Thursday, July 21, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! My friend and co-host Rebecca Jo is still on a blogging break this week, so I hope you still join in with me today. 

I'm always thankful for this reminder. I love making mention of all the little and big things that I am truly thankful for, because it puts my focus back to where it should be.  

I'm thankful for praying friends and also friends in general. I may not talk to these friends very often, but I can pick up the phone or see them at any time and we always pick back up where we left off. I feel like this is such a gift in life! 

I'm thankful for pool days. I spent part of yesterday at the pool with my mom-in-love and it was so nice. I always dread swimming in July, because the water feels like tepid bathwater, but I was pleasantly surprised when I got in. It felt cool and refreshing, which was great since it was almost 100 at ten o'clock.

I'm thankful for quiet mornings at home, which is what today will be. I have had something to do every day this week and I have something to do later, but it's nice to not have to rush off.

I'm thankful for being out of a slight reading slump! I have found a new (to me) series by Jenny Han and I cannot stop reading. I find myself picking up my Kindle during every spare moment. I read less in May and June than any other month of the year so far.

I'm thankful for nights that I get to see all my sons! We had a version of a family dinner Tuesday night, minus Graham, who did come home later. It was so good to see them all in one night. I do not take these days or nights for granted, because they're few and far between.

It's your turn! Tell me one thing you're thankful for this week. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. Nice list of items, Jennifer! Glad that you got to see all of your kids. That is a huge blessing! Quiet mornings are the very best kinds of mornings. I'm glad you found a new author you like, especially if the author has written numerous books. I found a new to me author and she was a very prolific writer so I will be able to read her books for quite some time. The pool time sounds so nice- I see our neighborhood pool every time I leave our neighborhood (it's at the end of our street). It's usually very crowded with lots of kids (so not quiet!) but I am happy that it offers everyone a reprieve from the heat.

  2. I'm thankful for this downtime before I get busy. It's really so nice not to rush or feel too harried. Your pool day sounds wonderful. Our pool water was very cool and refreshing, too. I hate the tepid water, too.

  3. I've been in a reading slump too. But Monday I drove my sisters to a doctor's appointment and I sat in the van and started a new book and I'm totally enjoying it. Thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday.

  4. Summer is such a full and rich season! Glad yours is going well.

  5. Thanks, Maria! I loved seeing them all on the same night, even if it wasn't at the same time. The bookworm in me wants to know which prolific author you've found? I just finished the series by that author and I'm so mad that I'm done with them! Ugh.

  6. Amy, I know you're soaking up these days before heading back! I hear that from so many of my teacher friends, how they use these weeks to declutter, organize, deep clean and soak up all the freedom and lazy mornings before life resumes normalcy. It seems like you've thoroughly enjoyed your time off this summer, so hopefully when you go back, you'll be refreshed and ready for a new school year!

  7. Cathy, I'm so glad you've pulled out of that slump! I have been in one as well, with reading, until this month. And now I can't stop!

  8. What a wonderful list of thankfulness. I'm in a reading slump myself. I have 3 books reviews to do for Netgalley. So happy to hear your summer is going well. Blessings.

  9. Thanks, Paula! I hope one of those books pulls you out of the reading slump. I go through that all the time! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Ah, I love the image at the top. Wonder how I could make that a screensaver on my phone? I, too, am thankful for quiet mornings. I love mornings (I think I have said that enough) but quiet, slow ones are even better. I have noticed with the days being longer, I have been going to bed later...which means not getting up as early. I don't like that. It feels like I have missed some of my favorite time! Gotta fix that fast!!

  11. I do too, Jennifer! I love all of that you mentioned. I do sometimes find myself doing that more in the summer, when the days are longer. And I often wake up feeling cheated that I've missed the morning! Great minds...


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