Wednesday, August 24, 2022

a random post on a Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I always love a Wednesday during the feels good to know we're midway through the week and it's a night I get to be re-fueled at church. My dad always equated Wednesday night church with refilling the car with fuel. I wholeheartedly agree! I love Bible study on this day and I love choir rehearsal, as I've mentioned a thousand times since we started rehearsing on this night in August.

Every once in a while, I like to do these random posts on the blog. Have you ever seen when someone posts a bunch of pics at once on social media and titles the album "photo dump"? This is kind of what that looks like. These things are in no particular order and some have pictures to accompany them. I'll explain below.

First off, I am in a reading slump after a fabulous month of reading in July. I hate it when that happens! I've had to quit way too many books to count. Do you quit books that you don't like? One of my mottos in life is that life is too short to read mediocre books. I have no guilt over quitting a book and I quit pretty quickly. If it doesn't grab me from the first couple of chapters, I have to put it aside. Tell me your thoughts on this? Do you agree with me or do you press through? 

I LOVE getting dressed to go to work three days a week. It doesn't matter what I wear, because the only person I see is my best friend and occasionally Amy, who also works there. Even if I do see someone, that's not why I get dressed in clothing that I love. I do that because it makes me feel good! My friend always says that she loves to help women look their best so they can live their best, confident lives to do what God has planned for them to do. Amen, right? Also, thanks to Amy for the idea of putting a kimono over one of these dresses I love so much! This navy colored one is my least favorite, but now that I put this over it, it's becoming one of my favorites. Too bad summer's almost over and I just figured this out. 

Also, I love the black sandals I wore yesterday with my jeans, but it's the first time I put them on all summer long! I told you I've been loving all the neutral colored sandals this summer, but I thought I'd pull them out and wear them so that I could say that I did. My favorite brand used to be the Dansko brand, but I'm thinking that's not the case anymore. I really love the brand I've worn all summer, the Remonte brand. 

Have I mentioned here that I have two sets of great nieces? I do! Their mommy is the same person and yes, you read that right. My beautiful niece Erika and her husband Kyle had two sets of twins in three years. Kinsley and Kylie in the top picture started Kindergarten Monday! Madi and Macy in the second picture had their first day of preschool two weeks ago. How precious are they? I get to see them in October and I'm so excited about that. I love that Erika has four girls and I have four boys. Though Graham and Drew aren't twins, everyone referred to them as Irish twins, because they're only a year apart. 

I've been collecting stickers for a while and started putting them on my laptop. They all mean something to me...Graham gave me one of the ones he got in the mail when he ordered car parts, I have a Navy one that I found recently for my Dad, I have one of my favorite movie (Dirty Dancing) that says, "I carried a watermelon", I have ones with Bible verses and little hearts. I love doing this and the way it looks. 

Ignore the messy office, because we're cramped and will probably clean out soon, but look how cute the office space is. I love all the architectural details like the wall that's partially brick. 

Oakley LOVES toys and stuffed animals and often falls asleep with one in her paws. She's the cutest little thing ever. She went to the vet yesterday and came home with a turquoise bandana around her neck and was so adorable. I wished I'd thought to get a picture, but she didn't love it and it ended up coming off pretty quickly. 

Well, it's after nine p.m. on Tuesday when I'm writing this, so I'm going to sign off with that last one. Thanks for reading my random thoughts and thanks for always chiming in each day! I love reading your comments. Love to all! 


  1. Your nieces! Such great pictures of them. The KG girls' outfits are everything- love the detail of the ruffle socks that matches the print of their dresses and how one girl has the matching hand band and then one has a bow. Their parents must hear, "You've got your hands full" a lot when they're out. My parents had five kids in six years (no twins) so undoubtedly they heard that a lot, too. Goodness yes to quitting a book that is not pulling you in, that's laborious to read, that is crass or really any other reason that prevents you from enjoying it. I just quit a book the other day. I started another one that is good and realized how glad I was to have quit the other one so that I could move on to a good book. Enjoyed the post! Have a great Wednesday, friend!

  2. Maria, aren't they the cutest?! I love their uniforms and all those same little details you mentioned. Their mom has an eye for that kind of thing. They recently got these cute little bob hair cuts too, which makes it all even better. I am sure they do hear that! I heard it a lot too when mine were little. Five kids in six years? My goodness! I figured you would agree with me on this...and yay for a good book that you loved right after quitting one! That's where I am now. I hope you have a great day!

  3. Two sets of! I'm sure your niece is very busy with them. They're so cute! I also have NO problem setting a book aside if it is not something that's grabbing me. Most of my book ratings/reviews are 3 star and above because I rarely finish any that would be lower. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. If I'm reading a book and just can't really get into it, I have no problem putting it aside. After all, at this point in life, reading is for fun to me and if I don't like a book, that's not fun! Your nieces are so cute!

  5. Tanya, I know! Aren't they the cutest? I love them all so much. Thanks for sharing! I hope your day was great!

  6. Cathy- amen to that! Thank you for that!

  7. Love the black sandals! I will have to look into the Remonte brand? The kimono adds a nice layer without adding heat! The rule of three in fashion is a good one. 3 pieces add interest - so that could be a dress, a kimono, and a necklace. It sounds like you are really finding your groove! What a sweet puppy with the stuffed animal! Thank you for the shout out!

  8. Thanks, Amy! I just commented on your Thursday blog post, but all of my shoes are expensive because of the foot pain I have all the time... I have to wear good and supportive shoes and the cute ones aren't cheap! I am looking for more kimonos now...I want one that's more fall and has different colors, because I love them so much! Also, they hide a multitude of "sin". You're welcome, friend!


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