Friday, July 15, 2022

Friday Favorites, 7.15.22.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea for this weekly post of all things having to do with our favorites. Happy reading!

In all of my cleaning out this week, I came across some old photos that are my favorite. I love these passport pictures that Graham and Drew had made when they were fifteen and fourteen. 

They went on their first mission trip at the ages of fifteen and sixteen—they went to Guatemala over their spring break that year, leaving the day after Graham's sixteenth birthday. That trip was CRAZY! Drew left with wavy hair and came home with an afro and kinky hair. Their plane had to make an unscheduled landing in College Station, Texas before reaching Houston, for a refuel. Someone messed up, apparently? That unexpected stop made them miss their connecting flight in Houston, so the team split up and while a few of them got an another flight that night, the rest of them slept on the floor of the airport. Most of them left the next morning, bright and early, but Graham and Drew and like three other people were on a later flight to Guatemala via Mexico City. You know the place—the part of the world where armed guards with scary guns are there to watch over things. I was a wreck, needless to say and was ready to jump on a flight myself to go get them and bring them home. (I didn't, obviously.) Other than those things, the rest of the trip went well and as scheduled.

Clean cabinets are my favorite! Please excuse the circa 80's contact paper that is still lining the shelves. I've been on a mission to get more organized this summer, thanks to several of you who are regular bloggers that have inspired me. 

Simultaneous new jars of peanut butter and jelly are my favorite! Every once in a while when this happens, I immediately send a snapchat of it to my friend Kim, who is every bit as OCD as I am. 

I shared a picture of this outfit last week, but I think I have a new favorite wardrobe piece—this kimono. I wore this yesterday when I met my mom to run errands and she immediately complimented my outfit. I wasn't sure about the shirt with the kimono, because it's not an exact match, but she approved. I bought this a few weeks ago on Amazon, and it's been sitting in my closet ready to be returned since then. The color on Amazon looked way different, but after yesterday, I've decided to keep it and make it a regular piece of my clothing. It'll even be good in the fall, thanks to all the colors, but paired with black pants, a black shirt or jeans and and this shirt. 

My husband is my favorite because he found me this fan to use around the house. It's been following me around everywhere—to the table in the mornings, to the countertop while I cook dinner, at my chair while I read. Hot flashes and middle age problems are NOT my favorite.


My phone case and pop socket are both my new favorite. I've been looking for a pale pink phone case and finally found one on Amazon a couple of weeks ago. The color is actually called coconut, but it's very pale pink. I love it! The pop socket came from Target last Saturday and its saying is also my favorite and a very true statement. 

This picture was taken in May, but I have loved reading in the Psalms again during my morning quiet time. I know that I say this about every book of the Bible, but Psalms really is a favorite book that I love to read from. It's chock full of all the emotions—joy, grief, awe and wonder, overwhelming feelings, mostly written by David as he ran for his life. The later Psalms are not written by David, though, because where I'm at chronologically, he has already died and so has Solomon. There are a few other writers that helped pen that beautiful book, but I can't say for certain who would have written where I'm reading right now.

Other favorite moments from the week include:

  • Getting my nails done on Saturday. I had to go a little earlier this go round, because they were pulling at the cuticle.

  • Spending time with my favorite people.
  • Finding a new show to watch with my husband—What Made America Great on Fox Nation.
  • Finishing the book that took SO.LONG.TO.END.
  • Starting a new book that is going to be hard to put down!
  • Planning a fun upcoming trip in the fall.
  • Seeing Mom and running around town with her on Thursday.
  • Spending days at home getting things accomplished.

In case you missed them, here are my other blog posts from this week:

What about you? What's something that is a favorite of yours from the week? I'd love to hear from you! As always, thank you for reading and commenting, friends. I appreciate each and every one of you and love this little online community. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Love to all. 


  1. I got a little anxious reading about your sons' travel. I can only imagine what it was like for you in real time literally not knowing if your boys were going to make it where they needed to be. God wanted to give them an "extra" adventure, something they will be able to look at (someday) and be able to laugh about (hopefully!). I would definitely think back to that trip every time I saw those passport pictures! I did some organizing this week, too. It's great to have nice looking spaces again. I hope you have a great weekend, friend!

  2. Maria, it was so stressful! We always said we would never let our sons travel like that without us (thanks to the movie Taken), but we did and felt fine about it at the time, because there were plenty of adult chaperones going. Until they were all split up and on a plane with my friend Laurie (who was like their mom on that trip) and a very young youth pastor named AJ. I'll never forget being at church that Sunday and not being able to sit in the sanctuary. I sat outside in the foyer and watched our pastor on a tv because I was anxiously awaiting a phone call from one of them.

    Now it's a great memory for them, but it sure did age me a few years and gave me some new gray hairs! 🤣 I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  3. I can't even imagine how anxious I would have been about the flights!
    That kimono is darling! You should try it over a knit dress, too! I may have a slight kimono problem. I was really into the sleeveless knit swing dress with kimono over it and I still do that sometimes. I don't like to show my arms, so the kimono has been a good light layer.
    That is really funny about your peanut butter and jelly being so in sync!
    Can't wait to see what your nail color will be!

  4. I enjoyed your post today. The story about your son's trip was scary. I can't even imagine at that age how I would have coped with something like fact, I'm not sure I'd handle it any better at this age. lol

    I love that kimono and the whole outfit...I've actually been considering getting one for myself.

    When you're done with yours, would you like to come clean and organize my cabinets. lol

    Hope you have a great weekend.

  5. I love the kimono! That travel story had me on the edge of my seat - yikes! have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I love that your sons went on a missions trip when they were 15 & 16! I could see my two oldest girls doing that someday together. <3 Love the kimono, your new phone case, and your pop socket. Enjoy your weekend!! We are celebrating our oldest turning 16!!

  7. Thanks, Amy! I'll have to try it over a dress. I'm the same way and don't like for my arms to show. I hope you had a good weekend!

  8. Thanks, Cathy! It was such a scary couple of days. We had lots to say about that trip afterward and how so much could have been done to make it different. 😉 You should look into getting one of these! I think they're flattering and very forgiving. I hope your weekend was good!

  9. Thanks, Tanya! It was so scary. I still can't believe it all went down the way it did. We learned a valuable lesson that year. I hope you've had a great weekend!

  10. Bri, I could see your girls doing the same thing someday. They loved every second, and as rocky as it started, it was the trip of a lifetime for them. Thanks for the love, friend! I hope you've had the best weekend!


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