Monday, September 12, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. 

I had THE most boring, low-key weekend. So much so, that there isn't anything to write about other than one or two things that kicked it off. The first is that I went to get my nails done Friday morning. They still looked really good, but they were so long that they were driving me bonkers. I may go back again before I leave town in two weeks...because if I don't, they'll be so long that I'll be ready to get them done again the day after I come back. I usually never go more often than every three weeks, but I may break my own rule this time. Look how cute they are, though!

My friend and I who are just alike in personality were talking about the trend of gradient nails right now. Did you know that is what this is called? I didn't. The pinkie and thumb are black, the ring finger is an OPI color called Less Is Norse, the taupe is another OPI color called Don't Bossa Nova Me Around and the white is one I don't know the name of. I love them!

The other thing is that my dad and I enjoyed our afternoon together. Todd worked all weekend, so I was alone most of the time, which I didn't mind too much. I watched many episodes of a show I'm trying to finish, but more on that another time. And that's basically all I did, even forsaking the plans I made to work on my closet, though I did do some other minimal things. Some weekends are just like that, I guess. Because there wasn't much to report there, I thought I'd share about a few random things in our house or in in life. 

Every time I take a shower, I remember how much I love these shower racks that hold our essentials. This is the second kind that we've had. The first kind were some we bought at Lowe's that were the kind that were for the corner of the shower. They were okay, but they took up too much room, so Todd ended up buying these on Amazon. I love how slender they are and we scaled down all that we have and use that really needs to be in there. This is what we came up with: his shampoo and my shampoo and conditioner, body wash and a razor. We have another little one that hangs on the other wall to the right that holds our soap. We try to keep it clean and organized. How do you keep your shower things organized? I feel like most of you are like us and don't have a ton of space there for things like this.

I took this picture above several months ago when I helped with the technical side of things for one of our women's events. We're trying to become self sufficient in the women's ministry, meaning that we don't need additional people to come just to run things for us if they don't have to be there. I've started doing more and more of this and I learn a little something new each time I help. I think this is reasonable and a great idea. All I've asked is that our tech director would remain patient with me as I learn a little more with each event. He promised he would be. He also suggested that I find someone to help to start training them, in case I can't be there, so my friend Rachel is going to start helping me this week at Bible study. 

I really, really love a thoughtful and unexpected gift. My oldest son Graham traveled to Gatlinburg back in the spring and he brought me home some yummy smelling candles. This one above is one. I burned it a little when he gave it to me, but I quickly put it up for the fall and I've been enjoying it ever since I brought out all the fall décor. 

Many of you may remember that my pastor's wife almost died last year when she contracted covid and pneumonia. It's so hard to believe that it's been right at a year since she got sick, but I came across a picture of them recently that I shared right after she got sick to ask for prayer for her. It's such a miracle that she made it through, and I know she gives God the glory for healing her body. She is still affected by the long lasting effects of her very long hospitalization, but she is a fighter. I also took this picture above about a year ago, and when I saw it last night, it reminded me of Darlene. She missed all of fall and barely made it home in time for Thanksgiving, but it was months before she went out in public. Isn't that amazing? 

One last thing and I'll wrap it up here. Our weather here this weekend felt like the perfect fall weather weekend. It rained all day Saturday, which I was glad for, because we needed it again. After the rain finally moved out, it was sunny again, but the temps remained cool for the rest of the weekend. Last night it felt AMAZING when I took the dogs outside. I let them stay out there for a bit while I watched them, because this kind of weather always makes them frisky. I love seeing them act like that! They usually look something like this. How's all of that for random? Surely I'll have more interesting blog content for tomorrow. 🤣

How was your weekend? I would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all.


  1. Your weekend was like my Labor Day weekend- low key and perfectly fine but, like you, I didn't feel like it was the best blog fodder ;). Your nails are pretty! I didn't know about the trend. I am sitting here waiting for unpolished, au naturale look to catch on, lol. I'm sure glad your pastor's wife recovered from Covid and pneumonia. It seems like many people who got really sick got Covid and then a secondary illness. I hope you have a great Monday, friend!

  2. Maybe it's good to have this type of weekend every now and then? You have some exciting stuff coming up, so it's good to rest. Remember that rest is doing something! Ha! I love that candle. I, too, and discovering fall candles that I had put away. I love finding last season's favorites. It makes me so happy to know that I have so much and don't need to buy the new stuff. I still always want to, but I am trying to work on that. I think I might officially decorate this week? I have not been ready!

  3. Maria, the au naturale look is ALWAYS in! There are always two kinds of people in life: those who like their nails natural and those who don't. I'm glad we can still be friends. ;) I do remember you saying that on your blog last week...and definitely felt the same way this week here. At this point, I'm coming up blank for tomorrow and Wednesday, so I may skip those days of posting if I'm not inspired. We'll see! I hope you have a great day!

  4. How is that shower rack being held up? I need something to make our shower look more organized!

    Love your nails - sure to go with every outfit!!!

  5. Since we're empty nesters, hubby uses one bathroom and I use the other. So the corners of the tub is where I place my two kinds of shampoo and the holder for bars of soap on the back wall is where I put my body wash. He does similar in his bathroom. We use to have the pole things with shelves when the girls were home. One of these days, I'm going to get a manicure. I imagine it will look much better than when I slap on polish myself. Anyway, your nails are cute!

  6. Your nails are lovely! We have two shower heads in our shower and we have an organizer hanging off of each one to try and keep all our stuff contained.

  7. I love your nails - gorgeous colors. Sometimes a quiet weekend is just what we need!

  8. What a praise to know that your pastor's wife is doing so well! Thanks for the reminder. And your nails are so cute. I wonder if I would be brave enough to do something like that? I really need a pedicure - but it probably would not have nearly the same impact!! Hooray for cooler evenings....and cute pups!!

  9. Rebecca Jo- I think it's with little suction cups that the rack slides onto. We cleaned the shower really well first, then we hung the shelves. They have not budged even the slightest bit and as you can see, we use the large size of everything. We don't go with the largest, because the shelves are a little narrow, which we learned along the way.

    Thanks, friend!

  10. Cathy, I bet that's kind of nice! I know other people who do that as well. We're on the opposite end of that and share the bathroom with at least one son. We always have, because we have two and a half bathrooms, so it always worked to do three and three for showers. Thank you! I hope you had a good Monday! ❤

  11. Joanne, thank you! Two shower heads sounds amazing! We've used over the years as well, and they always worked well for us too!

  12. Thanks, Tanya! I think so too. Apparently I was tired. 🤣 Well, the fact that it was rainy and cool helped tremendously. I hope you had a good Monday!

  13. Jennifer, isn't it amazing? I never grow tired of talking to her about it and neither does she. She's so grateful to be here! Thank you for that! I would actually like a pedicure as well and am thinking about getting one next week. I want one before I leave to go out of town! I'm like you, I don't think this would be quite the same as a pedicure. 😉 I hope you had a great day!

  14. I love low-key weekends and after a busy week, they are just perfect for recharging! Your nails look beautiful and I didn't know that they were called gradient nails either. I usually just get a pedicure because working in a preschool means that manicures don't last unless I get shellac, acrylic, or the other ones (don't know what they are called). But I'm coming up to school holidays soon so I might treat myself to a manicure then.

  15. I LOVE the sounds of your weekend- perfectly relaxing and cozy AND I have not heard of this nail trend but I love the way it looks- may have to do that next time!

  16. Your nails are so much fun, so pretty! I, of course, had no idea that was what they were called. I feel clueless with what's in trend but love learning. :) Can't believe it's been a year since your pastors wife got sick. Praise God that she healed!!

  17. Love your nail color choices. So fun. A low key weekend is always nice.


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a few random things on a Tuesday

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about a few random things here today. I hope you enjoy! It's hard to believe that I hav...