Thursday, September 8, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I can't believe it's already Thursday...thanks to a lovely Labor day, the week is flying right by. I'm here with the weekly link party where a few of us share about all that we're thankful for. I don't know about you, but I love this post that my sweet friend Rebecca Jo started and I miss her blog! Give her some love if you see her on Instagram! It's good to feel missed. That being said, I love this post because I love looking for bright spots among the darkness that we live among in this great big world. I love that by being intentionally thankful, it focuses my eyes where they need to be—on Jesus. Life can be overwhelming with all the instant everything we have these days. A pastor that I heard speak last year said that—we've never had all of the world's news at our fingertips before and it can be overwhelming! I digress. If not for Jesus, I'd be a mess.

I am thankful for a lovely long weekend! I said this recently, but I'll say it again: now that I'm working part time, I have a new appreciation for weekends, especially long ones! It felt restorative and restful, which is just how I like them, with a perfect blend of extrovertedness and introvertedness. 

I am thankful for family members who are helpers. I'll give an example: Noah came home on Friday telling me about a terrible wreck he witnessed on his way home. It was an older man driving a car and his car was in a tree. He pulled over to see if there was anything he could do to help, but it shook him, because the man was stunned and bleeding profusely from his nose. Noah ended up leaving when emergency personnel showed up, but Jonah actually helped two other men pull the man out of the car. The car was smoking and they were scared it was going to blow up. It took all three (four?) of them to pry open the passenger side of the vehicle. I'm curious to know how he is, but it was probably something medical related that caused him to have a wreck. I love that both Noah and Jonah stopped to help him, as they were not even together that night. Pretty cool, right? I'm thankful they're like this. 

This story also extends to my husband and oldest son, Graham. They were both out on a search and rescue call out all weekend for a woman who was missing in Memphis. This is terrible and tragic story of a woman in her mid thirties who went out for a job and was kidnapped early on Friday morning. They did find her Monday evening and she did not make it out alive. How heartbreaking! There are so many pieces of this puzzle that don't quite fit together just right, but prayerfully the truth will come to light. 

I said all of that to say that I'm thankful my family members are people who help. I can't say that sentence without thinking about Mr. Rogers. I heard him tell someone in a video that when he was a young boy and scared, his mom told him to look for the people who were there to help. 

I am thankful that Jonah has had cars to detail this week. He's been needing some extra money and my friends have come through for him. He loves to do this on the side and it's something he's been doing for about five years. He's not a pro, but he's pretty close! 

I'm thankful for a beautiful park that I get to see everyday that I work.

I love those beautiful and lush hanging baskets. The teal ribbons that you see on the poles are in support of ovarian cancer survivors...I had a beautiful friend named Tarin who succumbed to this terrible illness a few years ago. She is someone who was a friend and godly prayer partner. I miss her! 

I am thankful for a quiet evening at home with my husband. He was so busy all weekend that I barely saw him. He is home as I write this on Tuesday night and we're watching Cops...he has his pants leg pulled up at the moment to let the nail polish dry on the chigger bites he's covering in. Again.

I am thankful to have something to look forward to this month! I am so excited about an upcoming vacation my sister Lisa and I are going on together. If you read my blog yesterday, you'll know that she and I were talking about this on Monday and discussing what to pack for a fall trip to the Cape Cod. I get so giddy when I write that. 

I am thankful that I have great books to read! I'm on a roll this month. 

This is a brand new book by my favorite author. You should check it out! 

It's your turn! Tell me something good about your week. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends and thank you for linking up with me each week! Love to all. 

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  1. I'm thankful for getting several good nights' rest after getting a new mattress. It feels great to feel rested! The poor family of the runner who was killed- I hope her killer is brought to justice. The people like your husband and son who searched for her are heroes. I'm glad that you had a restive long weekend and hope that your work week is going well.

  2. VERY thankful to be looking forward to family events this weekend!

  3. Maria, that is awesome! I'm thinking we need a new mattress soon. I keep waking up sore. We've talked about getting a sleep number mattress, but what did you go with? I'm just curious. Isn't that TERRIBLE about Eliza Fletcher? Aside from her, we had a shooting rampage in Memphis last night and for over five hours he drove all over town shooting at people. My son was locked down in a restaurant during his work last night, but finally made it home safe after they apprehended the man. Our city has gone mad! It's sad and terrible...though these two things probably landed us on national news, truly, things like this happen everyday here. I don't know why one victim is more in the spotlight than another, but we are continually labeled as one of the most dangerous cities in America.

    You see why I stay nestled in my little town, though it's not immune...remember the shooting we had at our Kroger almost a year ago? Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

  4. Michele, that will be fun! Thanks for linking up!

  5. It sounds like you and your husband have raised your boys well. So sorry for the lady who went missing. So sad.

  6. I'm reading a P Kelley book too at the moment! Haven't read gilded girl yet so thanks

  7. Thank you, Cathy! It's been a sad week for Memphians. More than just this week- the crime here is overwhelming and we have so many murders in our city every year! It's terrible. Most of it is drug or gang related. Even so, we don't live in fear and we're just always diligent in being on guard. Thank you for your sweet words!

  8. LA- You'll have to let me know what you think! It was outstanding!

  9. I'm thankful for cooler weather! Love this post.

  10. I'm slowly getting thankful for fall approaching. For the change of season. I will miss summer but I'm enjoying the pace of autumn...and the pumpkin spice:) Well, a little bit!!:)

  11. Jennifer, I know you love Summer! I do enjoy the months of slower paced living. I am not a big fan of pumpkin, but I love other warm flavors, like caramel and vanilla...yum! Now I want some coffee. Ha!


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