Wednesday, October 26, 2022

what's up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Sheaffer and Shay for today's monthly blog post. I'll jump right in! 

What we're eating this week:

Well, I'm not a hundred percent sure, honestly. Things are upside down this week here, because for four nights this week, Todd and Graham have a refresher course they're having to take for the sheriff's department and Jonah is sick and only eating ramen noodles because his throat hurts. That being said, I made one of their favorites Monday night, which only Drew and Noah ate: tamale casserole. It's delicious and covered in chili cheese Fritos and cheese. I made beer cheddar joe's Tuesday night, tonight is church, so there will be leftovers and tomorrow night is up in the air. 

What I'm reminiscing about:

Celebrating our anniversary and that amazing appetizer! And the adorable pumpkin "patch" I went to with my mom and sister Trish. That was the day we went to our farmer's market. 

What I'm loving:

Easy mornings at home doing one of my favorite things—watching a Hallmark Christmas movie. 

What we've been up to:

I mentioned Todd and Graham going through a refresher course this week for their first responder's license. Jonah is a little under the weather, thanks to elevated temperatures here again this week. Noah is looking forward to finishing out this week at work, because he transfers to a new location next week. Drew was here Monday night and we were able to catch up, but he's up to the same things: work and gym. He's taking a day trip this weekend that he's looking forward to. You all know what I've been up to, but I went back to work yesterday. It's crazy busy there right now! 

What I'm dreading:

I can't think of one thing! I'm thankful for that. 

What I'm working on:

Work, because I anticipate bringing some home this weekend. We're also about to wrap up our Bible study for the semester, so as soon as that is finished, I'm going to start studying and writing for our next study that will be published for fall of 2023. I'm still on the writing team and am honored to be able to be a part of that group. We started with six, then there were five of us, now there are four of us. We're always looking into/praying about adding a member, but it hasn't happened yet. 

What I'm excited about:

A couple of things! I love Halloween night. We always sit out in our driveway with candy and chat with the neighbors who come by. It's fun! I'm also really excited about decorating for Christmas. You know I do this early! I hope to do this the second week in November. 

What I'm watching/reading:

I'm watching Gilmore Girls, Hallmark Christmas movies, Real Housewives, and Grey's Anatomy (some of the older ones and the new ones that come on each week). I'm reading so many good books! I'm currently reading one that's by an author that's new to me...but come back next week! I'm writing about the books I read in September AND October on Monday, because I completely forgot to do that in September. Here's a sneak peak:

What I'm listening to:

Currently, I'm listening to a podcast—The Bestie Breakdown. Music wise, I'm still listening to my favorite fall playlists on Spotify. If it says "cozy fall vibes", count me in. 

What I'm wearing:

I love my fall cardigan! The color is a mocha type color and it's my favorite. I also recently bought a new cozy and flowy red sweater with a big cowl neck. I love it so much and wore it in Denver. Lastly is the new denim shirt I bought at Marshall's. My favorite shoes are still these Hey Dudes that I bought before I left for Cape Cod. 

What I'm doing this weekend:

I am sure I'll see Mom and Trish on Saturday and I am going to church. I've missed the last two Sundays because I was out of town. 

What I'm looking forward to next month:

I'll give you one hint.

It's going up early again this year! I have plans on making family dinner on a Monday night during the second week of November, then I'm going to ask all my little elves to help me for one hour and pull all the things out of the attic. We'll assemble the tree and get it up, then the next day I'll spend putting out the rest of the decorations. I'll take off from work that Tuesday in order to do this and I am PUMPED. I love fall, but I love Christmas four times as much! I cannot wait. 

I'd love to hear from you—what's something you're looking forward to next month? Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Your work is lucky to have you! My husband's firm is looking to hire secretaries/ administrative assistants. They are paying a lot per hour- my husband said that's the only way to get decent applicants. It's a good problem for a business to be doing so well that it needs a lot of workers but definitely frustrating when not enough people want to work at good paying jobs. I'm sure you're a huge asset!! I hope your son starts to feel better and you can get everyone home soon to help with your Christmas decor boxes.

  2. Love all of your cozy sweater outfits and you can never go wrong with chambray or denim and black pants. Love that combo! My classroom is an oven now. They turned on the heat way too early and I have been wearing short sleeves and lightweight blouses. Ugh! So annoying!
    It sounds like you are back in the home routine. I am sorry you've got a sick one in the family, though!

  3. Oh I am excited that you are excited about Christmas decorating and Hallmark movies too- so fun! Can't wait to see your decor :)

  4. Thanks for that, Maria! It's like that here as well- nobody wants to work. Anywhere! I don't understand this and never will. I do still love the routine of going in and doing all the mundane things there. There's also something to be said for getting dressed to be out of my house almost everyday. Thanks for that about Jonah, he actually turned the corner last night. Our sinuses always go crazy when the weather takes a big turn.

  5. Amy, thanks! I love the denim and black combo as well. I remember our local school always doing that too and I was always miserable. I hate that for you! I am getting back into the swing of being back at home and loving it. There's never any place like home. Thank you about Jonah- he started feeling better last night!

  6. Holly, you know I am! I can't wait to get it all put up and I'm excited to see yours too!

  7. I already have my tree up! (in my defense, this coming weekend and next weekend are both so busy that I knew I wouldn't have a chance)...and the next is too late in my opinion HA!, so this past weekend, I was free (and it felt strange) so I went ahead and got the tree up :)

    I can't wait to see everyone else's tree and decorations!

  8. I love your sweater, shirt and shoes you highlighted! They all look so cute on you! I love this time of year and the things we have to bring cheer :).

  9. Sunny- I judge no one! I say, whatever brings joy to your life, go ahead and do it and gain all the joy you're able. I love this time of year SO MUCH and can't wait to do my own.

  10. Oh I read that book (last year I think?) and I really enjoyed it. I'm still trying to decide if I want to put up two trees or not this year and if not where I'm going to put the single tree. With our basement finished now I've got to re-think all our traditional holiday decorating! I'm kind of excited to see how I rework everything.

  11. Joanne, it was SO GOOD! I can understand your conundrum, but it is fun to figure out new ways to freshen things up!


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