Thursday, September 1, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends, and HAPPY SEPTEMBER! It is the first day of the month that leads into my favorite time of year! That is one thing I am thankful for. I hope you'll join me for this week's Thankful Thursday link! I would love to have you. And those of you who are here from my friend Rebecca Jo's blog, thank you for joining me each week! Once again, if you see her around on Instagram, give her some love! I'll jump right in with this week's list of things I am thankful for.

My husband is at the top of my list this week. He should really be there every week and in theory he is, even if I don't write it here. He does so many nice things for me everyday! This week he spent four hours of his life waiting in line to get my tags renewed on my car. My tags cannot be renewed online, so it involves him waiting in person and our county clerk's office is ridiculously unorganized and with notoriously long waits. He is THE BEST. He also does things like taking care of our bills, oil changes and other car repairs, encourages me to do things outside of our home, is loving and doing lots of things around the house. I am always so thankful for him!

I am thankful for friends who find time to meet even when it's a new and strange time. I met a friend for an early dinner on Tuesday—we met up at 4:15 and I was home again at 6:30. I think that's kind of perfect. I was able to help my husband with something after I got home, which was good so that he could finish and then come relax.

I am thankful for our worship and tech ministry at church. It's a joy to serve with people who are willing to pitch in and help wherever and whenever they're needed. In Bible study yesterday, our worship pastor ran sound for us as we had worship before the teaching part began. Isn't that awesome? 

This was me during that time as well, running screens. Like I said, sometimes it's all hands on deck! 

On that same note, do you have any idea how refreshing it is to have a worship pastor that is young and so much fun?! He encouraged us to come to choir practice dressed in our favorite Christmas garb last night because he threw us a Christmas party to preview our upcoming Christmas music! How fun is that?!

You better believe I was wholeheartedly on board for that! Christmas is my jam.

I am thankful for time spent with my family and with my friends. I don't see my son who doesn't live here nearly often enough, but I am so thankful to know that all is well and everything is as it should be with him. He stays busy with work, he supports himself, he is healthy and he seems to love life. They all do, but I wonder about him sometimes when he lets things get to him. I just check in often and pray for them all without ceasing. No matter what, God is good and trustworthy.

It's been a great week. As usual, I have so much to be thankful for, but these things were what stood out to me the most. It's your turn! Tell me something good from your week that you're thankful for. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

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  1. Amy, I am so sorry you've had a hard week. You are right, though, and some weeks are just like that, no matter how hard you try for it to not be that way. Praying for a quick two days of work for you, then a relaxing and great long weekend for you. August is over! I think it's a hard month for everyone. Happy first day of September!

  2. Kudos to all those music people who are already jumping into Christmas!

  3. You have lots of great things to be thankful for. Does your husband literally change your oil or do you mean he takes your car in to have the oil changed? Just curious. My dad and brothers (and lots of country folk) could and did change oil in vehicles. It wasn't until I became a suburbanite that I realized the vast majority of people take their vehicles to a oil changing place and someone else does it ;). Your worship leader sounds fun and it's great that you all pitch in to help where needed at your church. Have a great Thursday, friend!

  4. Your worship pastor sounds great. What a fun idea to dress up for Christmas. I bet the team always has a good time while getting the job done.

  5. Thank you for carrying on with Thankful Thursday while Rebecca Jo is taking a break.

    I always loved it when the Christmas music came out when hubby was a music minister. My favorite time in the choir. When I look back, I miss all those choir practices!

    Bless your husband's heart to wait in that line and do that for you. Sounds like you got a really good one.

    Have a great day!

  6. Thanks, Michele! We just go from one big holiday to the next. After the new year, we'll jump into Easter!

  7. Maria, he does both! So do all of my sons. He taught them all that valuable skill. I will say, for my VW, the oil is more expensive and a bit trickier to get to, so we take it to the dealer. Thanks, friend! I hope you had a good day!

  8. He really is, Stacy! He definitely motivates us to get the job done. It's fun to work with someone like that!

  9. Cathy, I am happy to do this one small thing for her! Thank you for saying that. I know you loved choir...and I'm sure you have times that you miss it. I definitely got a good one when I married my guy! You did too. I love that we have that in common.

  10. That's a lot of great thankfulness. Life has been quite hard lately, but I am always thankful breath of life for me and my girls.

  11. I know it has been, Marilyn! I pray for all of you every time the Lord brings you all to mind. ❤


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