Thursday, September 22, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends, and happy FALL! There is some debate on which day is actually the start of the fall season, but more pointed to today,  Thursday September 22nd as the fall equinox. This time of year is my absolute favorite and I spend all the other months counting down the days until it's back each year. It doesn't take much to make me happy, friends, in case you didn't know that. 

For today's post, I am linking up with my friend Rebecca Jo, who is back in the blogging world once again! You should check out her latest posts. We would love for you to join us this week! 

Obviously, the first thing I am thankful for this week is that it's the beginning of the fall season. Pinterest is my favorite way to be inspired right now, other than blogs. At the risk of sounding redundant, I love to have something to look forward to, which is why I love bucket list blog posts and inspirational pins, boards and blogs. Maybe it's just my optimistic personality, maybe it's the Jesus in me that looks for good and joyous moments...I just like to enjoy life. And you know what? Life is short, so we should enjoy it and fully embrace all the moments we're given. I always try to not take things for granted. 

I'm thankful that the Lord made me this way. I would say it is how He made me, it's nothing I've done to be optimistic. I just know I have much to be thankful for and He is the Giver of every good gift. 

I am thankful for opportunities that the Lord gives me! This past week I was asked to sing a solo for our choir song in church on Sunday and I am glad to say that I said yes and that I wasn't even nervous. I used to really struggle with anxiety about such things, but I fully believe that God healed me of all of my anxieties. I had many—possible health issues, fear of what people think of me, flying, being on stage alone and singing or talking into a mic, thinking on all the things that could go wrong—you get the idea. I have not had any issues with anxiety in over a year, though! Not even once. I don't say this lightly and I promise you, I do not take it for granted. I've had panic attacks and anxiety since I was in high school, just ask my husband, because he has witnessed most of them. Anyway, even though I never thought I'd say this, I am thankful our worship pastor asked me to sing the solo. I'm not the best singer, but I never want to waste a talent the Lord was faithful to give to me. I want to always use those for Him and for His glory. You never know how He will use it to minister to others.

I am thankful for my upcoming trip! I will not be blogging next week while I'm gone, but I will be back on Monday, October 3rd. Because of that, Rebecca Jo will be hosting this link party next week, so make sure and join her! I'm looking forward to getting away and to having a real vacation. My sister and I have agreed to ZERO work while we're gone, and even though this blog isn't anything I'm paid for, it does take a lot of time and effort to write and manage. I'll be taking lots of pictures and writing down memories in my journal while we're gone so that I can share them here when I return. 

I'd also like to remind and invite you to participate with the upcoming "currently" link I have coming up on Wednesday, October 5th. In October, we'll be talking about what we're currently anticipating, admiring, spending/consuming, wanting, and purging/deleting. I appreciate my friend Jennifer for sharing some recommendations for topics! I hope you join me for that! It's a fun post with lots of people who link up with me. If you want to read this month's "currently", you can check it out here. The link is still open if you'd like to join in before it closes next week. 

Thanks for reading, friends! I will see you back here in a couple of weeks, if you're one who only comes around on Thursdays. If you are, you should check out my other daily posts! For the rest of you, I'll see you back here tomorrow. Love to all! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I am thankful I found your blog!
    I am thankful for feeling better this week. It really made me appreciate feeling healthy and strong and it reminded me how darn hard my job is to do even when I am 100%. It's no joke and even though I'm in my 29th year, I still am challenged constantly. So, I guess I am thankful for a job that makes me think and learn and use my God given talents of organization, management, leadership, creativity, and more. I hope that doesn't sound proud, but I do think I was meant to do this job. But, I am tired! It has only gotten harder in the current climate.
    I am thankful for my husband who is a steady rock for me.
    I am thankful for two college kids who seem to be happier and more focused than in the last two hard Covid years.
    I will miss you next week, but I can't wait to hear about the trip!

  2. I am thankful I found yours as well, Amy! And I am so glad you're feeling better. I cannot imagine how hard it is to do your job at any time, but especially when you're not feeling your best. I agree with everything you said about how God gave you those gifts and it is the perfect job for you. The world needs more teachers like you! But I also know how hard it must be right now, when everything is so different and with how things have changed.

    Those are great things to be thankful for! I'll miss being here too! I look forward to this time of day the most.

  3. I didn't know there was a debate on when fall started?? That is interesting. I will miss reading your blog next week but I'm glad for you, for your vacation and your break from work. I can only imagine the time you spend writing five posts a week. Your posts are always robust, too. (Not that there's anything wrong with non-robust ones but the type that you write obviously take time.) I write many fewer and it's time consuming for me. I look forward to reading about your time away in Boston. I hope you have a great day, friend!

  4. Maria, yes! I read several things that had the fall solstice a day earlier (or later?) than today. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place! Thanks for that, friend! I am really excited. I keep checking the weather for where we'll be to see how it's changing...but it looks like it'll be mostly good for us. It does take time to write here, but I really do love doing that, so it doesn't feel like a chore. The only part that sometimes feels like a chore is coming up with ideas for content. I pretty much have a routine now, though, so it's gotten a little easier. The link party hosting takes time and effort too, though I love doing that as well. I'll be back here tomorrow, then I'll start my little blog break. I hope your day is great!

  5. You know how much I love your "Thankful Thursday" posts, right?! Makes me appreciate little things I forget. LOVE that today is the first official day of fall.... YAY!!!!! I would really appreciate help or to hear more on how you got over all of that and are now able to stand in front of your church to sing a solo and things like that. I don't struggle with anxiety, but I would say it's a big-time nervous thing. I get all red and splotchy anytime something makes me uncomfortable, which is every time I have to teach the high school crew I help with at AWANA. That will be starting back up Sunday and I will have to start teaching again soon. Already super nervous. I need to find Bible verses to help in this area. If you have any that come to mind, I would appreciate them. I am excited you get to have a vacation; enjoy it and definitely don't do any work!! :)

  6. Your thankful posts are some of my favorites because it makes me remember things I am thankful for too. Hope you have a fabulous trip!

  7. Oh, yes....fall, fuzzy socks, a cup of tea, and a good book...just a little slice of heaven! Your post just made me SMILE this morning. I'm going to check out the Currently info. I've been doing a form of currently for a while, but I don't know where it even came from. It would be fun to join up with a bunch of bloggers doing it.

  8. Oh, yes, fall has landed with all its goodness. So grateful for the rhythms of the seasons!

  9. I enjoyed your thoughts on fall and all the things you are thankful for. I'm a little late linking up today and completely missed it last week. I do appreciate you and Rebecca for continuing to do this. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

  10. Thank you, Bri! I love this post as well, for the same reason. I think that all too often we all focus on all that is wrong instead of being thankful for all that God has done and how He will always bring us through. There is always something to be thankful for! I wish I could tell you exactly what changed, but I think what has happened is that the Lord has changed the way I think about things. When I think about the reason behind it all, things have a way of falling into perspective. So whether I'm cleaning our house, singing a solo or writing here on this blog, I want to do it all for the glory of God. That reminds me that it's all about Him and actually has nothing to do with me. I'm just the vessel...

    I know that's vague, but I can't pinpoint what has changed or why it's changed...I really do think it's been a shift in my focus. I always say that I never aim for perfection, but always just to be moderately decent...and He has a way of turning things around and allowing me to be used for Him.

    As far as Scriptures go, I always think of Philippians's a good one to study and to commit to memory. The other one I always think of is 1 Corinthians 10:31. I memorized that one years ago with my boys. I hope that helps, my friend. ❤

  11. I love that you were able to share your voice at church Sunday! We will miss you blogging next week, but am so glad you are taking a break and will be taking it all in on your trip.

  12. Stacy, your list sounds lovely as well! Thank you for that and I'm glad you'll be joining us for Currently in October! It's a fun post and I always love reading what others have to say on theirs. I hope you've had a good day!

  13. Michele- YES! Me too. I love all of the seasons!

  14. Thank you, Cathy! I love doing these link parties and I know Rebecca Jo does as well. Thank you for always joining in!

  15. Thank you, Marilyn! That's so sweet of you to say. I appreciate that! ❤

  16. Thank you, friend. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  17. What an amazing blessing to say that the Lord has healed you of your anxiety. I'm going to claim that promise. I never struggled or dealt in any way with anxiety until about two years ago. And covid. Not completely sure of the connection but they say there is one and "they" can't be wrong....but the struggle has been real. But I know He can take each and every anxious moment away. Thank you for sharing your testimony regarding that.


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