Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! It's hard to believe it's already Thursday...this week is flying by. Today is kind of like my Friday, since my dad is coming over today. I made plans with my sister Debi for tomorrow, while she's here in town. She needs to make a quick trip to a town a little bit away, so I offered to go with her. It's a good way for us to spend quality time together. ❤ You know I love quality time. I'll jump in with my list for this week.

I'm thankful that I took the suggestion of my husband Tuesday night and nixed the idea of us having hamburgers for dinner. That had been my plan for our dinner that night, but we had major storms move in at the same time and the burgers would have been ruined. Instead, I made homemade meatballs with marinara and green beans for us and macaroni for anyone else who ate here.

Speaking of storms, we lost our power for about two hours on this night. Even our phones weren't working! It knocked out everything and though I was not bored, Todd was, so I put my Kindle away and asked if he wanted to play cards. He took me up on my offer, so he, Graham and I played Phase 10 that night. It was fun and I was thankful we did that together...we really should do that more often!

Bonus: I won! Graham tried his best to beat me and though he went out on his phase 10 first, I won in score, because I had less points. Do you and your family like to play cards? I never think to offer this, but when we do play, we have so much fun! 

I'm thankful for quality time with my sister that I already talked about. We always have fun together, no matter what we do. 

I'm thankful that the week has been mundane and that everyone is back to work. Noah's job finally started after all the processing finished and Drew is also back to work after having to rest for two weeks with a fractured foot. I don't see either one of them that much these days, especially Drew. Noah, as I've mentioned before, is still living here technically, but he's been staying with his friend all summer. 

I'm thankful for a steady job for Graham and Jonah, and that they both seem to enjoy their work. I'm proud of all our sons for their work ethic. I'm also thankful for another family member of mine who was able to find a job recently...I've experienced myself how tricky it is to be hired right now, even though every place just about is hiring. I don't know if it's a disconnect in communication or the processing of paperwork, but it's a real thing.

I'm thankful for a new job! I wrote about it yesterday—you can read about it here

This is the new mural on the side of the square I'll be working on. I shared this yesterday as well, but I love murals and I really love our town square. I think more places should do this kind of thing on the sides or backs of's a great little touristy thing to do to encourage people to visit the area. 

I'm thankful that Bible study starts back next week! I've missed being in a study and am always anxious to get back to it once August comes. We'll be taking the study I helped write and I'm thankful for that too—that the Lord helped us muddle our way through the writing portion for this study. This one just about did me in for some reason and I struggled more than I ever have, but I'm excited to start. I can't wait to dig in deeper as we study 1,2,3 John and Jude. The name of the study is That You May Know. I'll share a picture here when I have a copy in my hands. ❤ Here are the other studies we've written together.

I can't wait to hold this next one in my hands. It's always a little surreal to hold such a labor of love. I'm thankful for the opportunity that God gives me to write! I don't know how long I'll do this, but I want to go for as long as He wants me to do this. It's such a privilege! Bible study in general is such a privilege and we have so many offered at our church! Isn't that amazing? I am thankful for this about our church—it's always so busy when I drive by! I love that our church is considered our town's church and many town meetings happen there. I used to have a different attitude about this, but the Lord has changed my heart about us being moved around from one location to another when it interferes with Bible study days. 

Your turn! I'd love to hear one thing you're thankful for this week. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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  1. So much to be thankful for! I'm so glad you get time with your Dad today and sister tomorrow.
    I'm thankful for a smooth first day of school. I hope that I can be a safe space for the kids who need it.
    I'm saddened that we had to start with those sweet faces covered up with masks - it really changes things for the worse. I am hopeful that our county will get out of the "red" so we can lose them.

  2. I'm glad your first day went well, Amy! I have been thinking of all my teacher friends this week and I've been praying that you all get to stop wearing the masks soon. I know it makes a huge negative difference for all of them...and for you! I hope you're surviving all the early mornings and getting back into the swing of things. ❤

  3. I love this post and the many blessings you had in your life this week. Your Bible studies all look so interesting. Glad that you got a job and that it is going well. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  4. Deb- thank you! It's been a great week. It's been fun to study and write on those books and I am always excited to study with a group of women. I hope you have a great day and rest of the week!

  5. Michele- great! Thanks for linking up this week!

  6. I always enjoy your thankful posts and thank you for hosting the link-up. I totally agree with you on the murals. We have some in nearby towns, but as far as I know, none in our city. I hope they will some day. Have fun with your dad and your sister. I'll be linking up in a bit, I guess I have to write the post first though. lol

  7. It must be a bit thrilling to see the result of your hard work in the form of the Bible studies being printed. I'm glad your study is starting back up again after a break. I like how your thankful for a mundane week- I am usually always thankful for those types of weeks as well! Have a great Thursday!

  8. Thank you, Cathy! I hope that someday your town will get a mural or two. Maybe you could be the one to make a suggestion! Do you ever go to town hall meetings? I'm just curious. Every town has an artist and every town also has lots of blank spaces on buildings! I'm looking forward to the rest of my week. Happy writing!

  9. Maria, it does feel extremely rewarding! I feel so honored to have been a part of something that will forever be in print. Mundane weeks/days are THE BEST!


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