Monday, August 22, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly weekend recap. How was your weekend? Mine was really good, but it went by so fast! I always look forward to the weekends so that I don't have to get up and start doing things. During the week, my morning routine starts early and the time passes quickly. I also have a rule for myself for the time during weeks—I don't turn on the tv. Maybe someday I'll change that, but for now it's not a luxury I allow myself. That being said, I love Saturday and Sunday mornings, because I almost always get up and watch a movie/episode(s) of a show while I drink my coffee. I mentioned the word luxury and that's what it feels like! I'm not hard to please, as you can tell. 

Back to the day on Friday was nice. I always do some light cleaning before Dad comes over, including running the vacuum downstairs, then when I had some time leftover, I sat down to read for a while before he came. When he got here, we went to pick up some Chick Fil A for lunch and brought it back here to eat. I prefer doing that still—my house is so much more peaceful than a noisy restaurant. It was a really nice afternoon, as always and I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with him each week. Would you believe that we never run out of things to talk about? Our favorite topics to converse about are Jesus, followed very closely by food. I get my love of food from Dad, because he has always enjoyed good food. I have lots of memories of family time spent around the dinner table, which may be another reason I enjoy it myself. He still loves to eat out, and he has a handful of favorite restaurants that he frequents often—one is a pub/bar type place that he also refers to as a "dive" (the Belmont Grill), one is Mexican (La Fogata), two are Italian (Coletta's and Pete's and Sam's) and one is seafood (The Half Shell). I included names in case you ever need to know. 😉

Todd worked Friday night, so I ate some leftover pizza for dinner and watched a Hallmark movie and a couple of episodes of Chesapeake Shores. 

On Saturday morning, I enjoyed my usual Saturday morning routine (see paragraphs above) and watched more of Chesapeake Shores while the house was quiet. I started watching this last weekend and ended up subscribing to Hallmark Movies Now so that I could watch episodes of shows like this one. I also plan on catching up on When Calls the Heart when I'm done with this one. I know I talked about Chesapeake Shores here last week, but it's such a good show! Several of the actors/actresses I love from the movies star in this show...Emilie Ullerup, Brendan Penny and Barbara Niven, to name the main ones. It feels very soap-ish, with lots of family drama, but it's super clean, if you've not watched it yourself. You should check it out!

I gave myself a pedicure with this pretty fall teal—OPI Grabs the Unicorn by the Horns. I've been using a pearly white color all summer, but as I've mentioned a few thousand times, I am ready for fall in every area of my life. I went out with Mom and Trish for a while. We had chips and dips from one of our favorite Mexican places (La Hacienda), then we went to HomeGoods, where I needed to buy some soap and instead, found myself on this aisle.

I was tempted by that Spiced Pumpkin candle you see there, but then I found one that smells like warm apple pie and brought it home with me. I also bought a cute little fall floral arrangement, because I am pulling out the pumpkins at the end of this week! I almost did this on Saturday, but I made myself wait. I almost always do this right around the first of September every year, then I share about it here on my blog once it's officially fall. Stay tuned for my favorite months of the year, all the ones ending in b-e-r! We also stopped by Hobby Lobby, where the fall décor is already half price and I made it home with a pumpkin door hanger. I'll show you when I share a fall "come on in" tour of our home.

After our stops on Saturday, I came back home and got comfy, then read my book for the rest of the day. Todd finally made it back home after he spent a day training on the Mississippi River, and he was starving after missing lunch. We enjoyed an at-home date night and ordered takeout sushi from our favorite local place (Fuji Cafe). I always get the same thing, two crawfish rolls with an asparagus spear.

I took a shower, read some more, then we were both in bed before ten thirty, along with the two youngest dogs in the house, Chip and Oakley. Oakley was stretched out like a human between us, and she shared his pillow with him. We were cracking up over her, because she sleeps on her back a lot. 

Sunday was church! We were both there early, he at 7:30 and me right before eight. We barely made it in before the rain started and then proceeded to thunder all throughout church. I had the brilliant thought to order my groceries online Saturday night, so I did that and scheduled them for pickup after church. I love doing this, now that my mornings are busier with working a few hours three days a week and when I use the app to tell them I'm on my way, I never have to wait for more than five minutes. I told my mom that when we were talking and I was waiting—there were lots of people there before me, but because I had checked in with them, I was the first to get the groceries and to leave. I like being done with this on Sunday, even if I have to go back a time or two for a small amount of things. It's really good to have an idea for meals throughout the week. When do you grocery shop? Do you visit more than one store? I am a "one and done" type gal.

Tell me something good from your weekend! I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Sounds like such a nice weekend! I found myself in Homegoods over the weekend, too. I love all of their fall decor but their aisles are way too narrow (or too many people were in the store or a combination of the two ;)). You put your fall decor up before September? Hmm, that is something for me to consider (I want to do it so I need affirmation, lol). It rained here as well. It sounded lovely and bonus that I don't have to water plants today. I hope you have a wonderful Monday, friend!

  2. Our store here can be that way sometimes, but it's usually not too bad. Even so, I still go because I love it so much! It'll definitely get more crowded as the season goes on toward Christmas. I really do like to wait until September, but last year I did it one day early and I may do it this weekend now that I work on the days I would normally have done this. We'll see...I just don't want to get tired of it, since I'll keep it all out until Christmas decorations go up...but will I ever get tired of it? Probably not. I don't know why I always think I will! I say to each her own...go for it, friend, if it brings you joy! 😉

  3. that nail polish is such a pretty color.

  4. I love the Chesapeake Shores show! I am sad this is the last season. I have never been to Belmont Grill, but passed it dozens of times. It is rare I go, but I do always love the food at Half Shell. You are totally supported to pull out fall decor this month! I mean, it almost the end of August anyway, right?

  5. What a cozy little weekend! Hallmark always puts me in a great mood so I think I need to start watching it all year long- thanks for the inspiration :)

  6. Thanks, Holly! You should definitely watch when you get that downtime soon as you recover. ❤

  7. Your Friday lunches with your Dad make me miss mine. We didn't live in the same city, but I really enjoyed drinking a coffee or a beer with him and we talked a lot about food and recipes we had tried. My Dad got into baking bread in his 60s! My sisters and I reminisce about him every time we are together. I know you cherish these lunch dates and I think they are so wonderful.
    I am trying to hold off on too much pumpkin and start with apple. It's so hard because my love of pumpkin is deep. I also love apples, though!

  8. Aw, Amy! I love that your dad took on a new hobby in his sixties. He sounds like he was a great man! And I am doing the same- my love for those scents runs deep, so I'm trying to restrain myself a bit. Ha!


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