Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Currently- November 2022


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to participate in this month's Currently blog post. Be sure and link back here so that we can all read each others posts! Today we're talking about what we're currently borrowing, buying, planning, prepping and reading. I'll jump right in!


Aside from e-book loans through my library app for my Kindle, I recently borrowed a small rolling suitcase to use as my carry-on bag for my trip to Colorado. My bets friend Missy let me use hers and I love it so much that I am going to buy myself one before my next trip. It's so convenient and it was so nice not having to carry anything heavy.


I don't know that I'll buy a purple one, but who cares? It was wonderful using this for one of my personal bags and it was easy to unzip and get into when I had to pull my laptop and Kindle out of it for TSA check-in. It fit perfectly beneath the seat in front of me too, but on my flight back to Memphis, I had to stow it in the overhead compartment. The aisle seats have a narrow space underneath them, so it wasn't conducive for me to even try putting it there. 


Honestly? I'm not buying much more than food and groceries right now. Everything is crazy expensive! I am occasionally buying a book on Amazon that I know I'll love. I occasionally buy a shirt that I love from a boutique. I recently bought a red sweater that I love and can't wait to wear when the weather is cool enough. It has a great loose cowl neck. I wore it while I was in Denver recently! It's baggy and super soft. 


I am planning on when we will decorate for Christmas. I told my husband we're doing it next week and he almost had a stroke. He'll be fine with it eventually! I'm planning to see family for Thanksgiving, which is always exciting. I am so glad we'll have them in town this year! Our little Thanksgivings are always quiet and a little sad. I am planning on my calendar all the choir events/rehearsals I have coming up. I like to make sure they're all in my calendar so that I don't forget. We have extra rehearsals coming up that I don't want to miss! Something fun we do as a worship ministry is that we decorate our church for Christmas. It's always a fun night! Our worship leader feeds us dinner, then we go and decorate the area we've picked. There are teams for trees, wreaths and garland. I'm team garland. Another fun event we have every year is for the women—it's called Tablescapes. Women host and decorate tables, we're served dinner and we always have a musical group lined up. This year we have Christy Nockels! I'm excited for that and it always kicks off the season for us. It really is the most wonderful time of year!


Before I decorate for any season, I always plan on prepping the house first. That just means that I declutter and clean. Things get so out of place all over our house, as I'm sure happens for most of us with even adult kids living at home, so I like taking the time to do that before adding to it all. I do the same thing on the opposite end of the season and clean after it's all put back away. Even going in and out of the attic creates a mess that always has to be vacuumed up. Are you like me in this? Feel free to reassure me here. 


I'm finishing up a book from October, but after that, I'll be reading Christmas books from here on out! I can't wait to do this, it's my favorite reading of the year usually and I love all the warm fuzzies those books bring to me. It's similar to watching Hallmark Christmas movies, honestly. Have I mentioned how much I love this time of year? In the meantime, did you see my post on Monday about the books I read in September and October? You can read the post here

Make sure and link your blog back here so that we can all read each others! I hope you join in next month as well! It'll be Wednesday, December 7 and we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, gifting, wrapping, hoping and attending. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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  1. You are so smart to declutter and clean before decorating- wish I had that discipline! Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful and full of joy XO

  2. I love that red sweater. We are hosting Thanksgiving this year so I won't be decorating early but I want to declutter and purge a lot before then.

  3. Such fun planning with the December events coming up! I am with you on the prepping for decorating for the Christmas season..I like to go declutter first too. It's funny you mention the suitcase because the one I used on my last few trips has finally broken and I got rid of it last week. I had used it a lot though in the last 10 years. I am going to shop for a new one next week for my birthday!

    Happy Wednesday and thanks for hosting!

  4. Hello friend!! You look great in that sweater - that color is so pretty on you!! I'm not quite ready for Christmas decor...but I do plan to get my pilgrims out today! The Thanksgiving-inspired decor does not get much time out of the bins! I might add that carry-on to my Christmas list. One that will fit under the seat is perfect. Oh, and the tablescapes event looks like so much fun!! Enjoy:) PS - looking forward to catching up on some of your previous posts....

  5. Thanks, Holly! I will say, it's mostly out of necessity. 🤣

  6. Marilyn, YES! So fun with all the things and events. I only hope it'll go by slowly, but time is always a thief. That's a great idea to get one for your birthday that's coming up! I plan on doing the same, and maybe using the Amazon Prime days or Cyber Monday to make the purchase.

  7. Thanks, Adrienne! That will be fun to host it this year. I hope you have a great day and thanks for linking up!

  8. Thanks, Jennifer! I do love red, I just rarely own something in that color or wear it, if I do have an item. I hope to get lots of wear out of this for the holidays! I hope it'll be cool enough. I took a chance on buying a sweater, because I'm so hot natured! I think it's a great gift idea to ask someone to buy for you...the small rolling suitcase. It's the perfect size!

  9. Thanks for hosting this link up! I love your Christmas photos. I always try to declutter in between each season too. Then, after Christmas, when I take everything down, I always just let the house sit for a few days before putting out my regular decor. I like looking at less for a bit.

  10. I only read Christmas books in December and love ending the year that way :)

  11. OH yes, I definitely clean and decorate each time I change up seasonal decor. In fact that is usually one of the reasons I pack away our Christmas decorations so close to Christmas instead of leaving them up until the New Year; all the dust and clutter starts to get to me and I feel this compulsive need to clean. It sounds like you'll have a busy couple of months leading up to Christmas!

  12. Joanne, I am the exact same way! I am always ready to start the new year with a clean slate. Literally.

  13. I think decluttering before decorating makes a ton of sense. That way when you clean up the decorations, everything is so much cleaner! And I love those tablescapes. They are sooooo cute!

  14. Natasha, I have that exact thinking! Thanks!

  15. I linked up this morning with a Currently post. Thanks for hosting. The table settings and decorations are so cute. I was hoping to put our Christmas (just the inside) before we left for vacation, but that did not happen. Will probably do it when we get back home. Have a great weekend Jennifer.

  16. I'm so glad you joined us, Cathy! Thanks for that and for the table decorations love!

  17. Tablescapes looks and sounds like such a neat idea! Speaking of neat, I like your prepping approach before decorating. I really SHOULD do that. Or should have been doing that. Maybe I'll start doing it from now on, since I'll have a new place to live starting this holiday season.

  18. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and all of the other festivities in your favorite season! The photos of the tablescapes are so much fun to look at; lots of little details.

    Thank you for hosting the link up!


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