was ready to strangle him and Noah! But they also made me laugh. I know you hated to have to cancel that service, but it sounds like you both made the right decision.

  12. Holly, thank you for the kind words! I feel the same way about you and your blog. I am so glad we found each other this year! I am thankful for blogging friends like you. Happy new year to you, my friend! ❤️

  13. Oh wow that Christmas day meal looks amazing!! I also love that pallet tree... and I might have to have my husband whip up a few of them for next year.

  14. Joanne, it was delicious! And you should do that...I am sure yours will look just as beautiful!

  15. Hi Jennifer! I just wanted to say hello and hopefully get back in the blogging groove next week. I love your "winter tree"! I put two lighted trees outside this year and will enjoy those for months to come. Lights just make everything seem prettier! There is a lesson in there somewhere, I'm sure :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Hey there, Debbie! I've missed you in blog world this week, but I'm glad you and your hubby had a nice vacation. It's so good to do that kind of thing! My husband and I are taking a trip in the coming months...I'm excited to go somewhere I've never been! It'll be a weekend trip that's not too far from where we live. Thanks for that, about the makes me so happy! I'm sure you'll love yours just as much. I hope you enjoy your weekend!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...