Friday, July 1, 2022

Friday Favorites (7.1.22.)--all about the books I read in June!


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this blog post that is all about a favorite topic of mine—books! Click on each picture and you'll be directed to Amazon.

I read four books this month because I found new shows to watch on Prime TV and Peacock! Ugh. I love and hate new shows that are really good...I love them for obvious reasons, but I hate it because it takes away from reading. 

First up was Float Plan by Trish Doller.

(You can read this for free on your Kindle right now with Kindle Unlimited!) This book was good. It starts out with Anna still finding her way after her fiance died. She's still grieving the loss of him and decides to honor his memory by going on the sailing trip he never got to go on. She attempts to do this on her own, by after one long and treacherous note, makes the decision to hire a professional sailor, Keane, who comes with his own emotional baggage. They never really expected to find someone and definitely weren't looking for that, but somehow it all works and the rest is what I'll leave for you to find out. It was really good! There are definitely some rated R parts, so I had to skim through some of it, but I enjoyed the book.

Secondly is Meant to Be by Emily Giffin, one of my most anticipated books of the summer!

This book is very reminiscent of the Kennedy family and a play on what their family would have looked life if things had turned out differently. The Kingsley family in this book is as close to American royalty as you can get and are known for their military heroics, political service and unmatched elegance. Joe inherits the weight of responsibility from his dad who died a heroic death and is the bachelor that can never be tied down...until he meets Cate, who grew up the complete opposite of handsome Joe. I don't want to say too much, but you should read this! It took me right back to the days of the 90's and all the fads that went along with my favorite decade.

Thirdly was The Wedding Veil by Kristy Woodson Harvey.

I love Kristy Woodson Harvey and her Peachtree Bluff series of books and I so wanted to love this one, but I just could barely get into the story because of how far fetched it seemed. The story is about present day and the Vanderbilt family from the early 1900's and how a wedding veil connects the two families. I usually don't mind when books go back and forth, but for some reason, this one just didn't excite me and I was ready to be finished with it, which I made myself do, since I paid full price for the book in a pre-order. I won't give up on this author and will keep reading, but hopefully her next ones will be ones I like better than this one. 

My fourth book this month was The Suite Spot also by Trish Doller.

This book is about a single mom who makes a major move in her life when she's fired from her job. She packs up and moves from Miami to a little island in Lake Eerie and begins her new position as hotel manager for a new and upcoming hotel...but when she gets there, she finds things aren't as quite as she'd thought they would be. I really liked this book! My friend Rebecca Jo recommended it last week, and it was a quick read...I'd have liked to read more this week, but it's hard to read when you're at the beach with good friends! There's way too much to talk about. 🤣 

What you read lately that you loved? I'd love to hear from you! In case you missed out, here are the links to this week's blog posts.




Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all.  


  1. Thank you for sharing your review. I may check out Float Plan. Have a wonderful Fourth. Happy Friday. Regine

  2. Of these four, the two Trish Doller are my favorites. I liked Meant to Be, but it will not go down as a favorite! I am reading the new Emily Henry right now and loving it!

  3. Sounds like some more good reading! Welcome to July - and here's to even more fun summer reads:) Hope you are enjoying a fun Friday..and time with your dad! And, happy Fourth weekend!!:)

  4. I really enjoyed Float Plan and have the Suite Spot on order through the library.


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