Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope you're having a great week! Mine has gone a little differently than I'd thought it would, but I'm rolling with it and making it through. I am listing things that I'm thankful for this week from the list I have going in my journal. 

I am thankful for the fact that even if I haven't seen all of our sons with my own eyes this week, I've at least talked to them. Drew is the one I haven't seen, but maybe I'll get to do that over the weekend. 

I'm thankful for good books and good movies to occupy me when I spend an unexpected day at home. 

I'm always thankful for little acts of kindness....I've pulled something in my back and have been in a lot of pain since Monday night and last night Graham kept checking on me to see if I needed anything. 

I'm thankful for good chiropractors! I'm seeing one today and will hopefully start feeling better soon.

I'm thankful for friends who fill in for me at Bible study and on the worship team for rehearsal when I can't make it there. 

I'm thankful for something to look forward to! My husband did something super fun last night, so I'm glad he had that as well. It's so important to have something like that ahead, because it helps us out when times are hard. 

I am thankful for the companionship of dogs. I never meant for us to have four in our home, but we love every one of them and they bring such joy...even when one keeps walking under the Christmas tree to scratch her back, knocking needles all over the place. 🤣

What's something you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

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  1. I am so sorry about your back. Chiropractors are amazing. You don't realize how your back plays into every movement until it goes out.
    I am thankful it is already Thursday! I hate living for the weekend, and I don't really, but I am still happy it's almost the end of the week.
    I did my own gel nails last night! I am thankful that I enjoy doing things like this that save money and give me a sense of accomplishment. Now, we will see how long it lasts - photo coming in Friday's post.
    Feel better soon, friend!

  2. I am sending you positive and healing thoughts and know you will feel better! Our chiropractor works wonders! He just helped Diana's knee feel better yesterday after we were panicked for a day! You got this Mama XO

  3. So sorry about your back! My sister and hubby both experienced back pain just this week. My husband knows (well, strongly suspects) that he pulled something in his back when he was lifting weights the other day. It's just going to take time. I'm glad that you've been able to see almost all of your boys this week. My son came home, somewhat unexpectedly to vote on Tuesday. It was fun to go with him to vote and to talk about all the things political (in our house, he grew up with this!) and then to have lunch together. I'm glad you've found good books and movies. The former have helped me through so many rough patches. I hope you have a great day!

  4. I'm always thankful for dogs and mine is the best. She's squishy and snuggly and goofy - and just the best. We definitely don't deserve dogs.

  5. Ohhhhh, praying your back feels better SOON! Glad you get to see the chiropractor today.

    And I LOL'd at your dog going under the tree to scratch his back, knocking off needles in the process!

  6. I hope your back feels better soon...a good chiropractor is a wonderful thing. Take care my friend and thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday.


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