Thursday, October 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to link up with me today. I know Rebecca Jo would love to hear from you, so make sure and visit her blog or follow her on Instagram to share the love! I'll jump right in with my list for this week!

I'm thankful for the beautiful fall-like weather we've had, but I'm also thankful for the much needed rain we got last night. We've been in another drought and we desperately needed this. Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday.

It was really windy all day and it kept raining leaves. Don't you love seeing that happen? I do and was so content to stand or sit outside while the dogs roamed around the yard. It's actually been hotter than I'd like it to be here this week—it's been in the mid 80's, but today the high is only 75. I'm so glad the rain forced things to cool off.

I'm thankful for the days at home I've had this week! Because I'm leaving Saturday and will be gone for two weekends in a row, I decided to take off on Thursday from work and Bible study didn't meet this week, due to it being fall break in our area. I love an easy morning at home! I took extra time to catch up on my Bible reading, that I always get behind on during the week now that I work, I did extra loads of laundry and I spent an extended time reading blogs and browsing Pinterest. 

I'm so thankful that this dear friend and me were FINALLY able to meet up for a little "ghoul's night out"! We always always ALWAYS go to our favorite local Mexican restaurant, La Perla Tapatia and we almost always end our night together in Home Goods. She needed some fall candles and hit the jackpot. Do you ever get into this store? I love their candles and the DW Home brand are the very best and smell up the entire house, in the best way. 

I'm thankful for the family dinner that we all had this week. Drew made it home on Monday night for dinner and it was good to have us all around the table. I miss nights like that, when we all sit around and laugh over their antics. I love the relationship they all have with each other and it's always so good for my soul to make them something they love to eat. 

I'm thankful for a day out with Mom! She and I ran errands together and ate lunch on Wednesday and it was fun. I have a crazy story about that, though. We were in Marshall's nearby and I noticed that I was being followed by a man. I first saw him in the women's clothing area and while I did think that was strange, I figured he was waiting on his wife. Then I went to another area and he was there too. And then a third time, and he was closer. The last time caught me off guard and that time he was a foot away from me and spoke to me. I just looked at him harshly, up and down to note what he was wearing, then went and found Mom. I would have left immediately, but I really wanted a cute denim shirt I'd found. I felt safe in line, because there were lots of people there with us, but he never came any closer. I say all of that to remind you to be careful while you're out and be aware at all times! I often keep my phone in my hand while I'm out, so that I can call someone quickly if the need arises. I am always watching around me when I'm in a store or in the parking lot. People are brave! Chances are he wanted my purse, or my wallet. This always gets worse around the holidays, so be careful and consider this an exhortation to be alert! Also, if you have a basket, don't put your purse inside of it, as tempting as it may be. I have had my wallet stolen before because I did that and when I'm out and see women away from their baskets with their purses in them, I tell them they may want to watch out. 

I am thankful that I don't have to live my life in fear of what could happen. I refuse to let that bother me too much as I go about my days and it won't stop me from going out to run errands alone. 

I don't want to end this on a sad note, so tell me something good from your week! I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. I love when an evening ends at Home Goods....and with a great friend. Even better!! Hooray for having a day off. Enjoy your Thursday! Something good that happened this week?? We got new carpet! I feel like a queen every time I go downstairs:) Ok, maybe that is a bit exaggerated but it really does look pretty!!:)

  2. I really like the Home Goods Store. I went with my sister to one a few weeks ago and we both got a couple things. It was actually a Home Goods and T J Maxx store together and I really enjoyed that one!

  3. That is super creepy about the guy. Yikes. It sounds like you've had a great week with time spent with all your boys, your mom and a good friend. Plus you have a trip to look forward to. Glad you got rain yesterday- we got it last evening. We sure needed it and I can't wait to go and check on my outside plants.

  4. Jennifer, right?! I love that store so much. And yay for new carpet! I would feel that very same way. I hope you've had a great week!

  5. Me too, Cathy! That's interesting that it was Home Goods and TJ Maxx combined. I've never heard of a combo store like that before. Thanks for linking up with us!

  6. Maria, it really was disturbing. I was shocked at how brave he was to do that in a crowded store! I hope your plants are all okay after the storms. We had lots of trees fall in our area.

  7. Let's start on the positive - you had so much nice quality time this week. I love that you and your friend do that and what could be better than Mexican and candle shopping. I love that mug and I have to be careful because I really like the Rae Dunn and Mud Pie stuff. I could have so many mugs and pieces of serving ware if I let myself.

    That is super creepy. This is why I love a crossbody for running errands. I think we all need this reminder. How bold! This just makes me so sad. There are so many jobs out there to be had but poeple resort to taking what others have worked hard for. I know I am getting a bit off topic, but you know what I mean.

    I am thankful that you were alert!

  8. Thanks, Amy! I love a fun night out like that as well. I am the same way, but just with all mugs. I don't need one more! Isn't that creepy?? And I wholeheartedly agree and am right there with you. My law enforcement husband has drilled certain things into my brain and that is one- always stay alert. It's a good reminder for all of us!

  9. Oh my goodness! What a scary story!!! I know you aren't living in fear, and I am thankful for that, but you are right, it's important to be aware of your surroundings! Yikes! Glad you are safe, friend!!!

  10. Bri- right? It was so scary! Thank you!


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