Thursday, September 15, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope your week has been good so far! I have many things to be thankful for this week and will just jump right in. Have you seen Rebecca Jo's blog posts this week? She is easing back into it, so check them out and give her some love!

We've been studying a lot about the Holy Spirit in our Bible study, with Him being our helper. I am so thankful for this and have been on the receiving end of His help time after time. He has helped me by comforting me, by giving me His peace, by helping me in remembering how to do things, by leading me to do something, by helping me as I've stepped outside of my comfort zone. I feel like I am stepping outside of my comfort zone every single Wednesday as I lead a small group of women in Bible study every week. I am thankful for the opportunities the Lord gives me, though.

I am so thankful for blog friends turned in-real-life friends, like this sweet lady and fellow blogger that many of you know as Marilyn from Memphis Bridges! You can click on her name to read her blog.  

We've actually met before, at a Bible study at my church, a couple of years ago. We met Tuesday afternoon at the cute little coffee shop I love on our square, where she had tea and I had gelato and a Diet Coke. 🤣 I know, I know, it's a strange combination, but for some reason when I eat ice cream I also have to have a Diet Coke. 

By the time you read this, I will be grateful that it's Thursday! I've had something taking up a lot of thought and brain space in my head all week and I think it's been making me lose sleep every night. Aren't some things just like that? I am a classic overthinker—it's astounding how much I let something eat away at me. 

I am thankful that my mom and I are at least able to talk everyday, even if we don't see each other all that often anymore. She and I would always spend a day together one day every couple of weeks, but since I've started working, we haven't done that. We do have our Saturdays and we have our early morning phone conversations. Those things are better than nothing. 

I'm thankful my mom-in-love is able to come over after Bible study on Wednesdays. I love that time that we have together, because otherwise, I don't know when I would see her. Life is busy for me right now!

I'm thankful for godly friendship and fellowship. I say it all the time, but it always bears repeating: life is hard and we are not meant to walk through it alone. Our husbands are wonderful, but they are not the same as friendship between women. Women connect with other women through friendship that cannot be compared to the relationship between a husband and a wife. I get multiple opportunities for this each week and I don't take one of them for granted. And friendship is such a strange thing that ebbs and flows—I have friends that I rarely see, but when we get together and make that effort to me, we pick right back up. There are others who are so busy that it's hard to find time to meet! I totally get that, because life feels like that for me right now, even though it's nowhere near as busy as their life. It's important to remember to be there for one another and to make continual effort to be close. A text takes less than one minute to send to let someone know you're thinking of them.

I am thankful for the amazingly beautiful and cooler weather we've had. Now, as I write this it's Wednesday afternoon and a sunny 86 degrees, but friends. Eighty six with humidity is WAY different than the eighty six it is right now with little to no humidity. It's glorious! I dressed for Fall yesterday, like the basic fall-loving girl I am and I didn't care how hot it got outside. I am ready for those colors, the sweaters, everything. That being said, you should come back next week when I share about my fall bucket list. 

Well, I will wrap this post up with that last one. Tell me something  good about your week! I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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  1. Great post filled with wonderful reminders and truths. Love the picture of you and Marilyn- so fun that you got to spend time together in IRL. Did you know each other from blogland when you met years ago? I am thankful that I slept in until 6:00 am. That hasn't happened in a long time! I worked Monday to Wednesday this week and I always wake up way earlier than I need to on days that I work. Today is no work (something to be thankful for even though I don't mind working, a day off is very nice) so I slept in (to the extent 6:00 am is sleeping in, lol) and I feel more rested then I have in a while. Have a great day, friend!

  2. Ahh - thanks for the welcome back!!!!

    I love when blog friends become real life friends. Its such a unique & special friendship! I need to check her blog out!

    I just ordered 2 sweaters & a jacket... & its going to be 90 degrees for the next week - LOL... we're trying to push in that nice crisp air, arent we?

    Have a great thursday friend!

  3. We DO need other women in our lives! Glad you're taking the risk of stretching into a new area of service!

  4. I am so thankful we were able to meet this week! It was an encouraging day and look forward to meeting up again. Hoping you get some rest my friend!

  5. Thanks, Maria! The first time we met was at a Bible study at my church and through a mutual friend. I had no idea she would be there, but I didn't feel like I "knew" her well enough then. Fast forward two years and here we are! So cool, right? That is awesome that you slept in that late! I know what an early riser you are, because I'm usually up at five and you've already commented on my blog! 🤣

  6. You are most welcome, Rebecca Jo! I laughed when I read what you ordered. Of course that makes perfect sense! I dressed like fall yesterday and loved every second.

  7. Thanks, Marilyn! I am looking forward to more afternoons like that!

  8. Great list!! Oh, so you met Marilyn before. That's so wonderful!!! Love it!


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