Monday, September 19, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I am linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. How was your weekend? Mine went by so quickly! Probably because I spent hours watching countless episodes of a show I'm trying to finish. (Grey's Anatomy, because someone is going to wonder what show it is. Also, please don't judge me! I need to see how Shonda Rhimes wraps the whole thing up with the last season...IS it the last season? I don't even know, but online looking doesn't confirm anything either. She needs to be done! My son told me I had to finish watching it, because I'd stopped.)

Anyway, onto the weekend. I got started with Dad on Friday. He came over for lunch, which was delicious. I made us fish tacos for lunch, because I wanted to enjoy the whole day at home. 

We had tacos and chips and guacamole, which Dad loves. He loves spice, so I loaded us both up with that sriracha sauce. He was excited about their upcoming trip they left for on Saturday morning. They decided to get away to their favorite weekend spot for their anniversary, then were going onto Dallas for a funeral, and slowly making their way back here. I was glad for them that they got to do this, because Dad has always loved to travel. I think this is the part about aging that Dad dislikes—not traveling as much. He will tell you his favorite trip was when they got to go to Israel about ten years ago. He says he would go back tomorrow if someone gave them the trip! 

After he left, I got comfy for the night, because I was SO TIRED. I have lost so much sleep in the past week, because I've had a lot on my mind. Everything is fine and it was nothing earth shattering, it was just causing me to be unable to sleep for consecutive amounts of time. I fell asleep shortly after he left for a half hour and felt better after the little cat nap. I ordered my favorite pizza for dinner again and watched episodes of Grey's all night, in between giving myself a pedicure.

Yes, that is a long flannel nightgown you see—everybody was gone and I was freezing! This helped. I love the color I chose for my pedicure, Suzi Skies in the Pyrenees. Callie pictured in the background sums up the night at home. I'm not complaining!

I was up early on Saturday, so I did all of my Bible study homework for the week, then I caught up on my chronological Bible reading. I almost always get a day or two behind during the week, now that I work part time. I did some laundry, cleaned in the kitchen, then I got dressed for the day. My mom and Trish and I went out together for the first time in a couple of weeks. I wanted to go to my favorite little boutique, where I didn't find the first thing, then I needed to go to Target. We ate lunch at Carabba's, which was so good, then we called it a day and dropped me back off at home. Todd was working again, so Noah and I ate dinner together at our favorite Chinese buffet. (Nobody else would come!)

He is always up for some Chinese buffet. We caught up while we were together, I made him pose with me, then we were both on our way. This weekend there was a hot air balloon festival in our town, so after seeing them when we were out, I went driving to look for more. 

(This last one is one I got off of Facebook, so I do not own the rights.)

There is something so beautiful and peaceful about a hot air balloon! We usually have them in our area pretty often, but this weekend, there were many. We saw even more walking into to church early Sunday morning.

This was a ticketed event, so I did not go into where it was all going on, but I just enjoyed them around town. I rode to church early with Todd on Sunday, because I needed to be there to rehearse the song I was singing the solo on. That is something that is WAY out of my comfort zone, but I'm so glad our worship pastor asked me to do that. Even though I always prefer to be on a team of people singing than the one singing the solo, I not only survived, I enjoyed doing it. I felt like it was an honor that he asked me to sing, and I love singing in worship to the Lord.

Todd likes to come home and listen to it all over again, because he's the one who does the mixing for our online streaming. I didn't want to listen to myself with him, so I disappeared to the upstairs for a bit and watched in private, then came back downstairs after having changed into comfy clothes. It's weird that we're like we are, but we both think the same way. 

For the rest of the day, I took a short nap, I read my book, and we watched movies together. It was the first night Todd didn't work for three nights in a row, so I was glad to have him home. On the agenda for today is work, then grocery pickup, then a family dinner tonight! I'm excited. I won't see Drew again until the first weekend of October, because I'm leaving bright and early Saturday morning. I know my week is going to either drag slowly or fly by. What was something fun you did this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Come back tomorrow, I'm sharing about the things I'd like to do this fall and some fall ideas for décor and fashion that I love, via Pinterest. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. I can understand being nervous singing a solo in church! No matter the size of the church, I think just about anyone would be nervous to sing a solo. With your church being big, I can see how nerves would be magnified. The picture of you singing is so good! I'm glad that you got to do a lot of your favorite things this weekend. It looks like it was a good one! Have a great Monday, friend!

  2. One on one time is the best, so maybe the buffet with just one was good? I love that your Dad likes spicy food. Did you try the Slender Kitchen blackened fish tacos? He would like the heat, I think! The mango salsa is to die for! Happy that you had more time with your hubby and I bet the week will go by quickly!

  3. Maria, you're so right! It can be nerve wracking, no matter the size. It's even worse just singing for one or two people...I don't know why it's like that, but it is. Thank you! It really was a good weekend and I hope yours was too!

  4. Amy, YES! I ended up being glad it was just him. Noah has never opened up much unless we're alone, so it's always good to hear him talk a lot. I bet he would love those! No, these were just fish fillets I already had, then I just added the tortillas, lettuce, cheese and sriracha. I hope you have a good day, friend!

  5. LOVE the one on one time you had with your sweet boy AND I need to hear you sing!!! Post videos please :)

  6. I enjoyed your post. Sounds like a great weekend. I hope your dad enjoys the trip. Hubby and I enjoy a good Chinese Buffet too. Would love to hear your solo. Hope you have a great day and a great week.

  7. Love catching up and seeing what your weekend held. The hot air balloon event is so cool! Would love just seeing those floating around like that. :-) That is a great picture of you singing and worshipping the Lord!! Our weekend involved our church's fall kick-off. We rent out a ranch each year for this... it's a beautiful venue... and have one big church service in the morning, and then that evening we are back there grilling out as a church family, bounce houses, "bull" riding, etc. and then we ended with a concert from Tim and the Glory Boys. Have you heard of them? If not, look them up on YouTube. I think you would really like their music. Have a great week, friend! I love fall, and I love this week because Friday is my birthday!! The kids and I are taking it off from school and going to do things I enjoy. Can't wait!

  8. Look at you singing your little heart out! Love it!

    You know - flannel nightgowns are hard to find! They're my mom's favorite & I'm always looking for her some for Christmas! With my hot flashes, I think I'd roast in flannel.

    You reminded me to pick up a new bottle of sriracha - I'm out & needing it!!!

  9. Holly- that is the best time! You are so right. I don't know if I'll ever share it, to be honest...I'll think about it. Ha!

  10. Thanks, Cathy! I hope you had a good day and that you and your hubby enjoyed the weekend together!

  11. Bri- I love that your church does that! How cool. I can easily understand why that would be a favorite well as the fact that it's your birthday week. How fun that y'all are taking the time to do fun things together! I totally would have done that myself if we hadn't already been on holiday break for my own birthday. I will have to check their music out, thanks for the rec!

  12. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! I don't know what it says about me that you're always looking for that for your mom, but I was so cold that morning! It has been in the fifties here in the mornings...well, not this week, right now I'm about to roast. I got this one at Kohl's several years ago on a clearance rack. I only pull it out when I'm freezing. Ha!

  13. My husband and I were huge Gray's fans... but we did give it up during the pandemic and never bothered watching it again because we did feel like it was just sort of endless. LOL. Those hot air balloons are so neat! We see them occasionally around us; my mother in law was supposed to go up in one just a few weeks ago but ended up having conflicting plans with a going away party for her granddaughter.

  14. Joanne- it is ENDLESS! Did you know they're starting Season 19 on October 4?! I thought for sure it would end. I love the hot air balloons! I hope she is able to make that happen- I've heard it is unbelievable!

  15. Looks like a great weekend!I love the pedi color and how amazing that you sang your solo at church! I wish I hadn't given up on Grey's a few years ago because now I'm tempted again to see how everything ends.

  16. Thanks, Jen! Oh my need to watch it! The last season may have been the best. I love how it all went on and now season 19 starts next week!


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