Friday, December 9, 2022

Friday Favorites, 12.9.22.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this favorite weekly blog post. I hope you're all comfy and cozy while you're reading this today—I am doing the same right now that you are. Fridays are my favorite blog days because of all the great bloggers who link up with these two ladies each week. I also love Fridays because these are leisurely mornings for me. I can sit for a bit longer, have an extra cup of coffee and then get everyone off to work and sit and enjoy an unhurried morning. This morning is a bit different, though, since I'm going out of town for the day. I'm not complaining, I'm so excited to see a new cute place. I'll share more here on Monday about that! Here are some favorites from this week...

You all know that reading is my favorite, but so is reading about traditions from a place that I loved when I visited.

This coffee table-style book was a beautiful and favorite read from the week. I loved that I've seen all the places that were talked about in the book and I loved sharing it with my sisters who went with me.

Seeing memories like the ones pictured below is a favorite of mine without a doubt. As a homeschooling family, we had lots of extra time on our hands each day after the work was finished, so we would often go to Costco for shopping and lunch. These were the days when I couldn't take Drew ANYWHERE without him embarrassing me half to death, like on this day when I turned around and found him and Noah inside the refrigerated coolers.  

And this one above was when we went to the tree lighting on the town square! I always made them pose by this door every year. One year I couldn't go because I was sick (this was pre-hysterectomy days), and Todd still got a picture of them there for me! He even made Alex smile, which was a rare commodity. Speaking of Alex...

My favorite bonus son has had a hard week. This week in history is always really tough for him and it was in the moments leading up to that, that my best friend and I became instant friends. 

He received the worst news of his life that day and my best friend Missy came outside of church at that exact moment and my husband had her whisk me away from Alex and the boys, I was so emotional over his tremendous loss. Our friend-versary date is December 7 and it's been eight years this year that we've been forever friends. Before that terrible day, I only knew her as an acquaintance. 

On a MUCH lighter note...

My new popsocket is my favorite! The one I had last year got broken. I've never had one of these break before, but that one did. 

I had some favorite outfits this week! 

I wore the cardigan thing to church Sunday with a fun burgundy blouse that had huge leopard print sleeves. I was cozy and warm, because it was freezing in the video booth that I worked in that day! 

I decided to go all black for our Tablescapes Tuesday night and wore a fun sheer black shirt with velvet polka dots on it that has a black tunic attached underneath. I felt festive thanks to my bright red accent color on my lips, ears and fingernails. 

And it's been stupid hot and humid here this rainy week, so I've pulled out my summer jeans (why not?) with a Christmas tee-shirt and vest. 

My friend Joe took this picture at our Tablescapes event on Tuesday night, but that was definitely a favorite night this week. This is Christy Nockels singing for us. Remember how I mentioned how much I loved her outfit? Here's why. Isn't it adorable? She is a gifted artist, writer and storyteller. 

This little fan has been my favorite respite from the humidity this week. I broke my old one, so Todd ordered a new one for me and it arrived Wednesday. Praise! 

This little Christmas devotional by Candace Cameron Bure has been my favorite thing for quiet time this week. I loved this day where she talked about the peace of God. 

My favorite drink right now is this holiday spritzer thing I made up. All it is, is zero sugar ginger ale with a half cup of cranberry juice. If you like adult beverages, you could definitely add to it, but I love it just like this.

This is one of my favorite things I've seen on the internet all week. How true is this? Someone else besides me needed to see this, I'm sure. 

How was your week? What was a favorite moment or thing from your week? I'd love to hear from you! 

Did you know that I wrote six blog posts this week? Here are the other five:

Monday was Hello Monday and Monday night's bonus post was about our Christmas home that I like to call, "Come on in!".

Tuesday was all about Prime Purchases!

Wednesday was the Currently link party for December.

And yesterday was Thankful Thursday

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. CN's outfit is so cute! And, all of yours were, too! I have the ingredients for that little drink and I will try it! Sounds great! Enjoy your fun outing today and I can't wait to hear about it!

  2. Your fingernail polish is cute as are all your outfits. You've had hot weather this week? Ours was mild for sure with highs in the fifties a couple of days. I love a morning that's slow and for me that is today since I am not working (!!!!). I hope your day out of town is super fun and that the rest of your weekend is just as wonderful ;).

  3. Thanks, Amy! I am excited about today and can't wait to do some Christmas shopping. I hope you have a great day!

  4. Thanks, Maria! There's a story behind the different polish colors...I added that over the dip powder because they looked SO bad and that helped some. I say "hot", but it's been close to 70, which for me is hot at this time of year. I have been a furnace all week, because the outside and inside temps in our house have been the same, so that makes it feel stifling to me. I've been using my little portable fan and our overhead fans all week!

    I hope you enjoy your leisurely morning today! What a gift. Have a great weekend, friend!

  5. Your outfits are all so cute, but especially those shoes you're wearing with your jeans! I need some cute shoes like that!

  6. That photo of your boys inside the freezer made me chuckle!

  7. I'm going to have to try that spritzer! I love cranberry juice!

  8. Thank you, Debbie! You should look into them. They are SO COMFY, you can walk in them for miles (I can attest to this) and they look cute with everything. They're called Hey Dudes and are around $50 give or take five or ten dollars. I consider that pretty reasonable for shoes today, but even if they were more, I'd still have bought them. They are by far the best thing I purchased wardrobe wise all fall! I bought them right before I left for the Cape Cod with my sisters and put some serious miles on them.

  9. Joanne, I laughed when I saw it again recently. I'll never forget how hard I laughed at them!

  10. Hey, Stacie! It's so delicious...I love cranberry juice as well. This really reminds me of the winterberry Sprite they put out each year at Christmas, but ginger ale is so much better in my opinion! I also like that I can make it lower in sugar by using zero sugar ginger ale.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...