Tuesday, November 8, 2022

fall bucket list update and a few more things


Happy Tuesday, friends, and happy almost fall! I thought I'd give an update on this fall bucket list post that I shared back in late September. I'll share how I did on each item I listed and I might share some new ones. I hope you enjoy reading this post! I'm using the same pictures to help rekindle your memory.

I mentioned using the firepit this fall and having a night where we roasted s'mores around the fire as a night of dinner with our sons. That night of dinner did happen, a couple of them actually, but it was a regular meal and nothing was cooked over the fire. I will defend myself on this one—our weather has been unseasonably warm the last few weeks. The only week of cold weather we had was while I was in Colorado, and while I was there though it was cold here, it was close to eighty there. Go figure. We like to use the fire pit only when it's cold, otherwise it's too buggy outside. 

I mentioned replacing this television with the shattered screen and cleaning off the deck, both of which we did! I've cleaned that deck off several times by now, actually and I will keep doing it as long as the leaves are falling. 

Remember me talking about visiting the Christmas shops with Mom and Trish, but for the fall? We did not do this. I'm not sure why we never went, but I'm thinking it was probably a Saturday of storms that stopped us, then it was also me traveling. Oh well. I'm looking forward to seeing them at Christmas once again! 

(These are the shops: Le Fleur and Social. Both are in Memphis.)

Todd and I never went for a drive to see the foliage, mostly because it turned so much earlier than it usually does. I think it was the drought we went through over the summer and again in August and September that caused the colors to change early. 

I never got around the cleaning out the attic, but I'm still hoping to do some of this while we get ready for Christmas this week. I'll probably be the one to go up there and hand things down, and I may get rid of some things to clear a path. 

Todd and I spent several nights together recently and out on date nights. I was glad we made the time for that! Quality time is our top love language and we've noticed when we do more of that, it leads to a better relationship. I feel like every couple should evaluate their marriage each month, because we all feel disconnected from our spouses every once in a while. I know all of you know exactly what I'm talking about! This should be the relationship we all prioritize and we need to guard our marriages. We also should pray for our marriages way more regularly than we do. I was thinking about that on Friday as I prayed for my friends whose marriages are struggling right now. We all go through that from time to time. 

Todd and I enjoyed our Halloween night immensely! We had a ton of trick or treaters and were outside for a couple of hours, at least.

I never went with Dad and my sister to the town he spent a year of his life in that's nearby. Dad's memory isn't what it once was and I've seen a major difference in him in the last few months. I don't really talk about that here much, because it's sad to see him like that. I'm praying about how we spend our Fridays each week, but the last one and the next few will be me going over to his house, because I've had siblings here from out of town. I really like to be alone with Dad, because he's more like himself when it's just us. He seems easily frazzled when it's not a normal day. He is 91, so this is nothing surprising here, and even with a change in him, I'm grateful it's not any worse than what it is. Bless him. I cry almost every time I leave him these days. 

I'm going to continue in finding opportunities to date my husband and I'm still hoping for us to enjoy s'mores around the fire pit. We have been using it, though for something else entirely. We had some fence work done in the last couple of weeks and we had some tree trimming done that had been needing to happen. That created a huge mess, but it's over with and the yard was cleaned up before we went to bed that night. Something else I'm thinking about is how I want to spend my birthday. It's coming up in December and I want to be with my family. Every year we do something together and I'm thinking about it as I write. 

Several of you made this kind of post as well. How did you do at yours? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I need to do a check in with mine or at least go back and read it for myself!
    You did well and I bet you can use the firepit this month and next. I am excited to hear what you decide for your birthday. I love birthdays and I wholeheartedly agree with you planning what you want! I am sorry about your dad. I bet it's harder for him with more people around. I only got to have my Dad until he turned 76 and I know it would have been hard to see him deteriorate mentally because he was so sharp and quick witted.
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Honestly, your list and all that you didn't get around to, sounds exactly like mine would sound, had I made one :)

    It seems like the urgent always wins out and the fun stuff has to wait. Speaking of dates with your husband...those are the times I really need to focus on in the future. It seems like we are always working on our home and forget to just have fun together.

    Reading that about your dad made me sad. I remember when my dad was very sick and I really wanted alone time with him. I hope you get some good, quality time just for the two of you.

    Have a great week :)

  3. Sending you love and wishing you more alone time with your Dad XO

  4. It sounds like you have got a lot done this fall! I love fire pits but I do worry about smelling like smoke (though with my long covid, I can't smell much anymore- note to self, buy a fire pit!). I know that you will not regret any minute that you spend with your dad and the fact that you want to spend more time with him speaks volumes about your relationship and love for him. When my mom was sick, my sister gave her a book to fill out. It had many prompts about childhood memories, favorite this and that- basically a book about her. Even though she had said some of this to us over the years, it would have been nice to have it written down. Unfortunately, she was too sick when she got the book and didn't fill all of it out. It's something to consider for your dad, even though you likely know a lot of the answers about his past and preferences. Have a great day, friend!

  5. Amy, that was what started this post. I went back to see how I'd done so far and realized I could cross some things off of my list! I was surprised. I do hope we'll use the fire pit more this month and next...even into the winter, if it's not too cold.

    It is definitely harder for him with more people around. I think he gets a little quiet because he is flustered. Maybe? I don't know, but it makes sense to me. I do plan on him coming over on Thursday this week, instead of our usual Friday and I can't wait! I hope he's okay that afternoon. It's so hard to watch, but I'm grateful for all the moments.

    Thanks, friend!

  6. Debbie, great minds think alike! We are not great at making that time either, though it's easier now than it's ever been. Of course I'm writing this and we almost killed each other over our Christmas tree last night, but whatever. We're fine now. Ha! It's so hard watching elderly parents age, even if he's nowhere near as bad as he could be. I'm thankful he's not worse!

  7. Maria, you should get one now! I still smell phantom smells, after having covid. Like right now, for instance, I smell something burning even though nothing is burning in my house. It's so strange, but certain smells trigger it and it'll last a few weeks, then go away again. Thanks for that, about my dad- we do love our time together! I am sure you missed having that with your parents. I actually bought Dad that book about twenty years ago and it's sitting behind me on top of our piano! I pulled it out not too long ago. I'm glad I did that then, because he's legally blind now and can no longer read his Bible or write very legibly. God love him. He's still so sharp on lots of days and I hang onto those and our times of laughing so hard we can't breathe.

  8. Funny how many things you labeled "we were not able to" - but you have had such full weeks (months!) lately! Apparently, God had other plans than those on your bucket list!!:) Hooray for extra date nights, continuing to date your husband and to each and every Friday with your dad that you enjoy!! How incredibly special!!

  9. Jennifer- that's so true! You're so right about that. Thanks for that, my friend!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I didn't do an official bucket list for Fall but I did manage to cross off a few things I wanted to do. I'm hoping to be able to attend more Holiday things coming up, as those are always enjoyable.

    Lauren @ www.shootingstarsmag.net

  12. All in all I'd say you had a great fall! We could have had many fire pit nights here this week... single digits and snow... BRR!

  13. Lauren, that's awesome! I hope you're able to get more crossed off. I am like you and love all the holiday events! I didn't go to our town parade last year and regretted it all night long. I'm going this year! Even if I'm alone.

  14. Bri- I did! Oh wow, you already have snow? I guess that makes sense with you being in or near mountains. I don't know if I'd be ready!


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