Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022- recap and memories


Happy New Year's Eve! I'm giving a quick recap of this year for my memories, but feel free to join me as I look back. 

January: I love January! I love the slowness of the month after the busy month of December. We had a light dusting of snow in January, which I always love. I love how our home looks in it too and will always stop and take a picture. 

One of the most meaningful things I've ever done was this night pictured above. A group of ladies from church went to my friend Wendy's house on the night before she had surgery for the breast cancer she had. We went to pray for her and we ended up singing her favorite song together that night, It Is Well, that beautiful old hymn and what would become her anthem. Update on her: she is doing great! She is cancer free and will go back regularly for check-ups. Praise God! 

February brought a little more snow and some ice! I remember driving to our town square to look around and stopping to take this picture. Also during this month, I went to the wedding of a sweet young couple, Josie and Drew.  

March begins the birthday season in our family! Look at baby me holding my newborns. I was 26 when Jonah and Noah were born. Graham turned 4 the day after I had them, and Drew was 2 on that day (he turned 3 a few weeks later.) Also pictured with Jonah and Noah is Mom. 

Graham turned 23 this year, which doesn't seem real. He's such a great young man! They all are, actually. (This is him below with his longtime friend, Ellen. She came over a couple of nights ago and I was struck at how amazing these adult people are as we sat and talked. Ellen was another one of "my" girls that I taught in youth when she and my oldest two were in high school. I'd never have dreamed they would remain friends for this long, but she has been the best friend to both Graham and Drew. She lives in Chattanooga now and was home for a long weekend. I told them they should make a marriage pact, and that if they weren't married by a certain age, that they should just marry each other. 🤣 I'm kind of kidding.)

Also in March, I went on a really fun two night women's retreat with a bunch of friends from church. How adorable was our chapel? Look at all of us!  There were about eighty-something of us there. 

In April, Drew turned 22! Every time I think that he's 22, I am reminded of Taylor Swift's song, 22. In the chorus of that song she says something about it being both miserable and magical. That sounds about right! 😉

Also in April, I went to the beach with my writing friends below. (Left to right: Lynn, Barbee, me, Dedee, Amy.) We had a blast and laughed ourselves silly for a few days. 

In May, Todd and I traveled to Nashville with his friend Chris (and his wife Terra). This was a trip completely paid for by our county government and a bunch of them were awarded the Star of Life for saving the life of a young man impaled by a tractor spike in early 2021. 

In June, my best friend Missy and me went on a daytrip to a cute little town in Arkansas.

We celebrated my dad, stepdad, dad-in-love and hubby for Father's day.

And Mom and I drove to the beach together! She stayed with her best friend Pam and I stayed with Dedee again. 

In July, Drew moved into a new apartment and was robbed a few weeks later. I'm rolling my eyes. I will be glad when they leave here in the spring or summer! 

And also in that month, I spent lots of pool days here with my mom-in-love. 

In August, I got a part time job! 

Also in that month, I met up with my blogging and now real life friend Marilyn

In September, I took the most amazing trip with two of my sisters, Lisa and Debi. We went to Cape Cod and ate #allthelobster. 

In October, Todd and I celebrated 26 years of being married, I spent time with another of my best friends, Andrea, and I traveled to Denver.

In November I got to see my brother Paul, my sister Terri, my niece Amanda, and my great niece Claire!

And in December, we celebrated #allthethings with Christmas and the season became what I fondly call, A Comedy of Errors as people got sick, things went crazy, plans changed, and we adapted and scrambled and got it all done. We only accomplished what we did by the grace of God! I do not say that lightly, I promise. I am thankful for Jesus, for His love, wisdom, and how He guides my life. Do you know Him? 

It was a great year and it was a sad year as I adjusted more to being a mom to adult sons and the changes in life that brings. I'm getting there! I cried less about that this year. Working part time helped by keeping me busy. I have some new and exciting things that could be coming in the near future, which I'll be excited to share with you when I know a little more. My life is always changing and I am always embracing new things and seasons it seems. I am here for it all, though and I know the Lord will help me through. Thank you for reading my blog, friends. Have fun doing whatever you're doing tonight and stay safe! Love to all! 


  1. Awww, what a fun year of traveling and being with people you love! It sounds like you had a busy year! And about your son moving and then getting robbed...something similar happened to my oldest when he got married. He and his wife moved to another city and the only apartment they could find was horrible. Their car got keyed within the first month and there was a horrible lady that didn't like them for some reason. I hated them being there. Thank God he got them out of there after 9 months! Parenting grown children is a challenge. I have found that every stage - from having them as babies, to being a grandparent (and inlaw) has it's own challenges and it's a new phase of learning how to navigate each time. But, the rewards far outweigh the hardships, if you maintain a sense of friendship and respect with them. Especially with boys. They reach an age where they don't want mom to be their boss anymore. Even the good kids (young men) go through that and I would say it's absolutely normal. They are men trying to find their way. Guide them and love them and every now and then go into, what I call "mom mode" where you need to have your say about things. But always give them room to talk and express their opinions. Not that you asked for any of that unsolicited advice! :)

    Have a wonderful day and Happy New Year!

  2. You had a great and full year! I am excited to see what 2023 has in store for you! You are amazing and an inspiration!

  3. What a great way to close out your year with a post on the highlights. Happy New Year and I hope 2023 will be a wonderful year for you and your family.

  4. Thanks, Debbie, it was a fun year of things like that. About your son being robbed, that's crazy! How strange that the lady didn't like them...I feel like that is not normal. 🤣 Thank you for that advice! I always welcome it, and appreciate all the help I can get.

    I have found some of that to be true already - my boys aren't married, but they've already pulled way back as far as me being a mom to them. I will speak my mind from time to time, but I try to do that just every once in a while and not often. I feel like if they want my two cents worth of advice, they'd come and ask for it from me.

    You're so right though, and parenting adult kids is not for the faint of heart. I don't know how people do it without Jesus!

  5. Thank you, Amy! I really did have a great and full year. You're sweet to encourage me, my friend! Thank you! ❤

  6. Thank you, Cathy! It was fun to think back and to find pictures for this post. I always love a good recap! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, my friend!

  7. I loved reading the update and loved our coffee date! Looking forward to the next one!

  8. Thanks, Marilyn! I loved it too and am excited about getting together again. ❤


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