Thursday, October 20, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I would love for you to join me in today's thankful link party that sweet Rebecca Jo started. She's still around occasionally, so keep checking her blog for updates and in the meantime, give her some love on Instagram. 

I am thankful to be in Colorado this week, helping both of my sisters. One is on vacation, and the other is still dealing with issues from when her house flooded, in case you're not a regular reader here. (We were together on vacation in the Cape Cod when she got word from her neighbor that water was pouring out of her house. A valve in her upstairs master bathroom burst under her sink and flooded the whole house, except for the kitchen. She lost almost all of her furniture and was put into a temporary house until it's all rebuilt.) I've been able to help her move a few things over to her new place, odds and ends type things, and Tuesday night after we ate dinner, we went to a flooring store so that she could start getting an idea of what type of floor she wants put back down when the time comes. I am the same way as she is, because lots of these work crews expect you to have a decision made about things like that fairly quickly, and it would be so hard to do that. So, that night was nice, because she knows what she wants now. 

I'm thankful that everyday my three people have either called me or answered their phones when I've called, which has been often. I've talked to my husband, my mom and my best friend multiple times each day, because it turns out that it's lonely staying by yourself all the time. I've also talked to all of my sons, which I'm grateful for, to be able to check on them and see how their week has been so far. 

I'm thankful for good places to eat and quality time spent with my family here. I've eaten with my nephew once and Lisa and I are eating dinner together every night. We have eaten some really great meals. One night we went to Logan's steakhouse, and Tuesday night we went to a great Mexican restaurant, Los Dos Potrillos. We shared steak fajitas and enjoyed chips, dips and their house margarita. I would have taken a picture, but I was too hungry. 

I'm thankful that I got a really good night of sleep Tuesday night! I slept well the first night I was here, but the other two nights weren't so great. I switched bedrooms and that was the key. I think it's just that I'm in a different place, with different noises. Being alone doesn't help, though I'm not scared to be here by myself. I have my handsome guard dog who has been my new best friend and faithful companion. He follows me everywhere I go—into the shower, into my room when I change clothes, to the garage when I go to the outside get my drift.

Isn't Cowboy handsome? 

I'm so thankful I got to see my great nieces and niece! 

These pictures are only two of them: the older two are Kinsley and Kylie (pictured with her pumpkin). Madi and Macy had left with their mommy to take a nap when I took these, so I didn't see them as long as I did the older two, but both sets of girls are twins! K and K are 5 and M and M are 2. Unfortunately, they're all very sick right now. I'm praying and hoping they feel better so that we can do something fun before I have to leave. 

Lastly, I'm thankful for beautiful scenery.

I'm looking forward to exploring a little more today when I go out for some sight seeing and lunch. I'll be back tomorrow with my Friday Favorites post, so I hope you come back! Also, I host a fun monthly link party called Currently, where we share about things we're currently doing. To see October's version, you can click here and you can still participate, if you'd like! I leave the link open all month long. Next month's Currently post will be about what we're currently borrowing, buying, planning, prepping and reading. I hope you'll join us! It's such a fun post, so I hope you go to read October's version. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I bet you are ready to come home! I know it's been good, but at the same time, you probably miss the comforts of home. I hope the kids get better soon! That stinks for all of them to be sick right now. I'm thankful for so many things today. I am going to pause and say what I am thankful for before I go into work. I hope that will help my perspective today!

  2. It must be so nice to see family that you probably don't see too often due to how far apart you live. I hope your nieces become healthy again, too, so that you can see them and so they'll feel better. Are both sets of twins identical? Your doggie over there is pretty. I'm sure he's loving all the attention from you this week. I'm glad you're feeling loved and missed by your family and friends back home. Enjoy the rest of your week there and all the good food ;).

  3. Amy, I AM ready to go home! I was ready by Wednesday night. I spent the whole day alone, because my other sister didn't feel great herself and I encouraged her to stay home and rest for the night. She needs that! That's why I love the practice of being thankful- it does wonders for the perspective. Mine always needs adjusting!

  4. Maria, it is so good to see all of them! I think everyone is feeling better, so I may go spend part of today with them. I'm excited! The older set is identical, but the younger set isn't...and to me, they're the ones that look identical. I have a really hard time telling them apart! I know there's a trick, but I don't see it because I'm not around them often enough. I love my sweet buddy! He's the best dog...he was a terrible puppy, but he's turned into the best big boy. Thanks, friend!

  5. That Cowboy is such a handsome boy!! He would love to come home with you and play with all your puppies!!:) Almost makes me wish we had a pup. Almost!! It's a bummer that you have been lonely (at least when you are in the house - Cowboy needs to step up his snuggle game!)....but I am sure I would totally feel the same way. We really do need our people in order to feel settled, don't we? Hope you enjoy the rest of your time away. Think how exciting it will be to get back to cute Collierville:)

  6. pretty girls painting... I'm a painter and love to see little hands painting. Your dog is so gorgeous, trees look like ours
    LeeAnna, at not afraid of color

  7. Cowboy seems like such a sweet boy! Such a blessing that you are there to care for him. I actually thought of you last night. Joe just left and while I am typically fine about it, last night I heard a couple noises and got scared. Made me wonder how you were handling being all alone at your sister's. I am glad you aren't scared though. That is something I really have to pray about when Joe travels. Your great nieces are adorable. I forgot you said your niece has TWO sets of twins and 5 & 2! Wow! Praying they will all be healthy soon; that has to be a trying time when they aren't feeling well. Enjoy sightseeing today; looking forward to tomorrow's Friday Favorites post.

  8. So sorry that all your nieces are sick. I hope they will feel better so you can be with them again before you leave. Cowboy is a real cutie and his eyes are so expressive in each of those pictures.

  9. Jennifer- I love him so much! He's been such a good buddy to me all week. I agree about needing our people to help us feel settled. And it's so pretty here, but I really do love cute Collierville the most. I forget how fortunate I am to live in a place like that, so sometimes it's good to remember that.

  10. LA- I love to see that too! I'm not a painter, necessarily, but I love being creative and seeing how their little brains work. They did such great jobs on their pumpkins!

  11. Thank you, Bri! I have been happy to be here for my family members. It always feels nice to lend a helping hand. I know that's hard- being alone when your husband travels. Thankfully your kids are there with you! I always used to let mine sleep with me when Todd traveled. They would rotate, usually two by two.

  12. Thank you, Cathy! I am so glad they're feeling better! I love his little dopey puppy dog eyes. I couldn't agree more!


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...