Wednesday, October 5, 2022

currently- October edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I hope you're able to join up with me today for the October edition of Currently! Today we're talking about what we're currently anticipating, admiring, spending or consuming, wanting, and purging or deleting. I'll jump right in! 

Anticipating: I am currently anticipating the continuation of fall and another trip coming up. Has your weather turned cool yet? It's amazing to think that the minute that fall arrives, the temperatures cool down so much. That's how it was with us here and I was so thankful! I love this cozy season when we're able to open up our windows, sleep with heavier bedding, utilize our back deck once again and grill without sweating half to death. It's glorious! 

Look what I spied on my way home from work on Monday. This is so unusual for us! Our leaves typically don't begin the process of changing until November, but because of the severe drought we've been in, I'm noticing that they're starting this already. As for my second trip of fall, I'm going to Denver in a couple of weeks. I will be there for about eight days and will be taking my laptop with me and blogging from my sister's house. I always love the opportunity to see other family that I don't often get to see, especially my adorable great nieces. I can't wait! They're all at such a fun age—5 1/2 and 2 1/2. I look forward to helping my niece out with them all a bit and maybe cooking some dinners for them while I'm there. So fun! This kind of thing is right up my alley. 

Admiring: I am currently admiring not only the beautiful trees, but also the spectacular sunsets we've been having. I feel so close to God when I see something like a sunrise or sunset. I just think about the verse that talks about how the creation gives praise back to God and we see it in these things and hear it when the leaves blow. 

I'm looking forward to some Denver sunsets as well. I've seen some of the most beautiful ones there! 

Spending/Consuming: I'm currently consuming my mind and thoughts with music. It's the season for this, as a choir girl. We just had a night of praise this past weekend, which was so good! But after that was finished, we immediately got an email with an invitation to special Christmas rehearsals. So that's what I'm listening to right now, even as I write this post on a Monday night while Todd looks up Alabama games on his phone. 

I include these pictures, lest you think this is a hardship for me. I assure you, it is NOT. I love Christmas even more than I love fall! This picture above was last Christmas, when we got to sing with the Gettys! It was one of the most fun nights ever, even if it was on December 23rd. Those of us pictured here are the alto section. 

Wanting: I'm wanting to clean my closet out more. I've been doing this in bits and pieces since the summer, but I could definitely do more. I say it all the time, but I really could dress with a capsule wardrobe combination of things. I could totally be on board with minimal living in general, but I just think it would simplify life and there is something so appealing about that. I really need to take everything out of the closet and do it from that approach. I say that I want to do this, but we'll see if it actually happens. I'm the queen of good ideas with little to no success at the follow through. 

We're wanting to do some things around the house too. I've been saying this forever, but it still isn't done. We need to pick one thing soon and get it done. Is anyone else really bad at this like we are? I'd love to know. 

I liked this image I saw on Pinterest about the ways of procrastination. 

Purging/Deleting: I am always going through my phone and purging AND deleting things. Just last week I got rid of a ton of apps I don't use and I'm constantly deleting pictures that I take for the blog to free up space. I think that sometimes that can make our phones run slow and it affects the battery life. I kept losing my charge last week while I was on the Cape! That was not a good time to have my phone keep going dead and I forgot the car charger. 

Your turn! I can't wait to read all of your posts. Make sure and link here to your own blog so that we can all easily read. Thanks for reading, friends and for joining in with me for this fun monthly post. Love to all! 

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  1. Yep, our weather cooled right off; we even had frost on our car when we were in Maine on Monday! Luckily, it is supposed to warm back up into the 70's by the end of the week-- I just love when it's sunny and the temps are in the 60's & 70's. Perfect hiking weather for sure!

  2. I noticed my favorite row of trees near my house turning red already! So gorgeous! I am really trying to slow down this month to notice the trees, the sunsets, the beautiful weather. It has been so good for me mentally! You are a blessing to your choir and your family. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Joanne, I don't know if I'm ready for frost yet, but I am loving the temps right now! I want to hear about your trip to Maine- Todd and I went there right after we got married and would love to redo that whole trip. It's such a gorgeous area!

  4. Amy, it's so beautiful already! I love what you said about slowing down and appreciating the beauty around us. I think that's a great thing to put into practice. Thank you for saying that! I hope you have a great day, my friend!

  5. The leaves are changing here too and I am loving it! I am just like you= Christmas season is my favorite! :)

  6. Holly, there is no better time of year than right now! I am loving savoring the season we're in. My husband and I even went on a walk with our dogs last night! We never do that...we're going to try to start that routine each week, by going at least twice a week. I hope you have a great day!

  7. The trees with the leaves changing colours look so beautiful and so do the sunsets. I love Christmas, and singing carols at church is my absolute favourite. I'm looking forward to doing this after two years of no carol services at church because of covid. Your trip to visit your sister sounds wonderful. It's always so good to spend time with family. Thank you for hosting this fun link-up.

  8. Purging and deleting from your phone - that is a good one! I think I will add this to today's "to do" list. Funny, I was surprised when you said you could live minimal. I just didn't "take you" for a minimal girl. Whatever that!! And, another trip? You are blessed. How is your sister dealing with her flooded house? She has crossed my mind several times this week - as well as all those in Florida. Oh my! The devastation by water?! Looking forward to reading the rest of the link-up....thanks again for hosting!! Happy Wednesday:)

  9. Yay for the cooler weather and fall colors! I feel like we work hard for 6 months to get to this time of year again. And exciting to spend time with those great nieces. It will be so fun. I am so with you on procrastinating on so many levels. Enjoy your day!

  10. Ruth, I know you will love being able to do that at church again this year! It's amazing all the things we take for being able to do things like that. I was that way last year and was so grateful to be able to sing in a full choir again.

  11. Jennifer- I hate clutter, whether it's in my house or on my phone! I also dislike all those little red number notifications, so I stay on top of it all. Also, I don't ever want to run out of space on my phone, because I take tons of pictures. ;) I do think I could live minimally! We would love to downsize someday, so we both think about it all the time. We'll see if that happens or not. Ha! Thank you for thinking of my sister! Things are progressing slowly for her, which is the normal thing, I suppose. Those poor people who were affected by the hurricane! So sad.

  12. Marilyn- YES! I am so happy about it right now. Thanks, friend! I hope your day has been good too!

  13. Choir girl here too, and I've really missed singing with the community chorus the last couple years for various reasons. "I'm the queen of good ideas with little to no success at the follow through." <-- I will challenge you for this crown! LOL I also have so many ideas for how things could be more organized, stuff minimized, and so much more, but do I get it done? Too often, I do NOT. Thanks so much for hosting Currently!

  14. Kym- that's awesome! Your challenge made me laugh. Let's call it a tie and still be friends! ;) I'm so glad you joined us this month!

  15. I was purging photos from my phone too. I love all your sunset photos, and can't wait to hear about the Denver trip. Thanks for the fun link up!

  16. I can't wait to see pretty trees like that!

  17. What a lovely post today. Thank you for hosting us all!

  18. I read your post the first day, but somehow, I missed commenting. I love those Christmasy pictures. I always enjoyed when it was time to practice for Christmas in the choir. Always, my favorite songs. Looks like you enjoy it as much as we did! I'm really good at procrastinating, unfortunately! I guess commenting late, is better than not commenting at all. lol

  19. We were gone all last week, and it was dark when we got home on Friday. Saturday morning, I was surprised to see the leaves changing on our trees. I've bought a few new things, so I need to keep purging my closet...and I'm always reminding myself to delete photos off my phone.

  20. Thank you so much for hosting the Currently link up! I'm a few days behind, per usual, and love that I can still participate. Enjoy the changing seasons!

  21. Dara, I hope you get to see some soon! I am shocked ours are turning so early. It's only because of the severe drought we were in over the summer. Thanks for stopping by!

  22. Thank you, Cloudia...I LOVE your name! It's so beautiful and reminds me of clouds, which I love. I am so glad you're joining in with us!

  23. Cathy, that's funny and I do that too! Thanks for that, we really do have a blast together in choir. It feels like such a family environment in there and I love it and our time together. I think our worship pastor is really great at his job of shepherding us as well. He is young, but he's so very wise and godly and such a great friend to all know who know him.'s probably something most of us are great at!

  24. Jen, that was a nice surprise! Um, I think it's you who inspired me to stay on top of my closet. It's so much better than it used to be!

  25. Wendy, I'm so glad you're joining in with us! That's precisely why I'll always keep the link open for the whole month. Better late than never, right? Thanks for stopping by!

  26. So glad you picked up the Currently linkup and am looking forward to participating in November! Are you using the same prompts every month or different ones?


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Share 4 Somethings (#2 of 2025)

  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...