Friday, November 11, 2022

Friday Favorites, 11.11.22.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this favorite weekly blog post. I have to say that even though the week started on a high note, it's not been my favorite. I've literally been down and out with my back since Monday night-Tuesday. I thought it was a fluke and kind of made fun of myself on social media by posting this picture below, but the joke was on me as it got worse over night. 

I stayed home from work on Tuesday to decorate for Christmas, and ended up with a back that felt so much worse than it ever has before and a bum arthritic knee that was throbbing because of my use of a kitchen chair as a step ladder. #gettingoldersucks

On the bright side of things, my house is fully decorated for Christmas and it's my favorite. Do you keep your decorations the same every year? By that I mean do you put everything in all the same places from year to year? I'm curious to know your answer to this. I know lots of people who decorate that way and rely on pictures from years past to get it just right again. My mom and I are NOT like this and we both change up our homes every year. I don't usually buy new things from year to year either, though I may make one or two purchases after Christmas or even during the season. I just repurpose the things I've used for years. I love how it turned out and how different it looks this year than last. It feels like more, which makes it feel cozy. I'll share a little tour sometime soon, in case any of you decorate early. 

I also have a funny story. Most years when we do this, my husband isn't here. After this year, I see why. We got in a fight over Christmas lights! We're fine now, but we both yelled at each other and I'm so embarrassed to admit that, but it's true. We did really laugh about it after, but evidently we need to guard our marriage by not ever decorating for Christmas together again. #notetoself

Because my week has been a bit boring and I don't have much to share in the way of favorites, since this has NOT been my favorite week, I thought I'd share some resources and movies I've loved recently. 

I love keeping little books like this around for me to work through during the holiday season. Who doesn't love a heartwarming story that takes place during the most wonderful time of year? I do. This is fun to read for inspiration. I also really enjoy doing some kind of study during this season, but instead of the Advent one I'd normally pick, my friend Bri sent me a text about this one and asked if I wanted to join her in this. We did a study together last year as well, though I never finished mine. This one is different and is almost more like a journal, but I love Candace Cameron Bure and look forward to going through this. 

(How cute is my table runner? It's my favorite that I bought from Hobby Lobby last year.)

I've been talking about some of the great movies I've been watching on either GAC or Hallmark, and after a couple of you asked me about them, I thought I'd share them here. I'll be more intentional about remembering and doing this on Fridays, because these have been better than the usual cheesy Hallmark movies!

Here are the two from GAC that I've loved:

Lots of the Hallmark actors made a move over to the GAC network. GAC stands for Great American Community (or Christmas during this time of year) and you'll recognize lots of faces if you're used to watching Hallmark movies. I loved these two and have more scheduled to record this weekend.

Here are the ones from Hallmark I've loved:

All of these above have been excellent! There was also a great one called Wish You a Married Christmas that I forgot to find a picture for. All of these movie networks are good about re-airing the new movies, so maybe you can find one or two and set it to record. 

Even though it wasn't the best week, I did continue to blog here. I try to keep my attitude in check when it comes to not feeling great, so I kept on going as usual, but I do appreciate your kindness as I shared a little yesterday. In case you missed any of them, here are this week's blog posts.





Thanks for reading my blog, friends! What was a favorite from this week for you? I'd love to hear! Love to all. 


  1. I am so sorry! I will pray that you get back to 100% very soon. I don't do my decor exactly the same but I don't have lots of surfaces to put things on so some has to stay the same. I still haven't gotten out my few cute Thanksgiving pieces. I will get those out and start inventory of my Christmas stuff. I don't know if I have GAC but the catering one sounds good. I like stories about food and restaurants for some reason. Maybe because I like food! Ha! Please feel better and take care of yourself.

  2. I sure hope your back starts feeling better soon. What a pain, literally. I'm glad that you got your decorating done, though, in spite of the pain. I'm sorry that you and your husband got into a fight but it's good that you were able to laugh (and so soon!) about it afterward. Regarding decorating the same, I definitely do some areas the same from year to year but not all areas the same. About five years ago, I came up with a mantel display that I just loved and now I love to decorate the mantel in that style year after year. But I change up many things and some years don't even display certain things which I'll then display the following year. Mike Huckabee has a Christmas book that I recommend. It's called A Simple Christmas and it consists of twelve stories from Mike's own life that tells the story of what Christmas means to him. I plan to re-read portions of it because it's been so long since I read it. I do remember liking it when I read it. Have a great Friday!

  3. Thanks, Amy! I feel SO much better after visiting a chiropractor yesterday. I still hurt a little from time to time, but it's way more manageable now. I think the only two things I do the same each year are the mantle in the living room and the way we decorate the tree. It pretty much stays the same from year to year. I also love books/movies/show about food and restaurant life! You should read Pamela Kelley's books, starting with The Nantucket Inn (there are seven) and also her books, The Restaurant and Christmas at the Restaurant. It'll make you want to go into the restaurant business!

  4. Thanks, Maria! I feel so much better today than I did yesterday. Such a relief! I am like you and also do the tree and my mantle pretty much the same from year to year, but those are the only two areas. I can't wait to see yours after you decorate! Thanks for that rec, I'll have to check it out! I also love Max Lucado's book about the journey to Bethlehem, or something like that. It's excellent!

  5. Wishing you and your back a speedy recovery and sure hope your decor helps to brighten your spirits! I decorate early because it brings me joy and I add a few pieces every year! :)

  6. I think we've seen most of those, but if not, hubby has probably recorded them. Hubby and I have plans to do the She Reads Truth Advent this year. They do one for men and one for ladies. The readings are the same, but the extra stuff is written for one or the other. This will be our third year and I'm really looking forward to it. Hope you back is feeling better.

  7. Glad you are feeling better and you have had Christmas decor to look at this week while on the mend. I am probably 50/50 on my Christmas decor as fas as putting things in the same place year after year. I am trying to stay current with the Hallmark movies, but there are so many, it is a challenge! I am usually still watching some in January, but that's okay. Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. I'm so sorry you had a rough week. Back pain is just the worst. I hope some rest this weekend will help. I do tend to put things out the same way, but might try to mix it up a little this year with your inspiration. I definitely mixed things up for fall decor this year since I put out much less. Thanks for the inspiration. I just discovered we get GAC on sling tv, so I"m going to check those movies out!

  9. Sorry it has been a less than favorites kind of week...but you have the house decorated!! You go girl - and I KNOW that makes you all kinds of happy! Just sit in your favorite chair and enjoy all those twinkling lights and pretty things! I seriously would not mind putting things back where they were last year (or at least the year before) but I honestly cannot remember those details. And it is no secret that I am terrible at taking pictures. If I really like things this year (which will not be out for a few more weeks yet!) I really am going to take pictures! Thanks for all the movie suggestions. Last night we watched "Falling for Vermont" and it was cute but the last three before that were all duds. We stopped watching about 15 minutes into each one. Looking forward to trying some of these - thanks! Take it easy this weekend!!

  10. Sorry to hear that you hurt your back and knee! That's never any fun. I don't do the same holiday decorating each year but I'd bet (by default) that it's mostly the same since we don't have a lot of extra surfaces to pick from. This year it should be very different now that I have the finished basement to work on too and I'm already warning my family I'll probably have to buy a few more decorations and perhaps a second tree to really fill in the spaces!

  11. I sure hope your back is feeling better! I had hoped to get some Christmas up this weekend, but I don't thin it's going to happen.I can't wait to watch some Hallmark movies. I hope you've had a great weekend.

  12. Thanks, Holly! That's perfect too. I love decorating early!

  13. Cathy, that's a great idea for you two to do that together! It makes for such good discussion. I love She Reads Truth! That's the type of Bible I use.

  14. Thanks, Marilyn! I'm totally okay with continuing on with Christmas movies too. I usually watch them through January at least.

  15. Thanks, Tanya! I hope you like some of them! Some are really good, others aren't as much, but I still watch. I have actors that I like more than others, so I always love those movies.

  16. Thanks, Jennifer! I have some that I don't love as much and others I have to turn off. It's kind of hit or miss with them, but I loved these. I still keep watching, though, because I love that they're clean. I hope you had a good weekend!

  17. Joanne, that makes sense. And thanks for that! Extra trees sound fun! We only have this one main one and there's a small one at the top of the stairs that I'm thinking of adding lights to this week. It's pretty on its own, though, with its flocked branches.

  18. Thanks, Jen! It was a good one. I hope you're able to put up some Christmas stuff this week!

  19. How fun that you're in full Christmas spirit already! I like to keep Christmas books out during the holidays too. I'll have to check out Bring On The Merry.

  20. Lucy- it is much to the chagrin of everyone in my house! It's my favorite time of year and it just brings me so much joy. Thanks for stopping by!


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