Monday, August 29, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday

Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. How was your weekend? Mine was really good. I got mine started with my husband being at home and working from here for a couple of hours. Todd had a doctor's appointment that morning just before eleven, so he stayed home and we both worked while we sat at the kitchen table. I brought home some forms to fill out and envelopes to stuff with those and letters to get done over the weekend so they could be mailed. I finished almost all of them, except for about thirty, because I ran out of forms. It's kind of nice being able to work at home occasionally! The dogs appreciated having our company. Todd left and my dad came over for our weekly date, which was really nice. It was good to see him! I made us a different kind of lunch that was unsatisfying to me, but that he loved. That's all that matters! 

In a rare occurrence, my husband was also home that evening. We ordered sushi takeout and watched a documentary on the world's most dangerous places to live. It was fascinating! I read while I half watched the show with him. Like I love to do, I woke up early on Saturday morning and watched last week's newest Hallmark movie, Dating the Delaneys. It was so cute and very original, which is slightly unusual for Hallmark movies. If you've not seen it, you should watch it! Later that morning I went out with my mom and Trish. We had lunch at Jason's deli, because we all crave that salad bar occasionally, then we ran into a couple of stores. It was a fun time with Mom and we enjoyed our time together. I considered this my mom's birthday celebration, because her birthday was yesterday. I didn't see her on her actual day, what with church and all, so I'm glad we had a few hours together on Saturday. 

This is one of my favorite pictures of my mom. I don't remember if I made the boys do that or if she said something funny and they were all laughing at her. I kind of think that was case...because she is funny and she is also very amusing. Isn't that a sweet picture of her with them? The picture below was us on her actual birthday last year outside of a favorite Mexican restaurant that has since closed down, the iconic Poncho's here in Memphis. There is still one left in West Memphis, Arkansas, but it's not the same. I miss their cheese enchiladas, their tamales and their cheese dip and salsa.

When I came home, Todd was finishing up something so that he and Graham could get to work that night. Jonah came home after they'd left and went up into the attic for me to pull out all the fall decorations and I started decorating late in the afternoon and a little into the evening. I was mostly finished by seven, though I got up to change a few things, but here's a tiny glimpse.

I got this new fall arrangement a couple of weeks ago at HomeGoods and put it here in this little corner of my kitchen. I had to go back and hide that lamp chord a little better and I need to change the order in the cookbooks, but I'm mostly finished. I'm missing a couple of things from last year...this is the story of my life because our attic is a train wreck, so if I don't find them in time, I'm going to buy a few new things and I may do that anyway. I would like to replace some of the older and tired pumpkins I have with new ones, for the downstairs and I want one thing to put on a bookshelf upstairs. I'll probably do that next weekend. Every year near the autumn solstice or around the first of October I always have a "fall come on in" home tour. I always love sharing that each year and I do the same for Christmas. Anyway, it was a fun afternoon, because I love to decorate and spruce things up around here. I can't ever do this without doing a full cleaning, which also inspired Jonah to clean the upstairs and vacuum, then after all of that was done, I ate dinner and watched Chesapeake Shores for the rest of the night.

I was at church around ten Sunday morning for a really great service with a guest speaker, then I was home the rest of the day. I caught up to the current episode of my show that aired last night, I made dinner for Todd and me and then I worked on blog stuff and read for the rest of the night. Like I said, it was a great weekend. How was yours? Tell me one good thing about your weekend, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. So nice that you can work from home sometimes. You and your mom have the exact same eyes! So pretty! I hope that you have a great week!

  2. The picture of your mom and the boys is really great- you can see the love between them and enjoyment of time spent together. The Christmas tree in the background indicates it was taken during the most wonderful time of the year so that makes it all the more special. I'm glad you could celebrate your mom's birthday with her. My weekend was good as we celebrated my husband's birthday and I got to see Jacob. Hopefully I'll get around to writing about it ;). Have a great Monday, friend! PS- looking forward to seeing your fall house tour when it's ready!

  3. Thank you, Amy! We get that a lot. I hope your week is great too!

  4. I think so too, Maria and it WAS taken in the most wonderful time of the year! Like you said, that makes it even better. It sounds like you had a great weekend too! I know that you loved seeing Jacob and I'll enjoy reading about it when you share. I hope you have a great day!

  5. What an awesome weekend- love how you honor your parents and spend such great quality time with them. Glad to hear you extra time with your hubby too :) That pic of your mom with the boys is precious!

  6. I love the picture of your mom with your boys. It looks like someone is up to some mischief for sure. You look just like your mom! I've spent some time this weekend reading. I finished a book by Sean Dietrich called "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" (I follow his blog called Sean of the South and really enjoy it. I also started a new book from the Libby App written by James Patterson and Dolly Partin called "Run Rose Run" and it's really good. The more I read the more I like it.

  7. The best thing about our weekend was that our plane was one time and we didn't have any lost luggage! LOL. It was so nice to be back in our own beds again.

  8. You started your fall decorating? Sounds fun...but you just whoa upped the pressure!!:) (Just kidding). I'm not really ready to pull out my bins but I was in the consignment store recently and, apparently, if you plan to sell anything..NOW is the time to get it out and get it consigned. I'm always so behind in that thinking!! Love the photos of your mom - she is so pretty. You guys really do look alike! Thanks for all the great songs and music suggestions this morning! I plan to listen to them all this evening! Looking forward to that!! Here's to a great week ahead!!

  9. Dating the Delaneys was a new favorite of mine as well! Sounds like a great weekend.

  10. Happy Birthday to your mom and hope you have a wonderful week!

  11. Thank you, Holly! I hope you're recovering well!

  12. Thank you, Cathy! I love the picture too. She was making them laugh, whatever she was up to! I am so glad you had a great weekend, and especially one full of reading. I'll have to look up that James Patterson and Dolly Parton book...I've been seeing that one lately. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Joanne, that sounds like a miracle! Isn't it always so nice to be back home? There truly is no place like it!

  14. Jennifer, I've been in the mood to do that for over a week! I blame the Hallmark channel. Most of my friends think I'm crazy for my love of things like this, especially when I do it so early. 🤣 Let me know what you think of those songs! They're all so good!

  15. Thanks, Tanya! I hope yours is good as well!


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