Friday, August 26, 2022

Friday Favorites


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this weekly blog post of all my favorites. I have a new appreciation for Fridays now that I'm working part-time and I love that for the next two days I don't have to be anywhere. I've mentioned before how my weekend mornings are my favorite. I always wake up early and watch a movie on Saturdays and Sundays. It's a fun way to celebrate the weekend, in my humble opinion and I love having an easy morning. I anticipate getting some things done this weekend, the things I've neglected this week. Don't take my words as me complaining, I promise I'm not doing that! I'm still loving my new job and I'm finding my groove and getting more cautiously comfortable with what I'm doing and the kinds of questions I need to be asking.

That being said, I was so surprised when I went to work yesterday and noticed that our office was not as messy! It's nobody's fault that it was like that, there is just a lot of paperwork that we handle and eventually shred, but our shredder hasn't been working. Our boss ordered a new one for us, though and things were a bit more organized when I walked in. That kind of thing is always my favorite. Did you see my office when I shared this week?

Fun architectural details are my favorite things in life. I never get tired of walking into work, because the building is so cool. Speaking of, so is this cute little coffee shop right next door to where I work. It's called Square Beans and I met a friend there for lunch yesterday.

I had the best lunch! I ordered a slice of quiche and had a scoop of espresso brownie gelato. It was amazing! Meeting friends for lunch is one of my favorite things to do, and I was grateful to her for coming here, since it's right next door to my work. I love supporting local businesses and I knew I was limited on time, since I left for work at 8:45 yesterday. I got home around 1:45, which is longer than I like to be gone with dogs, but they were fine. 

Would you believe that working with the tech ministry at church is one of my favorite things? I really, really enjoy doing this and I took this while helping out our tech director at Bible study on Wednesday. One year ago, I would never have said this! I was kind of thrown into this ministry at our women's event, where I ran lights, screens and sound. I also got started accidentally in church one Sunday when I did this to cover for my friend who was sick one day and the spot needed to have someone working it. Here's why I don't mind volunteering in different areas often: it's because the people I'm helping out make it a joy to do so. They're always appreciative and it takes an army of people to run a church the size of ours and they simply CANNOT pay every person. It takes a ton of willing helpers! This is part of church attendance that I love. I love to serve in different ministries.

This view of our town square will always be a favorite.

This little spice rack in my bathroom is one of my favorite things. I keep all my essential oils here, since the bottles are all so tiny, along with things I use everyday. I like it here, but more than that, I like the convenience it gives me. This is why I'll never win awards for decorating a home...I really like doing and using things that are practical and in a way that makes sense to me. I think it's cute and functional, but most people would probably disagree. As for the shelf itself, it's a little sentimental to me. Back when there was an antique store in an old church on our town square, my sisters or mom and I loved to go there for lunch and to browse. I was there with my sister Lisa one day in my early married years when I found this. She may have even bought it for me, but I've kept it all these years and I love that I see it and use it everyday in my bathroom.

I also mentioned here this week that it's been a favorite thing to get up and get dressed for work everyday. I even brought some home to finish this weekend. I love the flexibility of my job and that I can work there or from home and that the hours are easy for me. Time really does fly when I'm there, because I also work with my best friend and we talk and catch up while we work. It's not weird AT ALL and I don't feel strange about her giving me things to do. She asked me that yesterday and I assured her that it felt normal and like we'd been working together forever. We have many years and trials behind us to back up our friendship and nothing will mess that up. I feel so fortunate and after living my dream for the past 23 years of being a stay at home wife and mom, I'm living another separate dream now with a part time job that I love and am enjoying because it makes me feel productive, helpful and accomplished. I do not say any of this lightly and trust me when I say that I have thanked God for His provision over and over again.

On a lighter note to wrap this all up, have I mentioned this amazing detangling brush I recently bought?

Because my hair is so long and curly, it gets all knotted up underneath and this thing makes brushing it all out after I wash it so much better and painless. It was a recent Amazon purchase and I bought it when it went on sale for under $7. 

Have you seen all of my posts from this week? Here they are with links, just in case. 





Tell me something good from your week! I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. That coffee shop is adorable! How fun to make the most of your work lunch with a friend. You will continue to find your rhythm with your new schedule. Happy Friday! Yes, it means more now!

  2. I'm glad you're liking your job so much. It does seem to have a lot going for it- the hours, the location, the coffee shop next door, the fact that you get to see your best friend and the feeling of accomplishment for being productive. Your spice rack turned bottle holder is cute and functional and I'm glad you found a hair brush that you love. The little things make a big difference! Enjoy the weekend, friend ;).

  3. Thanks, Amy...and I think it is adorable too! More than that, what they serve is REALLLY good, so it also has that. I feel like that's rarely the case...good ambiance and good food are both hard to come by. I told my dad that last night when we were talking to confirm our day together today- I have a new appreciation for Fridays! It's been a while!

  4. Thanks, Maria! You are so right about the little things in life. I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Cute coffee shop and I'm so glad you are loving your job. Oh, I posted some outdoor murals from a nearby little town today on my blog, if you're interested. Hope you have a great weekend.

  6. That looks like a super cute coffee shop! I love supporting local and it's even better when you can meet a friend for lunch. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. So much fun stuff - I can see why you have so many favorites! But, first off, those shoes are too cute (the black ones!) Where did you get those? Goodness, but I need some new black shoes! That coffee shop would definitely be a quick favorite of mine. And right next door to work! It really sounds like you are enjoying your job - that's great! I'm praying God will open "just the right" door for me soon! Enjoy your weekend. Here's to finding a good movie tomorrow morning!!

  8. I love that you are loving your job and hope its been a great weekend!

  9. Thanks, Stacie! I love doing that as well and add that in with time with a friend and it's the perfect combination.

  10. Thanks, Jennifer! I do love them. I got them at a specialty shoe store we have here in Memphis- Kaufman's- but they're the Dansko brand. They always feel good to my aching feet. I hope a door opens for you as well! I know it will- God always has a plan set in motion, it's just all about His timing. Praying for you as you wait, my friend.

  11. Thank you, Marilyn! I hope yours was good too!


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