Tuesday, August 30, 2022

share 4 somethings


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Heather for this monthly post, where we all share what we loved, gleaned, braved or saved and achieved on the last Tuesday of each month. I'll jump right in!


I have loved a new routine that I have. If you're not a regular reader, then scroll on past, because I sound like a broken record. I have always dreamed of being a stay at home wife and mom, so imagine my joy when I discovered that I got to live out that dream. It was AMAZING for all the years I (mostly) stayed home with the boys when they were little. I said "mostly" because I almost always did something, even while staying home. I've worked at mom's day out programs, I have provided early morning care in our home before school each morning, I worked part time at their school while they were in the local elementary school...but when I started homeschooling them, I stopped all of that to do just that. Fast forward ten years, and they're all grown, so I had been entertaining the thought of getting a part time job. I applied to our local library twice and was never given a return call or email, and then our oldest son got a puppy. I committed to staying home with her to help train her and so that she wouldn't have to live in her kennel for too long during the daytime. Now that she's older, I decided it was time to try again, so I applied at a local florist and again, never heard from them.

Then one night after church I was talking to my best friend at dinner and when I told her this story and was saying how strange it was that I kept not hearing from them even though I'd basically been promised the job, she started laughing. She told me her boss had been trying to get her to get me to come to work with them for months, but she never did because she was afraid it would mess up our friendship. Spoiler alert: it hasn't! I'm starting my fourth week there this week and I am still loving it as much as I did when I started. I now work part time at an attorney's office on our town square, and I do receptionist work. I work at my own pace and can work any amount of time that I want, along with whatever days and hours that I want. I love the flexibility the most. I decided to work on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. (I also love the cool office that I work in.)

I am continually amazed at how God works and how He turns our hearts from one thing to something different. I am so thankful for His provision for me to have something fun to do that fills my time. Needless to say, I've had to develop some new routines and am still kind of figuring it out from week to week, but it's causing me to be super organized and to plan for a week at a time. I use my calendar daily and I schedule grocery shopping or pick-up around when I work and I even do lots of blog writing in advance, which is something else I've loved for a year. I already did the writing for this blog that way for the past year, ever since I started planning it out months at a time. I have a notebook that I use for this and it helps me stay on track.

This is how I do that. I just use a regular composition notebook for this, mark out the five days of the week and their dates and schedule in advance. I often have blank days, so I fill them in as the month goes on and I make notes on each month's page for favorites posts, thankful posts and the topics for each currently post and this post, where we share 4 somethings. It's been life changing to do this and it makes writing so much more fun for me, because I don't have to think about it each day. I always do the writing at night and schedule it to post the next day at midnight. I also schedule times at home when I need or want to do something, like this weekend when I decorated our house for fall. I had planned in advance to do that on Saturday, and because I'd had it on my mind to do that, it was no problem to get it all done in a few hours that afternoon and evening. I never mind being a planner like this. 


I have gleaned a wealth of information this month, needless to say, with my new job. I have a better understanding as to what Clay (the attorney I work for) does and the why behind it and I'm learning more and more to ask the right kinds of questions when I'm on the phone with clients. I talk to a lot of older people each week and I have honestly loved that part of the job. They've all been so sweet to me and one precious older gentleman called me "baby" last week when I asked him a question about his job before he retired. It feels good to learn new things and to have a job that is totally unrelated to kids. That's all I've ever known! I feel like such an adult. 🤣


I have saved my sanity and my time by being organized. I have learned to meal plan, to order my groceries around my work schedule, and I've better learned to use my time wisely. The one thing I've not quite figured out is Bible study and how I can fit that into each day. Because I'm a small group leader, I usually like to do all the days at one time, or break it into two days. Doing that helps me to stay fresh on what we studied throughout the week and I feel like our discussions flow better when I'm fresh with the topic. Does that make sense? It does in my mind. I've saved time by doing laundry at a different time each day as well, which is when I come home from work. I start it in the wash each morning and throw it in the dryer, then fold it in the afternoon. I put ours up when I go upstairs each night to change into pajamas. 

And as foolish as it may sound, I've saved my time by having a plan for when I get my nails done each month. The place I go to has so many colors to choose from that it's hard for me to decide, so I always look on Pinterest and have a few color options picked out and my girl helps me to decide. Also, by doing all of this, I have saved myself from decision fatigue. Do you ever get that? 


I've achieved several projects around my house in August. I managed to clear off an entire book shelf and I then I sold it on Facebook marketplace. I got rid of most of my books, only saving the ones that are nostalgic or favorites for me and the boys. I cleaned our bedroom really well and went through several piles that had built up. Does anyone else put their own bedrooms off for as long as possible? I achieved goals I set for myself to maintain things a little better around the house and I met my goal for putting away all of the summer décor and pulling out all of the fall stuff that I love. 

These journals took up two shelves on the bookshelf. I was going to get rid of them, but two of my sons told me to keep them, so I will put them into a Rubbermaid container and save them. 

It's hard to believe it, I know, but this lawyer's cabinet is so much better than it was. I spent a good two hours purging what was in there and hauling it all downstairs one day. I also cleaned the shelves off and gave it a good dusting, though it always looks dirty because of its age. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Love this! It is kind of like my post today - your four somethings are things that are really helping you and enhancing your life right now. I can tell that your new routine has energized you. I can see that the older gentleman and other older folks really take to you. You have such a kind and sweet spirit! Have a great day!

  2. Your job seems to have enhanced the skills/propensities that you already had, prior to your job, such as organization. You were organized before but now it's been amplified or perhaps more aptly it's more necessary than ever since you have less time at home to get things done. It is amazing how the doors to other jobs were closed until the timing was right for this one! I am glad that you continue to write in this space five days a week in spite of being much busier and getting a lot done around the house like your recent purging. Have a great Tuesday, friend!

  3. Amy- thank you! I like how you worded that... I do really feel energized more than ever, and I never really thought it in those terms until you said that. So thank you for articulating what I'm feeling! And thank you also for that encouragement about kindness. I think being with my dad every Friday helps me in that area, but I really do love older people and have a heart for them. I hope you have a great day!

  4. Maria, thank you! You're right, I was already organized before, but it's more needed and evident than ever before right now. Isn't God's timing/plan amazing? I never want to get over how He is in all those little details. I'll never be immune to being blown away by Him. I am happy to keep writing here! Thank you for always being so encouraging! I hope you have a great day, my friend. ❤

  5. I love that lawyer's cabinet! I need to go through my books and get rid of a lot of them. I'm so thankful for the Kindle as I don't bring near as many physical books in the house now. I've never had my nails done. I may have to try it one of these days. In your picture, I love the tiramisu for two color! Have a great day!

  6. It is so fun to read about your new job and new routines....and just how excited you are about it all! God truly is good and delights to answer our prayers so perfectly! That is a whole lot of journals! Are you hoping that someone will read them one day? The one reason I do not journal: someone may read them one day!! HA Impressive that you achieved so much this month even while making all the adjustments!! Have a great week!

  7. Thank you, Cathy! It's one of my favorite pieces of furniture in our whole house. I've had it since I was in middle school! My mom used to deal in antiques, so we had lots of interesting pieces of furniture. I feel the same about the Kindle- I keep thinking of all the clutter I could benefit from purging, which is what led me to get rid of lots of books. I kept my favorites, but the rest I donated. It felt good!

  8. Jennifer- Thank you! I really do feel that way about it, even four weeks in. What a blessing and amen to what you said! I have always been mindful of what I journal, so most of what's inside is Scripture and prayers I've written out. For that reason, I always kind of wondered if the boys would want these someday. I do occasionally write down what I feel, but usually it's a prayer or a gratitude list. ❤

  9. I love love love your lawyer's cabinet! My parents have one that I'm hoping will be mine someday, but my brother also has his eye on it.

    You are very organized which I appreciate it. It definitely helps cut down on mental fatigue.

    I'm glad you're enjoying your new job! I've had similar circumstances when looking for jobs in the past and have learned to trust that God will provide what I truly need at the right time.

  10. Your lawyer’s cabinet is beautiful! I think I need one of those in my life! And I’m also so glad you posted those OPI nail colors…you’re helping ME make a decision here! Lol! I’m so glad you are finding such joy and satisfaction with your new job.

  11. Congrats on the new job and what a good fit it is! I've had a similar experience, kind of stumbling into my part time job and being so blessed by how much it suits me and makes me feel like I've finally found what I want to do when I grow up. :-) I also put off properly cleaning and decorating my bedroom, and I know I shouldn't. After all, it should be my sanctuary, and yet I don't prioritize. So congrats on achieving progress in your space!

  12. It sounds like you have had a fantastic month! We are in the same season, I have been homeschooling my kids, and now that it is finished, I have been looking for a part-time job since April. I still haven't found the right fit but I know God has a plan for me, in His timing. I have also been doing a lot of cleaning and purging. I hope you are able to find just the right balance and fit your Bible study back in.


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  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about a few random things here today. I hope you enjoy! It's hard to believe that I hav...