Wednesday, August 31, 2022

What's Up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! Welcome to my double post Wednesday. I'm sharing this post and I also wrote about the books I read in August. I'd love for you to check them out! I'm linking up with Sheaffer and Shay for this monthly blog post. I'll jump right in!

What we're eating this week:

Well, I'm writing this on Sunday night, but I have ordered my groceries and know what's on the menu. This week we're eating spinach quiche, taco soup and air fried shrimp and pasta and/or veggies. Other nights will be chicken salad for one of us and leftovers for me. You can scroll to the end of this post for my quiche recipe.

Have I mentioned that I'm ready for fall? I am.

What I'm reminiscing about:

Pool days and an amazing summer. I am kind of over swimming once August hits, don't ask why...but I am. I enjoy this activity so much during the warmer months, but I guess as August comes, I seem to switch over from summer mode to fall mode and I almost never swim during the month. It was lovely while it lasted and I still have a tan to say that it happened. 

What I'm loving:

So many things! Coffee each day made a new way—with less sugar and using a new-to-me oat milk creamer.

One I use in the mornings and the flavored one I use at night. 

Choir rehearsals have changed to Wednesday nights, and I've never been so glad for anything. We used to rehearse on Sunday afternoons and I never loved those long afternoons after a full morning of serving at church.

My worship pastor borrowed my phone one night so that he could snap this picture of us mid-rehearsal while he was helping us with something in the tech booth. He had left his down there at his stand.

I'm loving these town square views when I go into work each week. I can't wait to see them put out the fall decorations! 

What we've been up to:

All the usual things! Everyone is working and enjoying hanging out with friends and such. I'm keeping busy at home and with my job, and I'm still finding time to read and to watch the movies and shows that I love. I wrote about all of this yesterday, when I shared about some things I've been doing lately and how this has changed my life. 

What I'm dreading: 

I'm kind of dreading the months to come only because every single year, this is my "sick" time of year. I am almost always sick near Thanksgiving, but maybe that won't be the case this year. Even so, I'm not really dreading the months to come, because the b-e-r months are my favorite months of the year! Other than that, I really can't think of anything.

What I'm working on: 

I'm working more on maintaining our house. We're also working on a plan to clean out our attic and to somehow get it all organized up there. I'm trying to keep things orderly and organized while having less time here during the day. I'm barely figuring it out and scraping by, but it hasn't been bad.

What I'm excited about:

I have three big trips coming up this fall! One is at the end of September, and the other two are in October but I'll share more about that later. Well, I'll give you a hint. 

What I'm watching/reading:

I'm watching Chesapeake Shores on the Hallmark channel. When I'm finished with that, I'm going to watch The Good Witch all over again...I have only seen three seasons of that show and want to watch it all the way through. With Todd, I'm watching a documentary on the most dangerous places to live and we also started The Terminal List. 

I'm reading good books! Check out my second post today about the books I read in August. Here's a link for you. 

What I'm listening to:

Well, because the fall decorations are out, I've officially switched over to my fall playlists on Spotify. Think Father of the Bride, Alan Silvestri, Steve Tyrell, and all those jazzy singers that I love so much.

Currently I am also listening to the show Cops while I write blog posts for the week and Todd watches tv.

What I'm wearing:

Darker colors, neutrals, black sandals, and big hair.

I felt like this on Sunday. My hair kept growing outward. 

What I'm doing this weekend:

I'll be home alone for the next two weekends. Our local fair starts next weekend and Todd will be working all three weekend nights two weeks in a row. I anticipate going to my mom's house for dinner (ahem, Bill...get ready) and watching movies/shows at home. 

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Traveling! I'm not necessarily looking forward to flying to get there, but the excitement of travel outweighs my disdain for flying. 

I always love these kinds of posts and love to hear from you. Tell me some things you're excited about that are coming up. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I can't wait to hear about your trips! I don't like flying, either. But, I deal with it.
    I am going to try to do one last pool day before Labor Day closing! I get that- it is nice to have seasons and change up what we do.
    Love this post!

  2. The Terminal List is so good! You probably already like it! I guess season 2 has the green light? Your upcoming trips sound so great- definitely something to look forward to. I like to fly. I don't like delays, canceled fights and worrying about those two things happening but I love it when the plane starts moving and you know you're about to be in the air and then when the plane starts ascending- I think it's the neatest feeling. One day until the 'ber months begin! Speaking of days, have a great one, friend!

  3. I'm pretty excited about them, Amy! I can't wait to go...even if it requires flying. I'll be fine and I love flying alone. I just put in ear buds, play music, read my book and nap. Thanks, friend!

  4. Thanks, Maria! I used to love flying, then I became an adult. I think it has to do with my fear of heights...I love it when we land, though and am always happy to be back on the ground. It's an irrational fear, I know...I have to psyche myself up with that reminder. Only ONE MORE DAY until the ber months!!! Happy day!

  5. I'm excited for you and your trips! Let me know what you think about The Terminal list. I haven't seen it yet, but hear good things. Enjoy your day!

  6. I don't like flying either and wishing you a very uneventful flight/ time at the airport! It was doubly stressful flying this past trip hearing so many horror stories of delayed flights and lost luggage this year. Luckily it was all smooth sailing for us and I hope it is for you too!

  7. How exciting to have all those trips lined up for fall!

  8. Thanks, Marilyn! We are only two episodes in. It's INTENSE. I can't watch too many episodes back to back or I'll have nightmares. I hope you had a good day!

  9. Joanne, I am already thinking about that and hoping that isn't the case for us! I already plan on not checking a bag, just to be on the safe side.


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Share 4 Somethings

  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...