Monday, July 25, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's blog post. How was your weekend? Mine was really good. I started it with Dad on Friday—he went with me to Costco and we had lunch there. We both love their pizza! We each got one slice and a drink, his was pepperoni and mine was cheese. Have you had their pizza? It's my favorite. You can buy it from the food court, but the one in the back where the meat department is, is different than what is sold in the food court. Most people don't know that, so you're welcome. Also, anyone can go there anytime to eat, with no membership. It's totally worth the trip and I told Dad he was cheap date. For both of us to eat, it was less than $5.

After he left, I read my book and then waited on my best friend to call me for dinner out. We met in town, then we went to Olive Garden for dinner. Am I the only one (other than Missy) who loves that place? The salad and breadsticks are enough for a meal for me, but I also got chicken parmesan. I always get the same thing, because it's that good and I always have enough for leftovers for another day. On this day I decided to share my leftovers with my Drew. I called him and asked if he'd eaten dinner yet and when he said no and when Missy agreed to go with me, I delivered them to him. I'll share more about this in a minute.

This was me Friday afternoon documenting my good hair day and the fresh highlights I got last week. the best part of our night is that we wrapped it up early enough to be home by around seven thirty. I took a shower and then I watched part of a Hallmark movie, but my tiredness set in and I went to bed.

On Saturday I had plans to attend a wedding shower, but I changed the plans and spent that morning and day with my hubby. This was a great choice for both of us and I'm glad we had the time together. It was kind of a lazy morning for us, but we ended up going shopping for sheets. We found the ones we were looking for at Marshall's and we also bought a comforter and a throw pillow for our bed. It was a great thought, but Graham and I packed the comforter back into its package and I'll return it this week, because I didn't like how it looked and the funky smell was overpowering. I do love the sheets and the throw pillow and we'll just buy another coverlet from Amazon.

When we got home I read for the rest of the day. I finished one of the best books I have ever read. It may be my top book for the year! It was After I do by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Have you read this? It had so many great quotes. The premise of the book is all about marriage and how the fizzle dies down with time. I highly recommend every married person to read this! I don't agree with what they decided to do to try to make their marriage work, but I'll be thinking about this book for a long time to come. There was so much truth to it and I had all the emotions all throughout—tears and laughter.

I watched a Hallmark movie after I finished my dinner, since I was the only one home. I was in bed by nine thirty.

I was up early and dressed by five thirty Sunday morning because I was singing on the praise team that morning at church. Our worship and sermon was so good! I was taking notes during the sermon and the pen in my purse ran out of ink. That was so distracting to me! Hopefully I'll remember it this week and be able to recall what our pastor said and the points he made from Psalm 23. 

This was a quote he shared during the sermon that a friend posted on social media. I love what it says! 

For the rest of the day, we came home, I ate lunch and then had a short nap, I read the book I started today and I ended up going grocery shopping for Drew. He is struggling right now and could use prayer. He hasn't been working much because he's letting his foot heal from a fracture. He had money to pay his bills, but other than that, there wasn't much extra, so he hasn't been eating very much. I cried when I found this out. On one hand it broke my heart for him, but on the other hand, I am so proud of his fierce independence. I know this is an area most young people struggle with, but he'd rather go without than admit defeat. And he never admitted defeat! The Lord prompted me to ask him a few prying questions and when I asked the last question, I immediately got up to get dressed again and I went to buy him enough food to fill up his pantry and fridge.

I'm sharing this because parenting is hard. And sometimes that small, still voice could be the Lord prompting you to dig up information. So, Mom to adult kids—here is my advice to you: check on your grown kids. Make sure they have their bills paid and make sure they have food to eat that will nourish them. He had food, but not the nourishing kind, and I feel like it's one reason why he hasn't been able to kick not feeling well. I loaded him up with good things yesterday and then after we put it all away, I stood there in his kitchen for half an hour and washed his dishes and cleaned his countertops. Because he never asks anything of us and it felt good to be able to do that one small thing as his mom. 

Once again, I sincerely hope he never reads this, but I'm 99.99999% sure that he won't. I'll end this little story on a better note—he has started to get an inkling of what he wants to do in the future, so he is making steps in that direction to achieve that goal. Also, his foot is feeling so much better and he's picking up two shifts on Friday that will be easier on him and his foot, so things are on the up. He made plans to come eat dinner with us Tuesday night, as well and he requested one of their favorite meals—French dip sandwiches and au jus. That being said, if you want to pray for him, I would be honored to have you do so when you think of him. Thanks for being that kind of friend! I really do love this little space and the community that we've built in the world of blogging these last few years. 

Tell me something good about your weekend! I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 💙 


  1. That is a helpful hint about the Costco pizza. I didn't know that! My daughters have chosen Olive Garden many a times as a place to go out to eat. It has been consistently good every time, although it has been a while now since I've been. I am saying a prayer for your son now. So thankful you were able to help.

  2. Awww, I will pray for him. I was just telling a friend that I think older teens and early 20s kids are hurting. To have a pandemic hit at such an age..I feel like some of my kids' friends are lost. Some didn't even get a license to drive. I really feel called to help my high school students to get a plan for their futures.
    You are a great mom. You may have to be a bit pushy since he is so independent.
    How do you order pizza from the back at Costco? I love their pizza, too! It's huge!
    Also, I bought our new king sized sheets from Costco and they were maybe $70 and I love them! They have the perfect feel to me. Hub says we need to wash them a few more times for him.

  3. I've added Drew to my prayer and scripture wall I've just started in my office and already prayed for him too. That quote on the shepherd and the sheep is so good. Thanks so much for sharing it. I've really gotten some good reading time in this past weekend. I hope you have a wonderful day Jennifer.

  4. We love Olive Garden! I've been there twice this month (which is verry rare for me!) but I went once with my mom for lunch to celebrate my birthday and once with the whole family when we were on vacation at my boys' request. Glad to hear that Drew sounds like things are going better and of course I'll pray for him!

  5. You are such a good mom, and our kids are never too old to be taken care of a little bit! Will be praying for Drew's healing and direction.

  6. After I do.... OH MY HEART - so many real quotes about how marriage fizzles & you have to keep it sparked up! I loved this book so much
    Yep - Sam's Club for us - people go just for the pizza & drinks. But we noticed last time, the big cups they usually ahve... not so big - they've downsized.. & raised the price - BOO!

  7. Sending prayers to Drew- you are doing a great job Mama! So glad you got time with your hubby and I will def pick up that book- you have me intrigued now so adding it to my list!

  8. Saying a prayer just now for Drew - and will continue to do so throughout the days ahead. What a blessing to be able to share our heart's burdens here with internet friends...and prayer partners.

  9. Thank you for your prayers for Drew, Marilyn! And you need to try the Costco pizza from the food court. It's so good!

  10. Thank you for your prayers for Drew, Amy! I agree wholeheartedly about kids this age. So, there is a pizza that is closer to their meat department that is pre-made and comes in a pizza box, but the one you can get from the food court area and eat it while you're there, that's the one I like to order. You can just call and order it, which is what we used to do. It just sometimes takes a while for someone to answer, but they'll eventually answer. I think I love everything I've ever bought from there. It's worth every penny for the membership, not to mention their cheaper gas!

  11. Thank you for your prayers, Cathy! I so appreciate that. 💙

  12. I have always loved that place too, Joanne! Thank you for praying for my Drew!

  13. Thank you, Tanya, and amen to that. They will never outgrow our need to nurture!

  14. Rebecca Jo- I KNOW! I cried so many times throughout the book, because it was so poignant. I have another book by her that I'm reading next...I always forget how much I love her style of writing!

  15. Thank you, Holly! I appreciate that so much. Yes!! Read the book...Rebecca Jo agreed with me in these comments! It's beautifully written and so poignant. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it once you've finished.

  16. Thank you, Jennifer! I agree wholeheartedly. What a blessing!

  17. The Costco food court pizza is the best! And you get such a giant piece for pennies!! It always amazes me that my littlest guy has no problem finishing his entire slice. And how I wish we had an Olive Garden by us. Miss that place... the breadstick/salad combo is so worth it.

  18. Bri- I agree! I love it. The boys used to have to half a slice, they could never eat the whole thing! I am pretty sure I could eat my weight in their salad and breadsticks. It's so good!

  19. Great Post…This Article is very unique. Thanks for sharing and very informative!! Pregnancy sleeping pillow


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