Thursday, August 4, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope this finds you well—it's Wednesday night as I sit and write this, and I completely forgot about it until about a half hour ago. I'm glad I remembered! I've been meaning to do it all day, but I chose to keep reading my book, because it got to a really good point. I was gone for most of the morning, then came home around one and I read for the remainder of the day.

I'm so thankful for a good week. I know that sounds mundane or redundant, but I don't say that lightly. I was going through a rough something a couple weeks ago, and I can't think of how to explain it other than how I did the day I wrote about it, but needless to say—after times like that I am always thankful the Lord turns them around and changes my perspective. Sometimes that's all it is, the fact that I need a change in my thinking and God is faithful to remind me of that.

I'm thankful for friends and church family. Last night we started back to choir and I have missed those friends so much. They're more like family, if you want to know the truth and it felt so good to be back. I was also thankful that I was able to catch up with my best friend before she snuck away and that we were able to go grab a quick bite to eat after church. We so rarely see each other these days! 

I'm thankful for the gift of communication! Todd and I were talking yesterday morning and I kept thinking of how well we were communicating in the moment. I'm not saying we've achieved the grand status of this as a married couple, but we've definitely gotten better at this over the years. That is always one thing I say a lot, that communication is the key to a good and strong marriage. 

I'm thankful for things like being productive, exercising my right to vote today, being in the mood to clean out and purge things and for the words that you see pictured above in this box. This is my "in case of fire grab this box" box. These are all the cards my husband, sons and parents have given me over the last twenty years. I sat and read through all of these cards on Monday and cried as I read the words written inside. 

What's something you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. I know what you mean about the book... I would love to write more than I do for my blog. But I spend so much of my free time reading books and after a good book, I like to read reviews of others to see if other readers had similar thoughts or reactions to mine. The whole endeavor becomes time consuming, albeit it's something that I enjoy. Anyway, I am thankful that you carve time out of your day to write a blog post every week day. Also thankful that many things seem to be going well for you. I hope you have a great Thursday, friend!

  2. Maria, I never read others' thoughts on books, but how interesting to find out what others think of what you just read. Maybe I'll start doing that with the books I love. Where do you read their reviews? Amazon? Good Reads? Thank you for that! I really do love writing here, even the challenge of trying to keep writing about "new" things. It helps me in the planning of how I spend my time, believe it or not. I hope your day is great! ❤

  3. Oh yes, on the good book! That's what I did for a lot of yesterday, too. I had gotten away from doing much reading the last couple of years and I'm trying to get back to it this summer. So far, it is working. Good communication is a blessing and a skill in marriage. Our daughter married a man, who while nice, says very little at any time and when discussion is needed, he just won't. It's very hard for them and for us to witness. Yay, for productivity! I'm on an organizing/paring down mission this week. It's sooooo satisfying to look and see a nice, neat, organized space! Thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday. I hope your day is blessed!

  4. Great list! I love when you can sit down and right out the specifics from everyday life. It's those moments, the ones we are in, that we need to see the beauty in. Happy Thursday! I'm all caught up on your blog and am off to get in the Word. <3

  5. So glad you are feeling better! I think blogging can be so therapeutic! Yes, communication is so important and I hate that sometimes at the end of the workday we are both too tired to talk much. I think texts throughout the day can be sweet, too, and we talk a bit in the mornings.

  6. Stacy, I'm glad you've had time to read lately as well! There's nothing quite like it. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to witness that in your daughter's marriage. Prayerfully they will learn to do that together as time goes by. I will say, it's definitely something that has to be learned. It's not always easy! I used to be like your son-in-law and held everything in. I hope you've had a good week so far! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Thanks, Bri! I wholeheartedly agree. On Sunday our sermon was about something similar- taking our eyes off the situations we find ourselves in now and putting that focus onto God. He truly changes our perspective!

  8. Thanks, Amy! I agree. You are right- any little step in that direction is very helpful. I think we all do well just to give it our very best and to display boat loads of grace for all the other times. I often think that God keeps me humble through my marriage.

  9. Also grateful for a productive week!

  10. Well hello, friend! I am so woefully behind on comments. I have been reading your posts - usually just before heading off to bed - but I don't get comments done. So, here's to catching (from this week!) :) Oakley looked so cute after her day at the spa! Who knew there would ever be a time when dogs had spa dates!!:) She really is a pretty girl! And, I love the kimono. I actually looked around Amazon just a bit to see if I could find one (on sale, of course) but nothing yet. Not sure I would look that cute in one, though. Speaking of Amazon, I have that lamp saved in my cart. Pretty sure we are going to be ordering that soon:) You are taking over "currently"!! Well, you go girl! I am impressed - and super excited!! I cannot believe you are not neighborly! I have a post (almost) ready for tomorrow...but I'm thinking I just might make that a "currently" post!:) As for Thankful Thursday - I am so very thankful for all my blog/internet friends!! What a blessing the kind words and encouragment are shared here - and I am so thankful!! Have a great evening, friend!!

  11. PS - that Currently post will go out next week. I just cannot even start another one!?!:)

  12. What a beautiful post. I save my cards in a box as well. I do not have all of them throughout the years but I do have some of my most favorite and special ones. I love being productive and clearing out things and I am always thankful once I do it!

  13. I love your grab this box in case of fire. I've read 2 books this week, which is very rare for me to read that much. I think I may have my reading mojo back and I'm so happy for that. Got a new Kindle yesterday and finished my first book on it at 4:30am. Thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday and sorry to be so late.

  14. Jennifer, HELLO! I've missed you this week, my friend. I figured you'd come around eventually. Ha! Thanks for the kimono love and I bet you would look cute in one! There were lots of colors to choose from, but it wasn't on sale, unfortunately. I'm so glad to hear you're getting that lamp, I loved it too! I still wouldn't mind adding it to our home and am thinking about where we would put it. I kind of thing we'd love it in our bedroom, one for each of our side of the bed.

    I did say that I would take it over as long as she was on a break...I know lots of people love that, but nobody seems to know about it yet, so she's supposed to give me a shout out and direct them to joining in with me each month until she comes back. If you have ideas for prompts, feel free to chime in! I'll look forward to you joining! I'm keeping the link live all month. I am thankful for that same thing, my friend. I just love all of you so much that I can't believe we've never met in real life! I look forward to this part of my day so much! ❤

  15. Thank you, Chrissy! I am such a words girl...they've always meant the world to me, for as far back as I can remember. I'm grateful to have that box that is stuffed to the brim with their words of affirmation. Yes about the cleaning out and organizing! I feel every bit the same way. It's always so satisfying to have something like that done!

  16. Thanks, Cathy! And yay for getting your reading mojo back! You finished your first book at 4 a.m.?! Were you up all night??? I am smiling, because that's such a great feeling- not being able to put a book down. Yay for a new Kindle! You'll have to share which cover you pick out, if you get one! I'm always on the lookout for another one.

  17. So happy to hear you had a wonderful week. You got a lot accomplished.
    Visiting from #1

  18. Thanks, Paula! I'm so glad you linked up with me today!


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