Friday, September 16, 2022

Friday Favorites, 9.16.22.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this weekly blog post. I'll jump right in!

Our town is my favorite. It really is like our own little version of Stars Hollow. Events like this prove that to be true. I would go to this in a heartbeat, if I were in town, but I'll be living it up in Boston that day with my sister Lisa. 

These views never get old walking into work on the days when I'm there. This little park area used to be one of my boys' favorite places to hang out. We would go there every Friday night and listen to Bluegrass music as they ran around with friends and play hide-and-seek. Those were the days!

This quiche is my favorite version! Check at the end of this post for my other blog posts from this week. It'll be on Tuesday's dinner inspiration post. 

I mentioned this yesterday, but my blog friend turned in-real-life friend Marilyn and I met at my favorite coffee shop on the town square Tuesday afternoon! That hour and twenty minutes FLEW by as we caught up with each other and shared. Also, every time I walk into the coffee shop, I am struck all over again at how cute it is! I love the brick walls and the cozy vibes it puts off. 

This is my favorite pizza! Honestly, I may order it again for my dinner tomorrow night. Their cheese pizza is TO DIE FOR. So is the marinara, for that matter, and I could eat it with a spoon. 

This is not original to me, but my friend shared it and I agree. I love Gilmore Girl all the time, but there is something extra special about watching it in the fall! I love to start over every year at this time. 

This is my current favorite candle. It's one that my oldest son Graham bought for me, and it smells divine! It will last forever and hardly even melts every time I burn it. 

I've mentioned how much a thoughtful gesture is my favorite thing...these lights are proof of that. My sweet husband replaced the ones that had been out in our bedroom for me and had planned to surprise me with them, but Jonah kind of ruined it. It's okay, though! It's definitely the thought that counts. 

I'll wrap it up with this last picture. It's my favorite when I read a book that is seasonally appropriate! This is a book I had pre-ordered and am currently reading, but I really don't like it. That being said, I bought it for full price, so I'll push through, but I am ready to be done with it already and I've got more than half way to go.

It's your turn! Tell me something that was a favorite from your week. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all and have a great weekend!


  1. Love all of these favorites! That candle looks right up my alley. I am hoping to get some new fall stuff this weekend without spending too much. I have gone through my bins and taken inventory and I think I am ready to make it look like fall around here even though it is 87 degrees to end the week!
    Happy, happy Friday! Your town does look so adorable!

  2. Does any area of your town have a gazebo? That would truly Gilmore Girls authenticate it, lol. I love towns that have town squares. Our historic downtown is very cute but it's super small- just one street with old buildings on either side. Your trip to Boston sounds amazing- can't wait to hear about it. This week has been jammed packed busy for me and my favorite thing about it is that it is Friday ;),

  3. Thanks, Amy! That sounds like so much fun! I want to get a few more pumpkin things for my own house as well...a few things are missing from last year. I'm wondering if they were broken or something. If I waited on the weather, I'd have to wait until November! Ugh. I hope your day is great and that your weekend seems long!

  4. Maria- it DOES! Right smack dab in the middle. I'll try to remember to take a picture of it and post it here sometime. I love it! I know you're glad it's Friday! I hope your day is great, my friend.

  5. I gotta know what book that is now!
    I know so many people starting Gilmore girls in the Fall... so fun! Though, it took me like 4 years to get through the series - LOL. But now that I have seen it all, I can just let it play in the background & get a new appreciation for it.

  6. Your town looks so beautiful and really does look like Stars Hollow. I just love Gilmore Girls, it’s my favourite show. Sometimes I’ll have it on in the background but I always get distracted watching it and those funny one liners never get old. It’s so lovely that you have a real life blog friend. How special!

  7. We loooovvveee Lost Pizza, too! It’s definitely the best pizza in our small town! Have a great weekend!

  8. Your town really is like Stars Hollow! I was just thinking that I need to start Gilmore Girls over because fall time would be perfect... it would be a fun one to start with my 14yo while the other ones are off hunting.

    How FUN that you got to meet Marilyn in person!!! I used to follow her back when I was blogging. She's so sweet. You two must live close to each other?

    Your house looks so beautiful all falll-i-fied!!!

    So happy to be back reading your blog!

  9. I just made myself a quiche this morning; I make one most weeks as it's such an easy breakfast (or lunch!) option. This week I went with ham and broccoli. I was just thinking I should start re-watching Gilmore Girls as it's been a long time since I've watched it and it does seem like fall is the perfect time to watch.

  10. So many great favorites. I love the lights in your room. My favorite this week was that my mom visited. I hope you've had a great weekend.

  11. Rebecca Jo, it's a GREAT show to have on in the background! The book is The Most Likely Club by Elyssa Friedland. I had such high hopes! One of my favorites of last year was by here- The Last Summer at the Golden Hotel. This one is nowhere near as good. Like I said, I'm pushing through, because I paid full price. I hope you've had a great weekend!

  12. Thanks, Ruth! I am the same way with that show. I can't hardly just let it play...I feel like I need to stop and watch. I hope you've had a great weekend!

  13. Thanks, Mandy! And thanks for stopping by!

  14. Bri, that would be fun to do with your 14 year old! I know many people who watch it with their teenage daughters. It's good to have you back, I've missed seeing you here! Yes, we live near one another...about twenty minutes away, but she's in my town every Tuesday afternoon, so we're going to start making this a regular thing. The time we had last week was way too short!

  15. Joanne, it is the perfect meal option! We like it for dinner around here. I affirm your decision to start watching GG all over again! Join me and countless others. 🤣

  16. Thanks, Jen! I love a good twinkle light, in case you couldn't tell...actually, all of us in our family do and we all have lights in our rooms. I know you loved spending time with your mom last week! How special that she was able to come for a visit. I love all that extended family time!

  17. Love your fall decor and I vote next time let's have dinner at Lost Pizza :).

  18. Marilyn- you are on, my friend! I've heard they also have the best calzones. Yum! And thanks a bunch!


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