Tuesday, September 6, 2022

weekending and Prime purchases combo post


Happy Tuesday, friends! I am linking up with a few people for this combination post since it was a holiday weekend and I enjoyed the day by treating it like another weekend day. That was lovely, by the way. I'm joining in with Holly and Sarah for the Hello Monday post and I'm also joining in with Tanya for this month's Prime Purchases post. I'll start with the weekend first. 

I started the weekend off with my dad. It was so good to see him! I asked him if he minded going to Costco with me, and as usual, he didn't mind. We have a routine when we go there together. I drop him off at the entrance, where he sits and waits on me, then he goes in through the exit door to get us a table while I shop and grab our lunch, then I join him. This week we both had pizza! It's our favorite. I always love when he goes with me there and though the store's a little big for him to walk with me through it these days, he loves to people watch as he waits at the table for me to come back to him. I guess I got my love for people watching from him, because I love to do that as well. I drop him back off at the spot where he waits for me, then I get the car and load my groceries while he gets in. 

We came back to my house and enjoyed the afternoon together. My sister Trish was able to come over and see him on her birthday, which was really special for her. After I took Dad home, I drove from his house to Mom's, where we all ate to celebrate Trish's birthday. Dinner was SO GOOD. Bill made the best taco salad for dinner. I didn't stay too long, because I wanted to come home and get comfy after a tiring week. (I'm still getting used to working!) Check out the beautiful view I had driving home.

There's nothing like a country sunset. In honor of Trish's birthday, I came home and started the movie Elvis that was released on HBO Max on Friday. Have you seen it? Several people raved about it and I didn't really get all the hype over this movie that was very different than what I'd thought it would be. Don't get me wrong—it was a good movie, but I wasn't prepared for it to be told from his manager's point of view. The other thing I kept hearing was that there were so many good qualities about him that were left out, so in a way, it seemed more about Colonel Tom Parker than about Elvis. Also, I almost couldn't get past Tom Hanks playing the part of a character that I didn't like and the fact that he was wearing a fat suit. That being said, it was still a good movie and enlightening. I know I'm from Memphis, but maybe it's because I'm from here that I've never been a fan of his. I do feel like I like him a little better now that I know some history...but you'll still never catch me listening to his music. I had no idea he was so controversial back in the day. Did you know this about him? I will also add that I really, really want to go to Graceland now. I've only driven by, but I've never been inside. One ticket is almost $80! I'll probably never go because of this.

I forgot to mention the reason I did the things I did this weekend is because my husband worked all weekend long. Our county fair is in town and he loves working this event every year. Look how pretty! Todd sent me this Sunday night. 

I kept falling asleep during Elvis, so I had to go to bed and finish it on Saturday morning. That day, Mom, Trish and I had made plans to do one of our favorite things that day, which was to eat at Applebee's and to visit one of our favorite antique stores in a nearby town. It was such a fun day and look at these cute booths that I loved.

Do you ever visit antique stores? My mom used to own a florist that was half florist/antique store, so my love for this kind of thing runs deep and I blame her for this. 🤣 I did walk away with some things—two more vintage Nancy Drew books to add to my collection, a little brass house that holds a candle votive and this hat for my hubby. 

We're Alabama football fans, so this Bear Bryant style hat screamed his name and I tried it on for him and sent him this in a text asking if he wanted me to buy it for him. Of course, his answer was yes.

For the rest of the day, I relaxed and watched episodes of a show I'm trying to catch up on. It was glorious! I also took a nap as Graham watched football in the living room. Todd was gone the whole day, so it was just us until Graham joined him at the fair. I had leftovers for dinner that were delicious and I spent the evening watching more tv. 

I was at church bright and early Sunday morning for praise team rehearsal and church, then afterward I was home again for lunch and for the rest of the day.  

Graham spent the entire day searching for a missing woman in our county and Todd was back at the fair that night. Graham made it home around ten and Todd wasn't home until one in the morning. I enjoyed a really lazy morning on Monday, then I worked on blog posts for the week, cleaned the house, caught up on laundry that I didn't do all weekend and got the house put back together for the rest of this week. I only left the house to go grocery shop for the week, but other than that, it felt so good to be home that day. How was your weekend? It seems hard to believe that it was the unofficial end of the summer season...I know fall doesn't begin until the end of the month, but it was a great summer. 

And now for the second part of the post...you can click on each picture to be redirected to Amazon.

I bought new lunch bags for Graham and Jonah, since they both take a lunch to work everyday.

They kind of laughed when I first used them, because they're bigger than what they had, but now that they've been using them a few weeks, they love them and the cup holder thing on the side of each bag. I love that they're insulated and that they zip.

I needed a good light eyeshadow color that wasn't in a palette to highlight with and to use along my brow bone. I love this one! The color is champagne and it's the perfect highlighting color. 

This is my favorite lipstick and for a while, you couldn't find it anywhere, not even on Amazon. I found one that my mom had in her car and asked if she used it (she didn't) and if I could have it (she said yes), but then I came home that day and bought another one. (Aren't moms great? Mine is!) It's called Almond Nude and it goes perfectly with my NYX lipliner called Nude Pink. I line my lips all over the surface with that, then put the Almond Nude lipstick on top.

My mom and sister love this body spray, so I bought them each a bottle as a part of their birthday gifts. 

I just ordered these shoes yesterday and I'm pretty excited to try them. They're the Euro Soft brand and I am hoping they'll be perfect for my first upcoming fall trip, when my sister Lisa and I plan to do tons of walking and sightseeing. These were only $27 yesterday and the sandals I have in this brand are some of my favorites.

Lastly, I preordered two books this month, which I love to do in support of authors I love. 

I already read Gilded Girl and I cannot wait to read this one by Elyssa Friedland. She's the author of Last Summer at the Golden Hotel, which was SO GOOD and that I read last year. 

So what about you? How was your weekend and did you do something fun with family and/or friends? We used to do things with family on this day, but now that everyone works, we just kind of enjoy the day and do our own thing. Have you Primed anything good lately? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends, and don't forget about the Currently link-up I'm hosting tomorrow! It's what we're currently loving, beginning, ending, picking and posting. I'd love to have you join in with me! Love to all. ❤


  1. It sounds like a nice weekend and I love your antique and Amazon purchases. Those shoes look great! My friend was wearing Bobs that look like Toms but with more of a sole and said those are her favorite teaching shoes if those don't work out. Teachers know comfort, I tell ya! I hope you have a great short week!

  2. We streamed the Elvis movie over the weekend, too. I agree with you on just about every assessment you had about it! I thought it was good... but not what I was expecting. I struggled to understand Tom Hanks' character- like literally, the words coming out of his mouth. But we all overall liked it and were glad we watched it. I love the hat that you found! It looks good on you... I enjoy going to antique stores. There's a picture perfect cute town near us that has dozens of antique stores and our little Springboro has one antique store that I love. I hope you have a great Tuesday, friend!

  3. It was a great one, Amy, I hope yours was too! Thanks for that tip on the Bobs...I will keep those in mind if these don't work out. I hope your day is good!

  4. Maria, how funny that we both watched this and agree about it all. You made me laugh when you said you couldn't understand Tom Hanks' words...I had to turn it way up at one point too, because I couldn't either. Those stores sound fun! I am a little picky about them...I don't like them to be too big, like the one we have in our town. I like them to be small or medium sized, because I start getting impatient. I hope you have a great day, my friend!

  5. Love your relaxing weekend and always love to read about your special time with your Dad- great prime purchases too- I may check out Gilded Girl- thanks for sharing! :)

  6. Thanks, Holly! I read that book in less than two days. It was so good! Her books never disappoint. Thanks for hosting us for this link party every week!

  7. We also watched Elvis this weekend. We liked it, but it's definitely a different movie style. And the fat suit on Tom Hanks was just...distracting. I can't believe how much the Graceland tickets are. Wow! I love hearing about your Friday's with Dad. Is your Costco super crowded? Ours is ridiculous, and it makes me not go as often as I'd like. Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases ~ Tanya @ The Other Side of the Road

  8. We went to Graceland when we were in town with our churches International Youth Convention probably close to 30 years ago. I loved it but then again, I love most of Elvis' music and also have enjoyed watching most of his movies at one time or another. In fact, I remember when he died and it was flashed across the bottom of the TV Screen. I was home after school and on weekdays there was a 4:00 movie and I was watching the movie "Cheaper by the Dozen" and was laughing at a funny scene of the movie. My sister hollered at me and asked what I was laughing at. I hadn't even noticed the words at the bottom as I was so engrossed in the movie. She thought I was laughing because Elvis was dead!

  9. We watched ELVIS Friday night too; while my middle son was at our local country fair. I thought the movie was pretty good but I did hate that I hated Tom Hanks character as I usually love him in anything he plays! I was also Googling all sorts of things on my phone as the movie was playing to see what was and was not accurate. I had no idea Elvis was so controversial in his time.

  10. I absolutely love antique stores....thankfully, so does my hubby:) Whenever we have a free afternoon, we love to ride out to a few of our favorites. And I love when they start setting them up for fall! I know you have so many more in your area - in the south, in general. One more reason, I just need to move!! Can you imagine paying $80 to visit Graceland!!? I guess folks do every day - but that just makes my head spin!! Happy birthday to your sister - glad you were able to spend lots of family time together this weekend! Here's to a good week ahead (and Currently posts tomorrow)!:)

  11. I thought the Elvis movie was so well done from a film perspective. After I saw it, I would tell others to keep in mind the movie is about his relationship with Tom Parker. I thought Austin Butler did such a great performance as Elvis. I grew up listening to Elvis music and he was my first concert. I worked at Graceland for 3 summers while in college, so some of those stories y9ou never forget! The ticket prices have gone up so much though since those days. Glad you saw it though!

    Thanks to your family for searching for Liza this weekend. It has been so heartbreaking.

  12. Tanya- right? Who would ever want to pay that much for that?? Our Costco isn't usually too bad. It's always crowded, don't get me wrong, but it's manageable. I guess it depends on where each location is...we have another one here in Memphis that is always way too crowded. Thanks for always hosting a fun link party for us!

  13. Cathy- I love that you got to go to Graceland! And that is a great story! She probably thought you'd lost your mind.

  14. Joanne- I felt the same way about Tom Hanks' character! And that's exactly how I felt. I had no idea he was so controversial!

  15. Jennifer, that's great that both you and your hubby enjoy antiquing! I concur- you should move! 😉 Or, at least come for a visit. I can't believe someone would pay that, but you're right, they do everyday! Which is probably why they can get away with raising the prices. I'm looking forward to tomorrow!

  16. Marilyn- I agree with everything you said! I just wasn't prepared for that, so it would have been nice to know. That being said, I did still thoroughly enjoy learning the things I learned from the movie. That actor did a GREAT job portraying a young Elvis...I think my favorite scene came at the very end though. I won't say it here, in case someone wants to watch, but I loved the bits of history they mixed in here and there throughout.

    Thank you for that! I will tell them you said that! It is SO heartbreaking! I feel there is so much more that is being left unsaid. I just keep praying for justice to be served and for the truth to come to light.

  17. Would you be able to check the link for the shoes, it doesn't appear to be working. I tried to just search Amazon without any luck. Thanks for your help!

  18. I am so sorry! I totally forgot to put the link behind the picture. I fixed it and it's working now! Sorry about that. Thanks for stopping by!


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