Friday, August 19, 2022

Friday Favorites, 8.19.22.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea for this weekly blog post. 

How has your week been? Mine has flown by because of my new schedule, which I knew it would. I think I'm managing things at home okay, though. I keep mentioning being more mindful or creative with my time, which has worked to benefit me this week. I shopped for groceries right after church on Sunday and had a dinner plan penciled in for each night this week, though I did have to add one day and made a quick run to Kroger for those ingredients. Fortunately, I'm a planner and doing this isn't hard for me.

Does anyone get that the first cup of coffee each morning is the favorite cup of coffee? I look forward to mornings so much, because of this first cup. We used to have a Keurig/coffee pot combo that sat here, but when Todd stopped drinking coffee, I switched us back to just a regular coffee pot. I missed being able to just quickly brew one cup, though, so I switched us once again to this old Keurig we used a long time ago. I am glad I hung onto to all those options!

These creamers are my new favorites. I use the one on the right for my morning coffee and the one on the left for the cups I may drink at another time in the day. They're both lightly flavored and are a healthier option if you like that kind of thing. My friend Lynn turned me onto oat milk, so I blame her. I used to use powdered creamer, but that started tasting like plastic to me, so I no longer use it and switched it out for these. Have you tried this brand/kind before?

Spending time with my sister Debi was a favorite this week. She was only here for a few days, so it wasn't a long trip, but we packed in some fun.

I mentioned earlier this week about our daytrip to Clarksdale, Ms. Wall murals in small towns are among some of my favorite things! 

Neutral nails are my favorite right now and this shade is a little more "fall" than the other typical whites. OPI is my favorite brand for the names alone and this one is no exception—the name of this color is My Vampire Is Buff. It's a creamy off-white color and I love it!

I'll wrap this up with one last thing and that was getting to see this play last night. Musicals are my favorite and this one was great! The cast was crazy talented and the music/acting/choreography was amazing. 

This was a company thing we went to last night that had me out way past my normal bedtime and is the reason this is getting posted so much later today. It was a fun night! We were with Graham and Jessi and my adorable in-love's. 

Here are my other posts from this week:





How was your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thank you for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. How fun to go to a show! You guys all look so good dressed up for it. It sounds like your job is going well and you are figuring out a good rhythm and how to use your time wisely. Glad you plan to still blog five days a week but totally understand if your writing falls to the wayside occasionally. I hope you have a great weekend, friend!

  2. I absolutely love going to see plays. However, it's been a long time since I've done that. When hubby was a youth and music pastor in a city nearby, we loved going to see the student's plays at school. We've got a dinner theater in a nearby town. I need to check and see what's playing and maybe I can get hubby to take me. That would fun! Still love the murals. Have a great weekend.

  3. Musicals are just the best!! You guys all look so lovely...and like you were having a great time! And I will agree with you - the first cup of coffee is always the best:) And I keep forgetting to try the oat milk creamers. Yesterday at the store, I saw they have all the delicious pumpkin ones out now. But not one without sugar. Sigh. They sound decadent:) Have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. How fun to get to go see a live show! We don't do that nearly enough. I love them but mostly feel like that my boys and husband just tolerate them.

  5. Maria, it felt so good to be able to do that again! It's been two years since they've had this event. It is always fun to dress up a little! I think I'll always enjoy that. I appreciate that encouragement, friend. ❤

  6. Me too, Cathy! I've never been to one of the high school plays, but I know they're excellent. You should check into this for a fun date night soon! I think most places are opening back up and doing this again, since the dreaded pandemic began.

  7. Thanks, Jennifer! It was so much fun to dress up and go Thursday night. I love seeing plays and musicals and enjoy every single one I see. Add in some great talent and big dance numbers, and I am one happy gal! I saw the pumpkin/fall creamers too...I'm trying to do LESS sugar, so I didn't buy one. These taste so good, but the amount I use is only 25 calories, so it's not too bad. If you try it, let me know what you think!

  8. Joane, I think it's so much fun! My family is the same, though and just barely tolerate them. I do think my husband enjoys it almost as much as me, because he used to be in shows at that same theater when he was younger. It would also be a really fun girlfriends night out!

  9. Look at your week! What a fun, full, blessed one you had!!! Love seeing that picture of you and your sister, and then all the ones at the end of those crazy-adorable couples! I bet that musical was fantastic! I love musicals!!

  10. Thanks, Bri! It was really good. That play was so much fun...I love doing things like that and always enjoy the singing and dancing. I always think it would be so much fun to be in something like that.


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