Thursday, July 14, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday, friends! I'm here for another installment of the Thankful Thursday link party. I hope you'll join me and link back here! I usually do this along with Rebecca Jo, but she's on a blogging break at the moment. I know most of the ones who link up for this come from her, so maybe this will find its way to them. 

I have so much to be thankful for this week, starting with the RAIN we got yesterday! We're in a major drought and have had little to no rain for the last month. Everything is parched here and it's been so hot that we desperately need several good days of a steady, soaking rain. It wasn't a lot of rain that we got, but a little is better than none, so I'll be grateful for that.

I am thankful that the terrible chigger bites that my husband got last weekend are starting to be less miserable. He spent an hour and a half painting them all with my fingernail polish a couple nights ago and I had to help him for the ones in the back that he couldn't see. Bless it! He was bitten by these on Saturday while he was doing something with the sheriff's department. I know he's glad they're finally subsiding. He took two expired Benadryl Monday night and it knocked him out! We laughed afterward, because he went to bed at eight that night. Imagine if they'd not been expired! I advised him to take just one the next time. 

I'm thankful for the joy our dogs bring to us. Oakley is growing up!

I am so glad I was able to help Drew out some this week. He never asks for ANYTHING, so it was a joy to go see him at his new house, to take him lunch and to give him most of mine because he's always hungry, to offer to help him get settled, even if he refused help, to buy him a lamp and to send him home with bags of groceries that I bought him at Aldi's. It's not much, but I'm so thankful I was able to be there for him in that way.

I'm so thankful that Graham and his girlfriend Jessi like hanging out here. I've gotten to know her more this week and she is a delight. She asked me to run an errand with her on Sunday after church and it meant the world to me that she asked to spend quality time with me, something we discovered we both love and thrive on. I love that Graham invites us into his life and pray that it always lasts. I think there's a good chance that it will, because that's how we raised our sons—to know that family means the world and to share in life with them.

I'm so thankful that Noah got a job! He starts his new job at Auto Zone on Tuesday. This is a long story, but the short version is that the Lord answered a prayer of mine and he will begin working once again. His best friend Jacob was also offered a job at the same place and he starts next week as well. I'm so glad they have each other as friends! They've basically lived at his house or ours together all summer, but they're definitely the friends that are closer than brothers. All their little lives, I prayed for at least one GREAT friend for each of our sons and the Lord has been faithful to answer that. Everyone needs at least one friend at every stage of life.

I love that Jonah called me yesterday afternoon asking me to get dinner started for him. I keep pizzas in the freezer and he asked if I would preheat the oven and get it started while he was on his way home, because he was starving. (His words.) Right as he walked in, I was turning the oven off. I'm always glad to do things like this and he thanked me profusely for it afterward. 

I'm thankful for the days I've had at home to clean and organize. I love being productive!

I'm thankful for a good book to read. I'm reading an author that's new to me—Courtney Walsh. I like her writing! My only complaint is that the story is taking a long time. I'm used to a faster paced book, so I don't know if I'll keep reading her books, but while this one has been like that, it's also been good and wholesome. I always appreciate that.

I'm thankful for fun things to look forward to and I've got something pretty monumental coming up, but I'll share more about that when it gets closer to time.

I'm thankful for conversations with our parents and siblings. I've had lots of that this week! 

It's your turn—what's one thing you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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  1. What a great list of items, Jennifer! Oh, that rain- we got some too yesterday evening and it was marvelous. Bonus that it started about a minute after we returned home from a walk to the ice cream shop ;). Your poor hubby and those bites (and the outdated Benadryl!)- glad they are starting to cease itching. That is great that each of your boys have good things going on in their lives from girlfriends, to friends, to jobs, to knowing the importance of family. They've been raised right, no doubt. Though I don't know your boys, I take comfort in knowing that young men of good character exist! You hear of so much protest, angst and unrest among the young. It's nice to be reminded that many young people, despite having the normal trials and stresses of life, live hard working, kind, and family centered lives. I hope you have a great day, friend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! I'm glad you got some as well. It seems like lots of areas are experiencing droughts. I'm glad you made it home from your walk before it rained! MY POOR HUBBY! He was itching so bad again last night. It's terrible!

    I appreciate the kind words on my sons- I agree that it seems more and more rare to find "good guys" these days. I'm sure your son is the same way! It all starts in the home and the ways that the dad invests into the sons...the mom is important as well, but I've always heard the same sex parent is the most effective parent. We're a good team, he and I, but he deserves a lot of the credit. He's old fashioned in his views and raised them all to be gentlemen. I love that about him and them now. It's sweet and I hope it lasts forever!

  3. So glad Rebecca sent me your way! I’m also a mum to 4 boys, and so many of your gratitude points line up with my own crazy boy mum life!

  4. Thanks for linking up today, Michele! I remember you saying you're a boy mom. They're something else, are they not? Take care and thanks for stopping by!

  5. Love this list!! So important to note what you are grateful for. Oakley is getting SO big!!!

  6. I love this list and reading about all the good things going on with your sons and the relationship you have with them. We raised our son the same way, but unfortunately, he has chosen a far different path and has estranged himself from ALL of his family. It is not something I ever could have imagined would happen. I still pray he will come back to us one day. Anyway, just loving reading about your blessings. Enjoy them every day!

  7. What a great list of things and people to be thankful for. Chiggers are so awful. We used to get them when we were kids when we went with mom to pick blackberries. For a few of those summers we had a above ground pool. Mom would really kick up the chlorine dose in the pool and we'd all swim when we got home from picking and we would never get chiggers. Too bad we only had a pool for a few years. lol Hope you husband feels better soon and thanks for hosting and keeping this going.

  8. It's so refreshing to hear someone so positive about the little and big things in life - the little things become the big - deep thoughts...
    It sounds like you are a person that people want to be around - your sons, their girlfriends and friends, etc.
    Is that the treatment for chigger bites? I hope you used clear polish! Ha! Poor guy!
    I loved the rain we got last week but we are back to no chance of rain until Sunday and then I would love a rainy day at home soon! I love a summer rain.
    Thank you for spreading positivity!

  9. Thanks, Bri! I agree wholeheartedly. ❤

  10. Thank you for that, Stacy! I am sorry your son has estranged himself from all of you. I pray and hope that he will return like the prodigal son one day soon! I know that is heartbreaking to walk through. ❤

    Thank you for linking up with me today and for stopping by!

  11. Thank you, Cathy! I agree, they're TERRIBLE! That is interesting about jumping into a chlorinated pool to keep from being eaten alive by chiggers. My husband has gotten rid of poison ivy the same way! That's the first time we'd ever heard of it- it was completely accidental!

  12. Thank you, Amy! We certainly hope we're fun to be around. I love that we're close knit. As far as I know, it is a common treatment for chigger bites and OF COURSE he used bright blue nail polish. I tried so hard to sneak a picture from his knees down, but he put his hand in front of my phone.🤣 I hope you've had a great day!

  13. Ugh - it is late for me (said the morning girl!) but just popping on to say hello. Great thankful Thursday list. I am thankful to have spent the entire afternoon with my daughter. Thrifting and Goodwill hunting - our favorites! A great afternoon!! Here's to a good Friday - enjoy the time with your dad!!

  14. Jennifer- thank you! That is so fun, that the two of you got to spend time doing that together. Priceless memories. I hope you have a great one, my friend! ❤

  15. Thanks for being so positive, it was very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.


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  Happy Thursday, friends! I'm co-hosting the Ageless Style link party today with several ladies, and the topic for this month is all ab...